Everyones least favorite cult is stopping by the Bay Area again.

Started by jacktchance, January 14, 2011, 01:59:01 AM

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Fight hate with lulz is what I say...

The power of their message is lessened with parody and comedy. I'm not encouraging anyone to pick up rocks and chuck them at the churchies, I'm only encouraging them to spoof them, or at the least continually confuse them with another group who's probably too crazy and militant even for them. And if one of them gets all butt-hurt and does something physical to a congoer, then it's on them. Sue the crap out of -them- not the con.

Quote from: RowanRavensong on May 11, 2011, 09:25:57 AM

I mean I have to totally agree. BUT they do have that site "godhatesfags" and they have had shirts that say the same kind of stuff.

However they DO not only protest that. They just... protest and argue with anyone willing to do so

This is good, please keep doing this. ^_^

Quote from: PyronIkari on May 03, 2011, 02:10:16 PM
Someone asked why they go to Fanime...

Simple, they go to Fanime because they are part of the same contingency of hyper religious nutters who think that Pokemon and Yu-gi-oh are occultist how-to-guides training kids to summon real live demons and think that an epileptic seizure caused by a flashing Nintendo game is really Satanic Possession.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOy2xaqbNQc - I lol'd harder than I ever lol'd before...


Quote from: HerpDerpMcSlurp on May 11, 2011, 06:08:16 PM
Fight hate with lulz is what I say...

Uh you know the irony in that is... you're fighting hate with hate then. You're being a hypocrite, and you're no better than the people you're making fun of. You still cause the same problems regardless, and you're acting LOWER than them, because at least they're doing something they believe in, yours is just harassment.


Actually I never said I was going to do anything. So in no way am I sinking lower then them O.o. In fact I hope to find out when they come, and leave back to the hotel BEFORE they come in order to avoid them. I am going to go like read or something by the Hotel Pool. Loose myself in some fantasy Novel.


Quote from: RowanRavensong on May 12, 2011, 09:10:15 AM
Actually I never said I was going to do anything. So in no way am I sinking lower then them O.o. In fact I hope to find out when they come, and leave back to the hotel BEFORE they come in order to avoid them. I am going to go like read or something by the Hotel Pool. Loose myself in some fantasy Novel.

Everytime you post, it irritates me. You either, don't read what's written, write something that has nothing to do with what you're replying to, or you COMPLETELY MISS THE POINT OF WHAT WAS BEING SAID.

I never said you did/were going to do those things. I was replying to someone else, that I quoted. Why would you assume I was talking to you?


Quote from: PyronIkari on May 11, 2011, 10:42:01 PM
Quote from: HerpDerpMcSlurp on May 11, 2011, 06:08:16 PM
Fight hate with lulz is what I say...

You're acting LOWER than them, because at least they're doing something they believe in, yours is just harassment.

How do you know what I believe in, and that my beliefs are less valid or worth defending than theirs are?

Lower than them would still be doing something to genuinely cause them physical harm, like picking up and throwing a Ramuné bottle and deliberately aiming for the face. I'm just talking about making some funny signs and pretending to confuse them with the Phelps Phamily simply for the sake of irony. I think you give the counter protesters too little credit or atleast you unfairly paint them as reckless, thoughtless and violent. Nobody's setting them up the bomb for great justice or trying to put a brick through the windshield of their party van, they're just being mocked playfully and we've as much right to that as the churchies have to their choice of picketing grounds.

Do you really think simply ignoring them will make them go away? Nah, that'll just make them troll harder and the dream of them being "completely ignored" isn't going to happen no matter how hard you or con staff wish for it. There will always be atleast one person at one of these events whose going to have an insatiable urge to screw with these people's heads and you won't stop them unless you set up some kind of rule that says ANYONE engaging the Phanime Phelps Phacsimiles in ANY WAY AT ALL (signs, verbal communication, music-trolling, planned religious figure cosplay) will be totally banninated from the con without so much as a refund of their admission.

Quote from: RowanRavensong on May 10, 2011, 05:31:04 PM
They choose Fanime BECAUSE I would guess there are a lot of people either who are gay, bi or even experimenting with their sexuality. AND they believe Anime spreads Sin, all of it is debauchery.

If they think this about people dressing up as Ichigo and Naruto, or "crossplaying" characters of another gender, then I wonder what they'd think if they ever went to a FurCon. Someone should make them aware of its existence, as someone else had alerted them to the existence of "Yaoi" in one of the Fanime viddies on Youtube.


Quote from: HerpDerpMcSlurp on May 12, 2011, 12:29:26 PM
How do you know what I believe in, and that my beliefs are less valid or less worth defending than theirs are?
Worth defending.. yes... but you're not defending anything here. Defending something means that your beliefs are being attacked to the point that you are being affected, which isn't the case here. They are not doing anything to you to where your beliefs are being altered nor are you being altered due to their comments.

