Anime That Are On Your "To Watch" List

Started by JohnnyAR, May 16, 2012, 09:22:50 AM

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Any anime you guys haven't had time to finish, catch up on, or start watching?

Need to Finish

City Hunter
Full Metal Panic

Need Start Watching

Bobby's Girl
Wicked City


I still need to finish up Gurren Lagann! I kind of stopped when
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And I saw the Japanese website for Arashi no Yoru ni, and it looks really cute and unique! I haven't seen it yet, though...
My friend has also been pestering me to watch Penguindrum. I haven't gotten to it yet, but I heard a lot of great things about it!

edit: I'm currently watching the Arashi no Yoru ni movie from 2005, and it's really good! The anime looks pretty childish in comparison, but ... I haven't seen it yet so I can't say much

take a look if you'd like!

edit2: watched the first minute of the anime and I DON'T THINK THE WHOLE 3D THING IS WORKING OUT...AT ALL... the movie was a lot better :')


I haven't finished Madoka yet so that's on the list.  I'm also starting Sakamichi no Apollon today, and should probably finish Kimi to Boku at some point.  Friends are also urging me to watch Gurren Lagann and Black Lagoon, and I really want to watch Terra E... now that I have the box sets.
Check out my current Cosplays, Panels & Plans!


Quote from: Yuutousei on May 17, 2012, 05:40:46 PM
I haven't finished Madoka yet so that's on the list.  I'm also starting Sakamichi no Apollon today, and should probably finish Kimi to Boku at some point.  Friends are also urging me to watch Gurren Lagann and Black Lagoon, and I really want to watch Terra E... now that I have the box sets.

You really should watch Gurren Lagann, they were showing the movies at at the con.


Need to watch....
1. Shippuden
2. Prince of Tennis
3. Gundam AGE
4. Kaikan Phrase
If you can afford a smart phone, then you can support the industries by "purchasing" the legit goods.


From MyAnimeList:

1. Dark Cat
2. Fresh Precure
3. Hanasaku Iroha: Home Sweet Home
4. Thermae Romae Specials
Also a Proud Fanime Con Attendee since 1998!
Yay, Haruko.


Sword Art Online
High School of the Dead
new season of Hayate no Gotoku
new season(s) of Initial D


Going retro   :)
Currently watching:
1. Cooking master boy
2. Bastard
3. A.D. Police (Protect & Serve)
4. Be-bop Highschool
If you can afford a smart phone, then you can support the industries by "purchasing" the legit goods.


1. Hunter X Hunter (2011 version; need to finish)
2. High School DxD (starting)
3. Attack on Titan (starting)
4. Yakitate Japan (need to finish)

Twitter: @limDsage
Youtube gaming channel:
PSN: sicse7en


Lets see what my Crunchyroll queue says...

Captain Harlock
Fist of the North Star
Go Lion
Galaxy Express 999

Last year or so:
A Dark Rabbit has Seven Lives
Pandora Hearts

Currently watching:
Devil Survivor 2
Naruto Shippuden

Been meaning to start:

Been meaning to finish:
Rio Rainbow Gate
FanimeCon attended: 20 times
1999 - 2001
2006 - 2019
2022 - 2024


I have a huge backlog that will take me up to 2 years if i go slow about it

Been going to Fanime Since 2008


Just finished with my previous list.  Now I'm watching:
1. H2
2. Touch
If you can afford a smart phone, then you can support the industries by "purchasing" the legit goods.


-Seargant Frog(just started)
-Dgray Man(finishing)
-Cyborg 009(need to watch again)

if that the master a 'prentice have,
Entirely then that he him tell,
That he the craft ably may know,
Wheresoever he go under the sun.


1. Kaiji (just done watching)
2. Gundam Unicorn (plan to watch)
If you can afford a smart phone, then you can support the industries by "purchasing" the legit goods.


1. The Hero Yoshihiko and the Demon King's Castle (not an anime, but live action, whatever)
2. Darker than Black
~Swap Meet staffer: '10, '11, '12, '14


Heck, I'll just read the manga of Kimi ni Todoke instead.


Currently watching
Prince Hentai and the Stony Cat
Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood
Hataraku Mao Sama
Shingeki No Kyojin
Summer Season
Go home Club
civil x worker i think it was called
so far

Been going to Fanime Since 2008


To Watch / Finish:
[not very many so recommendations are accepted]
Hunter x Hunter
Tokyo Ghoul
kal | they/them | cosplayer ♥ | (´・ω・`)
Fanime 2024 Lineup:
Friday - Priestess (IDV)
Saturday - Astarion (BG3)
Sunday - Gravekeeper (IDV) | Astarion (BG3) for B&W Ball
Monday - TBD


Quote from: Barnes on May 04, 2013, 09:57:57 AM
From MyAnimeList:

1. Dark Cat
2. Fresh Precure
3. Hanasaku Iroha: Home Sweet Home
4. Thermae Romae Specials

Dark Cat is one the worst pieces of shit I've ever seen. Bennett the Sage went way too easy on it in his review.
Fresh Pretty Cure is my 2nd favorite in the PC franchise, in spite of its flaws.
The Hanasaku Iroha movie was pretty good.

Now my Plan to Watch list is:

Attack on Titan ova
Therma Romae specials

Does not include my CrunchyRoll queue XD
Also a Proud Fanime Con Attendee since 1998!
Yay, Haruko.


Some that I've been planning to watch:
Gin no Saji
Kara no Kyoukai
Revolutionary Girl Utena
Zetsuen no Tempest

I actually recently watched a lot of anime (procrastinated on studying oops) so I've knocked quite a few anime off my to-watch list...I'm not used to having so few anime left to watch.