Fanimecon '12 Musicfest, What band would you suggest?

Started by kaizoku, May 16, 2011, 02:18:17 AM

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Oh my God, please, please, please try for Tegomass!!!! Or even their main group, NEWS! They sound so amazing!!! My second choice would be Berryz Koubou - a cute girlband.


Hmm...I just thought of another idea! What about ClariS? I think it'd be cool if they came to Fanime haha.


I definetly would love it if more kpop groups can come cause they are apart of asian culture.
Groups like MBLAQ, Shinee, 2PM, SS501, Girls Generation, Taeyang, Teen Top[/color]. Also maybe jpop artists like Boa Kwon, June, Utada Hikaru and Yuya again.


Quote from: Momoko on June 10, 2011, 12:10:38 PM

I would love it if AKB48 could come to Fanime as well! <3 I missed out when they went to AX last year D;

Thank you so much for mentioning AKB. I'm an IMMENSE fan of them. Lots of people don't know them here at Fanime, so having them come would be something new. Yea sure, they aren't related to anime, but I'm telling you... they are so incredibly popular/famous in Japan I didn't think it'd be possible. Selling over 1 million copies of their 23rd single "Flying Get" is pretty impressive if you ask me. And yet, barely anybody knows them at all here in America. Last year I suggested AKB48 to come to Fanime and I got some negative responses. I don't know what's the problem with them coming over. I mean they came to Anime Expo, there was no problem.  If you got any objections, HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHOT. (sorry for this long explanation/vent xD)


Quote from: Narzake on September 28, 2011, 12:45:55 AM
Quote from: Momoko on June 10, 2011, 12:10:38 PM

I would love it if AKB48 could come to Fanime as well! <3 I missed out when they went to AX last year D;

Thank you so much for mentioning AKB. I'm an IMMENSE fan of them. Lots of people don't know them here at Fanime, so having them come would be something new. Yea sure, they aren't related to anime, but I'm telling you... they are so incredibly popular/famous in Japan I didn't think it'd be possible. Selling over 1 million copies of their 23rd single "Flying Get" is pretty impressive if you ask me. And yet, barely anybody knows them at all here in America. Last year I suggested AKB48 to come to Fanime and I got some negative responses. I don't know what's the problem with them coming over. I mean they came to Anime Expo, there was no problem.  If you got any objections, HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHOT. (sorry for this long explanation/vent xD)

Is this a challenge? Okay, sure, besides the main group having so many members, if we were to have them as a guest. That would be roughly... 50 people we would be paying for. 50 plane tickets from Japan and back, + hotel rooms to accomadate all of them. The reason why they came to the other places, were that they paid for themselves. So, here's the thing, you're looking at roughly..80k to bring AKB48 here including managers, etc. Now... that 80k could be used to bring... 3 even 4 musical guests out here. Or 2 musical guests, a director, an artist, and a voice actor even.

It's not that they're unknown... AKB48 is known. It's more or less, do people like tem. AKB48 is popular in Japan, they are... but they're not mainstream. They're still very niche culture that likes them. It's the same as Hello Project. Yeah, they're popular, no denying. When they were at their peak in the early to mid 2000's They were even more popular. But they're not mainstream pop culture to the same extent that many other groups are. Hell even the K=pop invasion is growing more in popularity than AKB48 is. And if Fanime were to spend that much money? I would much rather see a really popular group... Like Perfume.


Quote from: PyronIkari on September 28, 2011, 10:31:58 AM
Quote from: Narzake on September 28, 2011, 12:45:55 AM
Quote from: Momoko on June 10, 2011, 12:10:38 PM

I would love it if AKB48 could come to Fanime as well! <3 I missed out when they went to AX last year D;

Thank you so much for mentioning AKB. I'm an IMMENSE fan of them. Lots of people don't know them here at Fanime, so having them come would be something new. Yea sure, they aren't related to anime, but I'm telling you... they are so incredibly popular/famous in Japan I didn't think it'd be possible. Selling over 1 million copies of their 23rd single "Flying Get" is pretty impressive if you ask me. And yet, barely anybody knows them at all here in America. Last year I suggested AKB48 to come to Fanime and I got some negative responses. I don't know what's the problem with them coming over. I mean they came to Anime Expo, there was no problem.  If you got any objections, HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHOT. (sorry for this long explanation/vent xD)

Is this a challenge? Okay, sure, besides the main group having so many members, if we were to have them as a guest. That would be roughly... 50 people we would be paying for. 50 plane tickets from Japan and back, + hotel rooms to accomadate all of them. The reason why they came to the other places, were that they paid for themselves. So, here's the thing, you're looking at roughly..80k to bring AKB48 here including managers, etc. Now... that 80k could be used to bring... 3 even 4 musical guests out here. Or 2 musical guests, a director, an artist, and a voice actor even.

