MS Paint Adventures 2011 Gathering: ==>

Started by AstrayRed 0, February 21, 2011, 01:44:56 PM

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I think we should dance to the tiktok parody in our cospaly and make a video.
Fanime 2014:
Ms.Fortune- Skullgirls
Ms.Marvel (Kamala Khan)
Noiz- DMMD
Red Robe- Journey
Beat- Jet Set Radio
Satsuki- Kill La Kill
Kida- Atlantis
Malik Al-Sayf- Assassin's Creed
Sasha & Eren- SNK


Hey everybody :O

Planning to be there as fairy vriska, er tinkervriska? I'm not really sure what it's called, the one with the white dress.

also @sabien if it's where I'm thinking of, it should be right in front of the convention center next to the fountains. Shouldn't be too hard to miss, just keep an eye out for a giant grey blob lmao.


Pino: Right in front where the fountains are, gotcha ~
But yes, a giant grey blob will definitely be easy to spot, I should hope. xD

Arg, 9 days till Fanime guys.
How's everyone doing on their way to the homestretch?
I've been incapacitated by school,
but now that I have a 7 day break, I really need to get crackin' on stuff. x_x


Quote from: SabienStrange on May 18, 2011, 04:10:37 PM
Pino: Right in front where the fountains are, gotcha ~
But yes, a giant grey blob will definitely be easy to spot, I should hope. xD

Arg, 9 days till Fanime guys.
How's everyone doing on their way to the homestretch?
I've been incapacitated by school,
but now that I have a 7 day break, I really need to get crackin' on stuff. x_x

School's out for me so it's time to get cracking! I've got work over the weekend but all I've got left to do is make my Gamzee's horns. Soooooo excited! Also, it's been decided that I'm going to be Tavros for the gathering but I'll probably change into Aradia later in the day.


Waiting for John-shirt to arrive. Biting me nails. Preparing backup-plans to make my own gorram shirt if need be. Bluh.

Also: I'm bringing a pack of playing cards. My specific plans for the pack of playing cards shall remain undisclosed for now, but I did have another idea: If people want to do shippy pictures, then the pairs/trio can hold up aces representing the suit in question--for example, Karkat trying to strangle Karkat while holding up the ace of spades, or Equius and Nepeta hanging out like bros while holding up the ace of diamonds.

...I might have put too much thought into this. Maybe a little. >.>
Cosplays: 2008: Light Yagami (Death Note), Nicholas D. Wolfood (Trigun) 2010: Luigi (Mario Bros.), Spirit Albarn (Soul Eater) 2011: Detective Gumshoe (Ace Attorney), John Egbert (Homestuck)


dakjndjksnadkj I want to go so bad and meet you guys but I will probably be super nervous. ;u; Because if I do go im probably going to be the youngest one there aha.

Not completely positive if im going, but if I do go I am going as Karkat. Possibly running around with a pink ribbon in my hair like a derp.

Also if I go it will be with a friend or two who are not going to cosplay Homestuck, even if they cosplay.


I make the trip all the way to Michaels and forget to buy what I originally went there for; grey fabric paint. fml.
Karkat is still not styled. It's still in its corner, looking like a giant tribble. Com on motivation, don't fail me now.

quadhonk: Tavros ~ 8D
I've yet to see anyone cosplay him ( or maybe I just don't go online and search enough ),
so I can't wait to see how you tackled him.
The shaved sides of the head seemed intimidating to me, as far as wig stylings go.

Deflare: You have 7 days for it to arrive, miracles can happen in 7 days. D|
Oh man, that idea sounds full of wicked hilarity.
I'm kind of dying thinking of all the possibilities for photos that could produce. xD

melancholy: Aww, no need to be nervous, we don't bite. D:
But if you do make it, it will be nice to have another Karkat to grumble at things with lol.

/long post sorryi'llstopafoeanw

Yaso Magatsuhi

Oh hey guys!, long time lurker, first time poster.

This sounds like loads of fun.
Ill definitely end up going as some version of Jack, probably the harlequin one. I really am excited for Fanime in general, first time to Fanime as well. Hope to have tons o at the con and fun with you guys. I might even bring some delicious treats, depending on what I can get my hands on (I was thinking of bringing a ton of Black Licorice Scottie dogs, then I remembered how bad black licorice tastes)

Just gotta try and finish this comical hat in time and ill be 100% complete.


