Gamzee's Cafe: Ask Homestuck Panel for 2012. FINAL CAST! MEET INFO UPDATE!

Started by Hakoshi, August 07, 2011, 02:16:10 AM

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Accepted! Our Panel is now accepted, spread it around. Plus, we are still looking for cast members, please let me know if you are interested!

As you can see most of the cast is filled! Tavros is the only remaining spot. I will still accept apps for this character, but only him. As for the rest of the cast, I will be sending out emails to the new cast mates, describing specifics meeting dates and the panel as a whole.

However, here are some important dates to keep in mind about the panel, in case the email doesn't get through.

Thursday [Day 0]: I ask all the panelists to meet at 7:00pm to left of the fountains(where the fountains were) in front of the convention center. This will be a meet to meet the rest of the cast and for those who missed the previous San Francisco meet. Me and my girlfriend will be wearing hero of blood and hero of rage hoodies so we are recognizable. Also if we can wear some sort of symbol of our characters or a name tag that would be good! <3

Friday [Day 1]: This meeting is mandatory for the cast mates. It will be at 5pm same place as above. We will meet before the panel to go over some things and discuss how we will be entering ect. Plus just the schedule of the panel itself and the rundown.

Thank you all~ If you have any questions my AIM is dragonssnare.  

Time: Friday 7pm -9pm

From the people who brought you Hetalia Budget Cooking and if you don't like hetalia don't fret. WE plan to have an ask homestuck panel. There will be Faygo and horns and maybe Gamzee in a maid outfit? Who knows it's homestuck and trolls are weird. Come ask your favorite trolls and kids questions. With possible trivia game and prizes. It will be a blast!

We have a Karkat, and a Gamzee. If anyone would like to participate comment here so I can make a list and start interviewing ya'll.



Tavros Nitram: Accepting [NEED]
Karkat Vantas: Hakoshi
Gamzee Makara: J-chan
Aradia Megido: Anne
Sollux Captor: Eddie
Nepeta Leijon: Denise
Kanaya Maryam: Nat
Terezi Pyrope: Jacob
Vriska Serket: Shanae
Equius Zahhak: Max
Eridan Ampora: Christina
Feferi Pexies: Bri


John Egbert: Nick
Dave Strider: Chain
Rose Lalonde: Mattie
Jade Harley: Vivian


Jane Crocker: Marie
Roxy Lalonde: Vinny
Dirk Strider: Edie
Jake English: Phil


Andrew Hussie: Christine
Bec Noir: Sarah
Meenah: Vouloir

Hakoshi Meo on Facebook
Or you can reply here


I have put our panel into requests. Now we play the waiting game.


By Gamzee's cafe do you mean this won't be a normal type of ask panel? If so man, I would bring your Gamzee some of the sickest motherfucking pies that man has ever seen. One Gam to another, ya know.

Oh the waiting game of panels, how I feel your pain.
Cosplay, Art, and Costuming
Kuroshitsuji - William T. Spears
Homestuck - Gamzee Maraka (jester!Gamzee)
Originals - Mad Hatter, Evil Angel


Quote from: CommandantCat on January 26, 2012, 10:05:07 PM
By Gamzee's cafe do you mean this won't be a normal type of ask panel? If so man, I would bring your Gamzee some of the sickest motherfucking pies that man has ever seen. One Gam to another, ya know.

Oh the waiting game of panels, how I feel your pain.

It will be both. An ask panel, games and some food. Though because of fanime rules we can't share the food, it's mostly for show. But, we plan to have Faygo and actual slime pies yes.


If it is a Terezi and Feferi you need my friend and I are glad to help~
Fanime 2014:
Ms.Fortune- Skullgirls
Ms.Marvel (Kamala Khan)
Noiz- DMMD
Red Robe- Journey
Beat- Jet Set Radio
Satsuki- Kill La Kill
Kida- Atlantis
Malik Al-Sayf- Assassin's Creed
Sasha & Eren- SNK


Quote from: demetria656 on January 29, 2012, 11:24:06 PM
If it is a Terezi and Feferi you need my friend and I are glad to help~

OMG YOU! You were the Egypt...I think at our hetalia panel last year. I was going to ask you to be John or Terezi. We might be needing a new John, I need to talk to our present one. A feferi would be wonderful. I currently have 3 people (including you) for Terezi, when our panel gets accepted or is it does I will be interviewing each to see the best match.


