Artist Alley venue information: South Hall

Started by beanclam, April 19, 2013, 01:25:20 AM

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I wanted to get more information on South Hall.

Firstly, are there restrooms in South Hall? I feel that's important for the convenience of the artists and the attendees. Also, is there temp control? Air conditioning?

I've never actually been to Fanime before, so I was very excited to be approved for Artist Alley this year. But the fact that AA is relegated to this giant um... tent, that isn't attached to the con center, makes me wary. I'm worried about the restroom situation and if the location would result in less foot traffic and less sales.

As of right now, I'm of the mindset to skip Fanime but I really don't want to. I'd love to get some info from veteran con-goers, and Fanime staff about the venue.


- Irene


I don't think Fanime has used South Hall for something as major as the artist alley before. I'm pretty sure there are restrooms there, but I don't know if it will be air conditioned (searching the Internet has only turned up that it is insulated, whatever that means).

Im' interested in knowing how much traffic the artist alley might expect. I don't know if it will be as busy as usual or if it will be a ghost town because you have to exit the convention center to get to it. Is there anyone on this forum who's been to a con using both the convention center and south hall? In general, how many attendees go to South hall?

Eurobeat King

While I've never been inside South Hall before, I pass-by it whenever I park at the smaller, outdoor parking lot that's away from the convention center.  From that parking lot, you have to walk-along the backside of the convention center, until you go through the side-entrance of the SJCC closer to the Marriott.  (I'm not-sure if there are any exits from the back of the SJCC to get to the South Hall quicker.)

Here's an image of how close the South Hall is to the SJCC:
"Freedom is the right of all sentient cosplayers."


I saw some people talking about this on the AA Facebook page and one of the staff (I'm assuming she was staff since she posted most of the updates and was replying to people) said this regarding South Hall:
"There is air conditioning and there are bathrooms located just outside the side entrance. We don't know if this is permanent at this time because of construction, but this is the best solution we have for this year."

She also mentioned that there'd be signs and maps guiding people there.

For me, artist alley is one of the highlights of the con, and I'd much rather spend money there than in the dealer's hall. Hopefully, others will feel the same and make the trek over there. 


Quote from: themalletofjustice on April 19, 2013, 03:00:08 PM
"There is air conditioning and there are bathrooms located just outside the side entrance. We don't know if this is permanent at this time because of construction, but this is the best solution we have for this year."

Are they port-a-potties, then? I'd rather walk all the way to the bathrooms in the convention center.


Quote from: chibimonster on April 19, 2013, 04:35:03 PM
Quote from: themalletofjustice on April 19, 2013, 03:00:08 PM
"There is air conditioning and there are bathrooms located just outside the side entrance. We don't know if this is permanent at this time because of construction, but this is the best solution we have for this year."

Are they port-a-potties, then? I'd rather walk all the way to the bathrooms in the convention center.

Sorry, I have no idea. Hopefully someone else will comment with more info.

Alejandro Cuba

I'm from San Jose and I've been to some events in South Hall.  I don't remember it having restrooms inside (though I also can't remember needing to look for them either), but it has been a few years since I've been in there so it could have changed.  I'm pretty sure I remember several people on the Fanime page saying that there were some form of semi-permanent restrooms outside one of the doors.

As for the temp, the balloon is suppose to have AC and I don't remember it ever getting uncomfortably warm even during an event such as the Home and Garden Show, which was the last time I was in there.  I've had it be a bit cool, but admittedly it was at night and the large doors on the large, round end of the hall were open.

Now for an event that has used both, the only one that I have ever been to is the San Jose Auto Show.  I think four or five years ago that event started using South Hall for the classic/interesting cars and the Toyota Off-Road Experience (that may not be the name but close enough, I also gotta just say that the first two years of it were totally awesome beyond belief). The first year had ok traffic but they also did not have very good signage.  And the way they were directing folks to South Hall involved a route I doubt Fanime would use and for a good reason.  So as long as the signage is good then traffic should be pretty good.  And people do go out of the main building of the convention center a lot for the hotels, food, parking and other things so hopefully there shouldn't be too big a difference in traffic since South Hall is closer then most food and some of the hotels. 