It's not that they're unknown... AKB48 is known. It's more or less, do people like tem. AKB48 is popular in Japan, they are... but they're not mainstream. They're still very niche culture that likes them. It's the same as Hello Project. Yeah, they're popular, no denying. When they were at their peak in the early to mid 2000's They were even more popular. But they're not mainstream pop culture to the same extent that many other groups are. Hell even the K=pop invasion is growing more in popularity than AKB48 is. And if Fanime were to spend that much money? I would much rather see a really popular group... Like Perfume.
Well if you didn't know, when they came to Anime Expo, only 16 came. I do believe that they can pay for themselves again, I'm pretty sure AKB48 isn't a dirt poor group. They're pretty successful.  16 would still be a lot right? 16 tickets from Japan and back + hotel rooms would probably be around $20,000. If AKB48 couldn't pay for themselves to get here, how did they get to both LA and NYC in the first place?

And I'm not sure about what you mean "mainstream". I went to Japan in August and I seriously can't describe how popular they are over there. Yea Kpop is very popular in Japan, but surely they aren't more popular than AKB48. Obviously, KPop is way more popular than AKB48 in America, but I already said, it'd be introducing a new famous group to a lot of the Fanime goers.

Why are we talking about popularity anyways? It's not like Yuya Matsushita was very well known here before Fanime 2011. I never heard of him, and, be honest, a lot of people didn't know him as well. Don't get me wrong, Yuya is a cool guy. I loved his performance.

Nina Star 9

As for their popularity stateside, I don't pay attention to pop music at -all- and even I know who they are (and know that I don't like them, but that's beside the point), and know other people who know them. I think you might be underestimating their popularity here, since they aren't unknown by any means, and you are making it out to seem like they are. (The only recent Musicfest guest that I knew before the con was LMC, and pretty much only because they did the ending themes to Red Garden... which I only know because JiLL-Decoy association did the opening theme, haha)


Quote from: Narzake on September 28, 2011, 11:50:16 PM
Well if you didn't know, when they came to Anime Expo, only 16 came. I do believe that they can pay for themselves again, I'm pretty sure AKB48 isn't a dirt poor group. They're pretty successful.  16 would still be a lot right? 16 tickets from Japan and back + hotel rooms would probably be around $20,000. If AKB48 couldn't pay for themselves to get here, how did they get to both LA and NYC in the first place?

And I'm not sure about what you mean "mainstream". I went to Japan in August and I seriously can't describe how popular they are over there. Yea Kpop is very popular in Japan, but surely they aren't more popular than AKB48. Obviously, KPop is way more popular than AKB48 in America, but I already said, it'd be introducing a new famous group to a lot of the Fanime goers.

Why are we talking about popularity anyways? It's not like Yuya Matsushita was very well known here before Fanime 2011. I never heard of him, and, be honest, a lot of people didn't know him as well. Don't get me wrong, Yuya is a cool guy. I loved his performance.
Yes... I know all of this very well. Here's the thing. They invited themselves. They said "We would like to go to your event and we will pay for our own tickets". There's a difference between this and saying "Hey, we would like you to come to our event, BUT YOU NEED TO PAY FOR YOURSELF". The latter is extremely unprofessional, rude, and if anything else, just plain insulting. Besides that, it makes Fanime look like poor pathetic losers.

Look, I follow music in Japan better than you do. I follow the culture in general better than you do. AKB48 is popular, yes. There's no doubt, I stated this pretty clearly. But the target audience is not the general public. Your average person, is not a fan of AKB48 as their music is very... ... specific in appeal. I'm guessing you never actually took the time to really understand the lyrics of a lot of their songs, because they're rather... I don't know the correct word to use here. Innuendo-ey? But not in the normal way, in a very well, you either get it or you don't.

And I'm not talking about K-pop itself. K-pop itself is not popular in Japan at all... But Korean Artists that are coming to Japan and making JP music are.

See, here's what bothers me a lot about your posts. You speak as if you are a representitive of what is popular, what is know, what is unknown. Yuya was unknown? Really? A LOT LOT LOT LOT of Kuroshitsuji fans would agree with you. *I* knew who he was, and I don't like kuroshitsuji. But to double it up, Durarara was insanely popular during its run, and Trust Me... did well.

It's fine that you want to suggest AKB48, but please do not speak as if you know better than other people. You went to Japan, you follow things. But you do not know more than other people so please stop assuming and speaking like you do.

Touya no Miko

OMG! What the Fugnuggets is going on?!


L'Arc~en~Ciel would be awesome, as would SID and LM.C


Quote from: PyronIkari on September 29, 2011, 09:04:39 AM
Quote from: Narzake on September 28, 2011, 11:50:16 PM
Well if you didn't know, when they came to Anime Expo, only 16 came. I do believe that they can pay for themselves again, I'm pretty sure AKB48 isn't a dirt poor group. They're pretty successful.  16 would still be a lot right? 16 tickets from Japan and back + hotel rooms would probably be around $20,000. If AKB48 couldn't pay for themselves to get here, how did they get to both LA and NYC in the first place?

