Too Cold in the Evenings!

Started by LordMoufMouf, May 23, 2012, 06:38:55 PM

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For the past few years, I have found the SJ Convention Center to be absolutely FREEZING in the evenings. I walk out of the cozy Marriott lobby and into a Hoth ice cave...
I almost can't sit for very long in any panel room because the cold, dry air wreaks havoc on my nose, throat, and sinuses. Putting on more layers doesn't do much to solve this problem.

I realize that this may not be under Fanime staff's control, but is there any way to cut down on the AC when the sun goes down?


That's odd. There's been signs up at the con for the last several years by the center's management noting that they've kept the AC to a minimum to save energy. Dunno why it would be blasting at night. Maybe it's just the cold coming in from outside? It was frigid outside the last few years. (Or maybe they are running AC at night- I wish they'd run it more during the day, the combined temperature + body heat in that con center is stifling during mid-day.)
Fanimecon Music Video Contest Department Second 2016-17
Fanimecon Music Video Contest Department Head 2014-15, 2018-2019

Mango Bunny


Foester - It's certainly cold inside in the nights and evenings. For instance, even the hotness of yaoi-bingo could not help stave off the chills. The video rooms were also freezing.
Yes, it would be nice if they ran it more often in the day. :)


Personally, I like it cold. I feel much better when I breathe in cold air to help me recover.

Nina Star 9

I'm counting on it being cold -- I'm saving a vinyl costume that leaves only my fingers, face, small cutouts at the waist, and extreme upper thighs exposed! I'll be burning up! ;)

I tend to get cold when I sit in one place for a while (I think I'm actually a lizard...), and I don't do well with AC blowing on me, so I'm sure I would appreciate it to be slightly warmer in the con at night, as well.


It's not so much the temperature, but the cold, dry air. It dries out your nose and throat. I always feel like I'm going to get ill. I stock up on vitamins and such, but it's still unpleasant.