I have heard from many sources that Fanime plans to have lots of signs.  If it works right, again, traffic should be pretty close to normal.  It also might change depending on what else is in South Hall.  I will admit I have been at a different convention in a different city with a similar set up where the Artist Alley was separate from most of the rest of the convention (in this case in a wedding tent by the pool of the hotel the con was out beyond where the last con room was), it took about a day (maybe less) for things to pick up, but that was also about when that convention put up little hand written signs and then things were good.  Word of mouth also helped in that case and probably will in this one.  So as someone who has been going to Fanime for nine or ten years I'd say don't skip.  This year is a little wonky because of the construction, but it shouldn't be too far off.


@ Alejandro (too long to quote): was that con ALA? I heard they moved their artist alley from its original location and that the results weren't too great. Or am I confusing this with something else?


it seems i heard there was another convention entitled "super con?"

has anyone got any information if we are using the entire Space? or half the space being rented on south hall?

Alejandro Cuba

Quote from: chibimonster on April 19, 2013, 10:58:35 PM
@ Alejandro (too long to quote): was that con ALA? I heard they moved their artist alley from its original location and that the results weren't too great. Or am I confusing this with something else?

It was Yaoi-con and I wanna say it was three years ago.  It was an odd hotel.  Kinda like a pyramid in a pyramid.


Hey I went past South Hall today and I didn't get a thorough look but there are no port a potties outside! However there are modular portable buildings (like the ones used on construction sites and as portable classrooms) outside so I assume those are the bathroom facilities?

Apparently is its website but it's not working so :/

Hopefully someone more knowledgeable can answer this.


lets hope for the record they have bathrooms T_T!
the last thing I wanna do is run around the venue and found out im lost..


Quote from: Hachimitsu-ink on April 22, 2013, 05:02:46 PM
lets hope for the record they have bathrooms T_T!
the last thing I wanna do is run around the venue and found out im lost..

I'm 99% sure I read some post by fanime staff saying that we would have some form of bathrooms in/around south hall.


If they do, THAt would be really really great..
also i know no one payed attention but has anyone received any word from art gallery if they plan on expanding?
or how big the rental space is for south hall? I mean I doubt fanime could afford the entire venue of south hall, so i assume only half?


That was me responding on Facebook! (You can find the FB group here BTW,

1) Yes there are bathrooms at South Hall. They're not porta potties. They're in those temporary buildings as someone had described.

2) Yes there is air conditioning in South Hall.

3) Yes we are going to have signs leading you there.

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So is it 100% certain that artist alley is in South Hall?
And is it this blue tent thing in the background behind the actual convention center?
(According to this picture anyway:

I hope the distance isn't too big between the main convention and the artist alley.
Been going to Fanime 10+ years myself and want to have a good time.
The reason I'm fretting is because I often am in artist alley, but this year I have a lot of gatherings as well.
So I'm hoping the distance between the two isn't too bad.
Also according to the gathering dept head, BSaphire's map, it shows only construction in the front where the fountain is, but nowhere else...which is why I'm asking if it is 100% certain that artist alley isn't even in the convention center.
Map picture ->

So hope to get an answer so I can prepare myself time wise between events and such.
Thanks again in advance to anyone who can respond regarding this matter.


considering it has been stated multiple times by staff and con goers and I think I even read it in either the rules or agreement form its safe to bet that yes it will be in south hall.
06- Ragnarok Huntress / 07- Haruhi Suzumiya
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10 - Holo / 11 - Flaaffy
12 - Inga / 13 - Lizbeth


I am resigned to the fact that this year is just going to be very different from previous years.  And that is OK.  Hey, maybe it will be better!!!

But I do spend a lot of time in AA...

This is my signature.


Word on the street is that the Artists Alley is getting moved to outside the Convention Center; I don't know if its just a rumor or not, hoping someone here could shed light on the matter.

Thank you.


Welcome to the afterparty fashionablly late

Yes it's going to be in the south hall