Lol yup! I am~
Alright, what ever floats your boat will float mine as well.
I'm open for anything!
But my Hungary from last year will be Feferi and I can tell you, she is the best of the best. Lol everyone knows her from Sac-anime.
Fanime 2014:
Ms.Fortune- Skullgirls
Ms.Marvel (Kamala Khan)
Noiz- DMMD
Red Robe- Journey
Beat- Jet Set Radio
Satsuki- Kill La Kill
Kida- Atlantis
Malik Al-Sayf- Assassin's Creed
Sasha & Eren- SNK


Quote from: demetria656 on January 30, 2012, 10:29:15 PM
Lol yup! I am~
Alright, what ever floats your boat will float mine as well.
I'm open for anything!
But my Hungary from last year will be Feferi and I can tell you, she is the best of the best. Lol everyone knows her from Sac-anime.

OH! And if you could spread the word about our panel and advertise it that would be lovely. We need more cast mates for it. I'm not sure where to put up a advertisement about it, except here. Or Tumblr, but I don't have very many followers to spread it around.


Anybody have any ideas for prizes for games. I was planning to have a trivia or some sort of jeopardy Game. With the Acts as Categories. Maybe the first prize could be something from the What pumpkin store like a hoodie or something?


Perhaps we can get some Gushers? (If food is allowed to give out)
If not perhaps some mini clay grubs?

And then for the "Main prize" if you have the money, get a Gamzee t-shirt or even make a custom t-shirt with Gamzee cafe and hand those out. .w."

* Another idea that is 14 questions are asked and each item is related to a differnt human and troll. So they get prizes that is related to the character.
Ex: Question number three, the prize would be handed to,by and related to Karkat.  So maybe he would have a small crab plushie or a extra karkat t-shirt.

Fanime 2014:
Ms.Fortune- Skullgirls
Ms.Marvel (Kamala Khan)
Noiz- DMMD
Red Robe- Journey
Beat- Jet Set Radio
Satsuki- Kill La Kill
Kida- Atlantis
Malik Al-Sayf- Assassin's Creed
Sasha & Eren- SNK


Quote from: demetria656 on February 27, 2012, 07:31:53 AM
Perhaps we can get some Gushers? (If food is allowed to give out)
If not perhaps some mini clay grubs?

And then for the "Main prize" if you have the money, get a Gamzee t-shirt or even make a custom t-shirt with Gamzee cafe and hand those out. .w."

* Another idea that is 14 questions are asked and each item is related to a differnt human and troll. So they get prizes that is related to the character.
Ex: Question number three, the prize would be handed to,by and related to Karkat.  So maybe he would have a small crab plushie or a extra karkat t-shirt.

Those are amazing ideas. I know a grand prize will be something from the What pumpkin store. Though as for shirt sizes I might be able to make some T-shirts, however shirt sizes might be a problem. Given I have no idea who would win and what their size would be. Cost for many different shirt sizes would get expensive too.

ALSO the panel got accepted, so if you could give me your information so I can interview you for Terezi and your friend for Feferi. I believe that's what you wanted yes?



@ Hakoshi: Alright! Glad it got accepted! :D
My friend will be Feferi for sure! She is very very excited and glubbing. lol
But yes! Would you like our facebooks?
Here are some of my contacts:
Skype: Iran656

I will pm you our Facebooks and my phone number.

Fanime 2014:
Ms.Fortune- Skullgirls
Ms.Marvel (Kamala Khan)
Noiz- DMMD
Red Robe- Journey
Beat- Jet Set Radio
Satsuki- Kill La Kill
Kida- Atlantis
Malik Al-Sayf- Assassin's Creed
Sasha & Eren- SNK


I can be your vriska or jade, if you'd like. Just pm me for my contacts.


Quote from: maestro on March 05, 2012, 12:49:08 PM
I can be your vriska or jade, if you'd like. Just pm me for my contacts.

You can try for either. But we have no one trying for Jade so far and would love one! I'll go send you a PM.


How are you choosing people for the panned? I got a friend that's def interested in being Sollux and I kinda want to be interested in doing Jade. Mebs TZ but you seem to have enough potentials :)


Quote from: evil_mochi on March 05, 2012, 04:58:59 PM
How are you choosing people for the panned? I got a friend that's def interested in being Sollux and I kinda want to be interested in doing Jade. Mebs TZ but you seem to have enough potentials :)

OMG A SOLLUX! I could use another TZ, you never know until you try beside 2 of my potentials haven't responded. But a jade would be good too, only one other for Jade I have. Basically I will need a form of IM or email, for you and your friend. That way I can ask you each the questions individually. Also cosplay pictures would be nice to.



Wait, scratch that. I want to be the Sufferer (if not, then Dirk).


Quote from: philepicphails on March 07, 2012, 08:08:04 PM
Wait, scratch that. I want to be the Sufferer (if not, then Dirk).
Quote from: philepicphails on March 07, 2012, 07:59:15 PM

You can try out for all if you like. We have no Jake right now, or sufferer but we do have a potential Dirk, so there is that xD. It's your choice though.