Quote from: SabienStrange on May 20, 2011, 05:17:19 PM
Deflare: You have 7 days for it to arrive, miracles can happen in 7 days. D|
Oh man, that idea sounds full of wicked hilarity.
I'm kind of dying thinking of all the possibilities for photos that could produce. xD

Apparently, the What Pumpkin store was having shipping issues. We'll see; if it's not here by Wednesday, I'll go ahead and make my own. Glad to see someone else likes the card idea.

Melancholy: I'd be surprised if you were the youngest at the gathering; Fanime tends to have a fairly large number of teenagers. From my understanding, this is a friendly fandom as well, so I don't think there's much reason to be nervous.

Chazo: We'll have a Jack? Oh, heck yes, that's gonna be a lot of fun.  :D
Cosplays: 2008: Light Yagami (Death Note), Nicholas D. Wolfood (Trigun) 2010: Luigi (Mario Bros.), Spirit Albarn (Soul Eater) 2011: Detective Gumshoe (Ace Attorney), John Egbert (Homestuck)



Cool, I'm gonna be Nepeta and I even made her tablet



I'll be there!
I'm going as Karkat and my friend is going as Terezi~

AstrayRed 0

Sorry I have not updated the info yet, was real busy in the past few weeks with school work and my birthday (May 13, friday the 13, still was a good day though) Totally forgot I turned off my email notifier thing for this thread, got it confused with my staff mail for the con, so sorry.

Anyway, I hope you guys are putting the finishing touches on your cosplays. I know I am (These damn Eridan pant stripes)

I am liking that idea with the shipping quadrant playing cards pictures, we should try that out  :D

So yeah, planning to have games and a picnic in the park if you haven't heard, don't think i posted that in the main MSPA forums but i mentioned a little on mspachan.

I'll be the Eridan wwith a Gamzee on saturday, near the CG booth in the morning, if I am working the morning shift, who knows.
And the other days I'll John it up. (with a botched haircut noneless)

Let me update that god forsaken list first


I doubt anyone here is younger than 14 lmao ;o

Because I don't have the money to buy a wig or wait for it to ship, and because I have wanted black hair and a short style anyway, I got my hair cut short and dyed it black yesterday c:

I still need to go out and get a long sleeved black shirt and some grey fabric paint too. Maybe I can have my mom drag me to the mall today.


I've only seen a few other Tavros' out there, but I really really want to cosplay as him because he's my favorite troll. I'll probably be easy to spot, what with my wheelchair and giant horns that make it difficult to go through doors and all 8D And... as much as I'm all for accuracy and whatnot, I have never seen a bald cap look good and I refuse to shave my head(oh goodness I'm not butch enough for that) so I'll be rocking a faux hawk.
Terrible picture is terrible :'D


Acquired a Mindfang as well.

So yes, I am bringing both a Mindfang and a Neophyte. My friends are going to have the best showdown pictures, if they both get their shit done in time. (Which they probably will.)

Where/when is the picnic happening? :D

Sometimes, I go into space. Sometimes, I don't come back. Sometimes, it's a wind-up for a ROCKET PUNCH.

AstrayRed 0


If you or anyone hasn't seen this tutorial already, there it is.

The picnic might be at 4:45 to 5:30 ish, something like that at the park.
Might last an hour, might go longer.
I'lL bE bRiNgInG tHaT wIcKeD eLiXiR


Hey, I'm going to be the Mindfang that @SunshineDuk recruited. I am ridicu-cited to do this. I was wondering, though, if any Vriska who's going to come would be willing to share their lipstick, as I cannot find any blue lipstick, although I found blue eyeliner and mascara. I am very willing to share mine if you can't find any.

Possible pictures of costume to come. ::::D


Oooh man I couldn't find any blue lipstick either, but I'm just using blue eye liner and some lip gloss :O


I love how I dragged my mom to the mall to find a long sleeved black shirt, only for there to be none, so we go to the Target near our house and it turns out they had a bunch there. : D

AstrayRed 0

I suggest looking for a "The cotton Store" or an H&M, they have nice cheap long black sleeves. That's where i got my nice black long sleeve for Eridan. If you live near east bay, make your way to the Great Mall, tons of stores to find stuff.

Speaking of things, I need to go try that pantyhose method for troll arms. Has anyone else tried the method out yet?