D20 Percent Cooler: A MLP:FiM DnD Game

Started by Fazio, February 28, 2012, 01:24:56 PM

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Not really a panel, but I wasn't sure where else to put this.

I'll be bringing my D20 My Little Pony game to Fanime this year.  It's been a huge work in progress so I could really use some input.

Is this something that interests you?  If so, let me know and we'll work out a time to test out the game.  It'll probably be at one of the tables or something.

Feel free to ask me any questions.  This game is meant to appeal to everyone!  So if DnD style games ever scared you before, no worries, this one is made to be easy to understand and get into.


This interests me greatly.

Hit me up with details about it and i might give you a shout out at the MLP panel on Friday.


Definitely man.  And if you need any help with the panel I have a massive love for ponies and I love talking :D


This seems interesting. I would love to try. Is there a time or date that is preferred?