QuoteLower than them would still be doing something to genuinely cause them physical harm, like picking up and throwing a Ramuné bottle and deliberately aiming for the face. I'm just talking about making some funny signs and pretending to confuse them with the Phelps Phamily simply for the sake of irony. I think you give the counter protesters too little credit or atleast you unfairly paint them as reckless, thoughtless and violent. Nobody's setting them up the bomb for great justice or trying to put a brick through the windshield of their party van, they're just being mocked playfully and we've as much right to that as the churchies have to their choice of picketing grounds.
No, lower than them is doing anything they are doing with lower reasoning in doing it. Confuse them? You seriously have no clue what you're doing if you believe you're going to confuse them or your counter protesting will help in any way shape or form at all. The ABSOLUTE ONLY RESULT is that nothing will change, or you will make things worse. By law you have as much right to do that, but get over your damn self and realize that it affects more than just you nor what you can do lawfully. Again, think about the conventions position, and the position of everyone that are higher up than your average con-goer. Think about everyone that has to deal with the SJCC staff, with the SJPD, and every other venue issue that is involved. If an argument, just verbal at that, happens, passer byers will be subject to it. If they get complaints about arguments, who do you think gets the blunt end of it? The con, not the protestors. Why? Because the con instigated by disturbing their protest.

QuoteDo you really think simply ignoring them will make them go away? Nah, that'll just make them troll harder and the dream of them being "completely ignored" isn't going to happen no matter how hard you or con staff wish for it. There will always be atleast one person at one of these events whose going to have an insatiable urge to screw with these people's heads and you won't stop them unless you set up some kind of rule that says ANYONE engaging the Phanime Phelps Phacsimiles in ANY WAY AT ALL (signs, verbal communication, music-trolling, planned religious figure cosplay) will be totally banninated from the con without so much as a refund of their admission.
Nothing is going to get them to go away. Why add fuel to the fire? You're basically accomplishing nothing but giving the con a bad name, and MAKING THINGS WORSE, what part of this is too difficult for your little mind to comprehend. YOUR ACTIONS AFFECT THE CON, EVEN IF YOU'RE NOT PHYSICALLY ATTACKING PEOPLE.

OH, but even if you ignore them, other people won't? Do you realize how absolutely retarded you sound saying that? "Other people are acting like total dumbasses, so I should to". Way to represent everything idiotic with the world, and once more proving, that you are below the protestors themselves.

You are seriously stating, you don't give a damn who it affects, you don't care what reprecussions may come from it, because you think it's funny to make fun of other people because they have a different belief system than you. You don't give a damn about the convention and what may happen, you don't give a damn about the staff or the attendees, you are going to go out of yourway to make fun of some other people that you think are stupid.

How are you not below them? Again, you are trolling people to accomplish nothing other than to make fun of them, with no care about what problems it may cause. They are doing something out of their beliefs that it may save people. You are absolutely below them.


In any of the YT viddies that people posted of these guys at the con, was anyone actively trying to hurt the protesters? It looked to me like people were having fun and having a laugh, nobody seemed like they were traumatized by the event. They're nerds, nerds have a sense of humor and they know how to joke around and not be super cereal about crap. That's why WBC failed when they tried to do ComicCon and that was a major news covered event and I don't see anyone from ComicCon staff freaking out half as hard as you are, they were probably having a laugh right along with everyone else. And passersby, if one of the churchies tries to engage someone -not- part of the convention they're either gunna pretend they don't exist because it isn't their battle or they'll respond because they have something to add, and so what either way as long as they're doing it nonviolently, right? You say its fine for the churchies to do what they're doing because they're doing it nonviolently, so why is it when the other side does it they're "retarded morons?" Because they don't have a religious text to justify their actions? And holy frigging hell, you're condescending. Tone it down a bit, eh?


Quote from: HerpDerpMcSlurp on May 12, 2011, 01:50:24 PM
In any of the YT viddies that people posted of these guys at the con, was anyone actively trying to hurt the protesters? It looked to me like people were having fun and having a laugh, nobody seemed like they were traumatized by the event. They're nerds, nerds have a sense of humor and they know how to joke around and not be super cereal about crap. That's why WBC failed when they tried to do ComicCon and that was a major news covered event and I don't see anyone from ComicCon staff freaking out half as hard as you are, they were probably having a laugh right along with everyone else. And passersby, if one of the churchies tries to engage someone -not- part of the convention they're either gunna pretend they don't exist because it isn't their battle or they'll respond because they have something to add, and so what either way as long as they're doing it nonviolently, right? You say its fine for the churchies to do what they're doing because they're doing it nonviolently, so why is it when the other side does it they're "retarded morons?" Because they don't have a religious text to justify their actions? And holy frigging hell, you're condescending. Tone it down a bit, eh?