And I'm not sure about what you mean "mainstream". I went to Japan in August and I seriously can't describe how popular they are over there. Yea Kpop is very popular in Japan, but surely they aren't more popular than AKB48. Obviously, KPop is way more popular than AKB48 in America, but I already said, it'd be introducing a new famous group to a lot of the Fanime goers.

Why are we talking about popularity anyways? It's not like Yuya Matsushita was very well known here before Fanime 2011. I never heard of him, and, be honest, a lot of people didn't know him as well. Don't get me wrong, Yuya is a cool guy. I loved his performance.
Yes... I know all of this very well. Here's the thing. They invited themselves. They said "We would like to go to your event and we will pay for our own tickets". There's a difference between this and saying "Hey, we would like you to come to our event, BUT YOU NEED TO PAY FOR YOURSELF". The latter is extremely unprofessional, rude, and if anything else, just plain insulting. Besides that, it makes Fanime look like poor pathetic losers.

Look, I follow music in Japan better than you do. I follow the culture in general better than you do. AKB48 is popular, yes. There's no doubt, I stated this pretty clearly. But the target audience is not the general public. Your average person, is not a fan of AKB48 as their music is very... ... specific in appeal. I'm guessing you never actually took the time to really understand the lyrics of a lot of their songs, because they're rather... I don't know the correct word to use here. Innuendo-ey? But not in the normal way, in a very well, you either get it or you don't.

And I'm not talking about K-pop itself. K-pop itself is not popular in Japan at all... But Korean Artists that are coming to Japan and making JP music are.

See, here's what bothers me a lot about your posts. You speak as if you are a representitive of what is popular, what is know, what is unknown. Yuya was unknown? Really? A LOT LOT LOT LOT of Kuroshitsuji fans would agree with you. *I* knew who he was, and I don't like kuroshitsuji. But to double it up, Durarara was insanely popular during its run, and Trust Me... did well.

It's fine that you want to suggest AKB48, but please do not speak as if you know better than other people. You went to Japan, you follow things. But you do not know more than other people so please stop assuming and speaking like you do.

It really is about knowing the target audience, and the target audience that I'm most concerned with is the one here in the Bay Area.

Our audience is vastly different from others in America, let alone in comparison to the music audience in Japan, so there are a lot of factors that go into who we get as MusicFest guests, but the whole "omg-they're-too-popular-to-come-here!"argument is really a non-issue.

That being said, we take every suggestion seriously, so feel free to ask for whoever you want, but again, there are other things that affect our final decisions..
MusicFest Manager 2009-Present
2008 MusicFest Guest Handler
2007 MusicFest Staff
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The GazettE
nuff said.

If I had other choices then


I'd love to see Do As Infinity, YUI, Perfume, or dream out here (especially Do As Infinity though). Unlikely, I know, but I can dream lol
Planned Cosplay for Fanime 2016

*Coco Adel - RWBY
*Raimu "Rhyme" Bito [The World Ends With You]
*Namine [Kingdom Hearts II - Monty Oum's "Dead Fantasy" version] - Maybe
*Alice - [Disney's Alice in Wonderland]


(ノ•ω•)ノ Cosplay List:
Rook Hunt
Ukyo (Ranma 1/2)
Satsuki (Totoro)
Omega (Bad Batch)
Giyu (KnY)
Rengoku (KnY)
Sheeta (Laputa)


I say we see SUG. SUG would be completely awesome at fanime


FLOW, LM.C, AAA, Novels, Union Square Garden, Aobouzu, Tamaki, or Sonar Pockets


Occupation: Musician/singer/nurse/student/cashier/cosplayer/otaku/poet/writer/cook/lover/gamer/artist/maniac/woman/foodie/DDRist
In other words, I'm one busy mofo!

Fanime 2012 Cosplays:
Kagome (Inuyasha) <all weekend>


OK..I am still building my tastes for this particular area of musical stuffs, but I suppose I can make a few humble requests :)

Kanon Wakeshima: Saw her at AM2 and really liked her. My pipe dream is that she team up with Apocalyptica someday, even if it's just for one song XD

Buck-Tick: This one is for my husband. He got into the theme song of Trinity Blood when we were going through the series and next thing I know he has their catalog.

SCANDAL: Kind of bummed I missed their AM2 show, but I admit that we were quite unfamiliar with them until after the fact (and even if we wanted to see them, other things were kind of in the way).

I'll put in a Kalafina vote as well, because I've heard just enough of their stuff to be interested in their live show.
2012 Costumes (or so we hope!)
Ayukawa, Miime, Oscar, Yuria, D'Eon