I'm assuming you don't know anything about what actually happened at SDCC as you refer to "videos" and the such. So dont' bring it up unless you actually know what happened, because you'd be shut down rather fast as to what actually took place(and yay I can't talk about it because I'm not supposed to). It's not about "religious context" It's about being the better person.

Why are they retarded morons?

Okay... let me get this straight. You think, the protestors are idiots. You think they should leave and not harass other people or bother anyone. So what you are going to do... is... mimic them? How is that not being a retarded moron. "Man I really hate people like this... so I'm going to act just like them!" SO INCREDIBLY SMRT!

But just to prove a point...

This serves my point exactly. There's no point in arguing with an idiot that thinks they're right in their actions and beliefs. By responding and trying to use logic as a point, you will not actually answer or respond to any of those points but just bring up examples that you think are correct not refuting anything that was actually presented about how this CAN CAUSE PROBLEMS. "BUT SDCC LET PEOPLE, SO YOU SHOULD!" What a god damned joke. Arguing with you is as futile as trying to tell religious nuts. Because you obviously think you know better and are more intelligent than the other person speaking who actually knows about the events that took place and what happens on the grander scheme of things.

But no, you're totally right. Go harass them at the expense of the convention. Feel free. What do you care if it causes problems, you get to discriminate and laugh at people you think are stupid... for being discriminate towards other people.

As i said, you're no better than them, and if anything you're worse because YOU CHOOSE TO BE A HYPOCRITE AND ACT LIKE THE PEOPLE YOU DISLIKE.


Quote from: PyronIkari on May 12, 2011, 02:01:32 PM
I'm assuming you don't know anything about what actually happened at SDCC as you refer to "videos" and the like. So don't bring it up unless you actually know what happened, because you'd be shut down rather fast as to what actually took place (and yay I can't talk about it because I'm not supposed to). It's not about "religious context" It's about being the better person.

I'm trying to read but all I'm getting out of it is snoot snoot snoot, anger anger anger and IHY,GDIAF.

And obviously a crapton of people said "screw it" to that whole "being the better person" bit, judging by all the folks with the signs and makeshift cardboard Bender outfits and that one fursuiter guy, lol. And even if their staff did have issue with what 99.9% of the people out there were doing, it's not like they were going to be able to stop it anyhow. WBC and their copycats have their rights, but so does everyone else and if you tried to take away one group's right to voice their views but not the other, then what's that say? If anything I think more people are interested in both conventions because of these events and the videos of them, though WBC at CC was a one time thing that they'll probably never replicate because of how hard they failed and got reverse trolled, and Phanime Phelps is more of a continued tradition.

Quote from: PyronIkari on May 12, 2011, 02:01:32 PM
Okay... let me get this straight. You think, the protesters are idiots.
You think they should leave and not harass other people or bother anyone.

I share your attitude that they have every legal right to be there and broadcast their message as loudly and obnoxiously as they please, but so do I and when presented with the opportunity I will do so in the most nonviolent, sarcasm-saturated way that I can as allowed by this government.

Quote from: PyronIkari on May 12, 2011, 02:01:32 PM
Because you obviously think you know better and are more intelligent than the other person speaking who actually knows about the events that took place and what happens on the grander scheme of things.

LOLWhut? Yer doing that ego/condescending thing again. Chillax, this isn't the JRock Fandom, you don't have to show me up with your collection of expensive, imported, out of print Visual Kei band CD's. I don't claim to know more than you about anything, I'm not trying to outdo you on anything, so just chill. Your honor and your superiority do not need defending, I am not puffing up my chest trying to compete, I am not a threat to you.

Quote from: PyronIkari on May 12, 2011, 02:01:32 PM
But no, you're totally right. Go harass them at the expense of the convention. Feel free.

What do you care if it causes problems, you get to discriminate and laugh at people you think are stupid... for being discriminate towards other people.

As i said, you're no better than them, and if anything you're worse because YOU CHOOSE TO BE A HYPOCRITE AND ACT LIKE THE PEOPLE YOU DISLIKE.

Yup, I'm 127% heap-of-crit. I want to see every Klansmen hung from a tree or dragged by chains attached to the tailgate of a Ford pickup speeding through a backwoods gravel road. I want to see Auschwitz and Dachau re-opened for business and for every Neo Nazi and Hitler sympathizer to be sent there for a nice long Zyklon B shower. I want every evangelical who ever ran a de-gayification camp to be sent to a de-churchification camp. I'm totally not just saying these things for a laugh or to be ironic. I'm just an evil terrible person who thinks of nothing but hate and has no compassion or understanding for anyone and is only concerned with the superiority of his own beliefs. I'm an inverted image of everything I'm against, the Bizzarro World of Bigots.


You seriously have no clue what happened at SDCC so I seriously suggest you not talk like you do. It didn't happen how you think it did.

As for the rest I'm not going to bother. Arguing with an idiot that thinks he's right accomplishes nothing. It's just like trying to argue with the religious protestors, logic doesn't mean anything. You will completely ignore anything that has a point, and you will exagerate or find examples of things that aren't even true to state that you are correct. As I said, continue to do as you wish, regardless of how it may affect the convention.

But just as a side note. Psychological reasoning shows that people who act in irrational behavior to "be funny" or "ironic" without purpose generally are shown to do this because they're too stupid to do something of merit or worth. It's a to claim attention in a form to show worth. "I don't know how to do something worth while, so I'll scream louder and draw attention so people will think I'm doing something right". Sadly the internet encourages these people to act like this.


Quote from: PyronIkari on May 12, 2011, 04:17:57 PM
You seriously have no clue what happened at SDCC so I seriously suggest you not talk like you do. It didn't happen how you think it did.

Can I please hear more about your ultra-rare $900,000 copy
of X-Japan's "I'm Better Than You And You're a F--?" =^_^=

Ikki Yoneda

Quote from: Otakuya on May 05, 2011, 06:53:26 PM
Fanime isn't on their schedule!
Probably not on the WBC schedule, but definitely on the other group's schedule. I saw it on their web site; all four days of FanimeCon are listed. Founded by a Fremont, California guy, and no church affiliation that I can find.
~Doko ni mo nai sono basho e
~Ima hajimaru utagoe ga
~Todoite-iru, michibiite'ru
~Takaraka ni to heaven



I found there website.
They are more like a group that that helps out local douchebags everywhere by giving them signs, rather than one collective church. Their leader is a man named Kevin Farrer.


ok what the hell.

i looked threw the events and was like "oh metal, pop icons, fanime.........

Sesame Street?!?[/u][/i]"

why are they protesting at Sesame Street show........... ?!?!?! D: someone explain? what the hell could be "ungodly" or whatever at ANYTHING that has to do with Sesame Street.


Quote from: Melly on May 23, 2011, 03:34:09 PM
ok what the hell.

i looked threw the events and was like "oh metal, pop icons, fanime.........

Sesame Street?!?[/u][/i]"

why are they protesting at Sesame Street show........... ?!?!?! D: someone explain? what the hell could be "ungodly" or whatever at ANYTHING that has to do with Sesame Street.

Seriously, why don't you guys read. It's not so much about what the show is, but how many people it draws. They just need a reason to go, and they can make up a reason to protest. Sesame Street uses muppets that mimic humans. This is blasphemous to give human traits to "monsters" (Sesame St's name for them, not mine).

Ikki Yoneda

Quote from: Melly on May 23, 2011, 03:34:09 PM
why are they protesting at Sesame Street show........... ?!?!?! D: someone explain? what the hell could be "ungodly" or whatever at ANYTHING that has to do with Sesame Street.
Rumors. Bert and Ernie are rumored to be gay. Snopes says, "False." But who ever checks Snopes?    :-\
~Doko ni mo nai sono basho e
~Ima hajimaru utagoe ga
~Todoite-iru, michibiite'ru
~Takaraka ni to heaven


I sent them an email with a link to FurtherConfusion, lol...


Quote from: HerpDerpMcSlurp on May 23, 2011, 07:59:36 PM
I sent them an email with a link to FurtherConfusion, lol...

OH GAWURSH! Thats going to be a field day for them XD


Every year I see the protesters and every year they attempt to slander my good name. Peaceful protest is one thing, but claiming that I am a prostitute in front of my father and boyfriend... Can't I sue them or call the cops for that? I haven't passed the BAR but I am pretty sure that I have the right to defend my reputation. Saying anime in general are demonic temptations and that cosplayers in general are going to hell is one thing, but even though I didn't personally take offense to that, when a person from that group looks me in the eye, points their finger in my direction and calls out "whore" I want to retaliate.

The saddest part of all this was two years ago, seeing my devoutly Christian friend cry while she told the protesters, "Jesus loves me and wants me to be happy, that's why he brought anime and cosplay into my life" to which they told her she was a whore and going to hell. She lost both of her parents to cancer and only survived the foster system thanks to the friends she made at her school's anime club, so she genuinely believes it was sent to her to save her and her sister's lives. She loves her lord and they damned her for that love and devotion because of her harmless hobby. There's just no way to reason with them and instead of being theatrical and radical like they want us to, it's better to be subtle.

This year, I plan on telling anyone who yells at me the same thing I tell them every year, "I am praying for you." Still, it would be nice to know if there's any real, viable legal action I or any of us can take against personal attacks.