[2013] BIOSHOCK gathering

Started by Faraday, April 22, 2013, 06:23:35 PM

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*Every year I see a bunch of lost Little Sisters and Splicers prowling the premise but could never figure why there wasn't ever a gathering, so I've decided to organize what I'm assuming is the first Bioshock gathering of Fanime. So please come out and to show some love for an amazing franchise!

There's always a lighthouse. There's always a man. There's always a city.

TIME: 3:30 PM
, tiered platform on first floor of lobby

This gathering is to celebrate the Bioshock franchise by Irrational and 2K Games (the original Bioshock, its sequel, Bioshock 2, and the latest game Bioshock Infinite).
So whether you dwell in the depths of Rapture, or you fight for freedom in the skies of Columbia, this gathering is for you!

POTENTIAL PHOTO ORDER/IDEAS: (taking suggestions)
Bioshock/2 group shot, Little Sisters, Splicers, harvesting, Big Daddies & Big Sisters...
Bioshock Infinite group shot, Elizabeth, Booker, team up, Vox Populi vs Founders...
complete group shot.

Citizens of Rapture
Little Sister
-Devi 1313
-Terry Bogard

Citizens of Columbia
-Faraday's +1
-krispy_kream's +1
-Faraday (HOST)

Total attendees: ~11

Feel free to join the Facebook event as well to stay up-to-date and help spread the word: https://www.facebook.com/events/454151087999400/

*Fanime will be taking group pictures during the Gathering this year. If you do not want to be included in those pictures please step aside for those photos. By remaining with the group when the pictures are being taken you give your consent to be photographed.

Aoi Memori

What is the link to the event (FB)? I have a couple of friends who I know would be very interested in this o3o
Fanime 2013 Line-up
FFX Yuna - Friday
Umineko Maria/KH Xion - Saturday
Evangelion Sun dress Asuka- Sunday
KH Xion - Monday



Quote from: Aoi Memori on April 23, 2013, 01:23:10 AM
What is the link to the event (FB)? I have a couple of friends who I know would be very interested in this o3o
Just created it! Here you go: https://www.facebook.com/events/454151087999400/


I didn't think there was going to be a gathering for Bioshock so I scrapped my plans for a Big Daddy cosplay. Low and behold, a gathering pops up! Cosplay or not, I'm definitely checking this gathering out, love Bioshock.

Devi 1313

Yay! I'll definitely be there in my Little Sister costume this year!
Fanime 2023:
Eda Clawthorne Season 1 & 2
Reagan Ridley



Quote from: PinkHairSasuke on April 24, 2013, 08:07:21 AM
I didn't think there was going to be a gathering for Bioshock so I scrapped my plans for a Big Daddy cosplay. Low and behold, a gathering pops up! Cosplay or not, I'm definitely checking this gathering out, love Bioshock.
Yay! <3 a Big Daddy would be amazeballs, but everyone's invited to come hang regardless of cosplay :D

Quote from: Devi 1313 on April 25, 2013, 07:38:09 PM
Yay! I'll definitely be there in my Little Sister costume this year!
Aw, yisss!

Also I'm getting a few suggestions to move the gathering to Friday.
So everyone interested in attending should let me know which day works better for them: Friday or Sunday.
Thank you!


Event has been updated to Friday afternoon at 3:30PM. :)



I will try with all my might to be there as Booker, so go ahead and put me down for it.  :)


I'll be yet another Elizabeth, bringing along yet another Booker~
Fanime Cosplay 2013!
Persona 4 - Rise Kujikawa
Persona 3 - Female main character
Bioshick Infinite - Elizabeth


This sounds awesome. I'm putting a Booker costume unfortunately I have work on Friday during this time and won't be there until later =(


I'm going to be Elizabeth (in her collared outfit) and my boyfriend is going to be a splicer. I don't know if friday is a good time though, idk what time we can check into our hotel. It may be in the late afternoon.
yet another edit: sunday would be better for us :)


Quote from: cosmia on May 04, 2013, 12:53:03 PM
I'm going to be Elizabeth (in her collared outfit) and my boyfriend is going to be a splicer. I don't know if friday is a good time though, idk what time we can check into our hotel. It may be in the late afternoon.
yet another edit: sunday would be better for us :)
The Host changed the gathering from Sunday to Friday as a few of us were not able to do it Sunday. I'm thinking most of us will still be in our costumes for awhile, so hopefully you two can make it.  :)

Terry Bogard

I will probably be there in a splicer outfit!
Just Terry looking for his Blue Marry, Kenshin looking for his Kaoru, Otonashi looking for a Kanade.
Also looking for rivals to give me a great fight in the virtual arena and the RL Wrestling ring! Panther mask is here!! haha



@DareDragoon & cosmia; Yeah, unfortunately I took a poll a few weeks ago and more people were available Friday afternoon versus Sunday.
But I know my friend and I will also be rocking some Bioshock costumes Saturday, we love meeting other fans of the games so if you see us please say hi! :D


Extreme maybe if I can show up as a splicer.

Devi 1313

Ok, I have a friend who cosplayed as a splicer last year, and as Jack a few years ago. I don't know if he plans to bring either this year, but I let him know about the gathering!
Fanime 2023:
Eda Clawthorne Season 1 & 2
Reagan Ridley



Quote from: Devi 1313 on May 16, 2013, 02:11:29 PM
Ok, I have a friend who cosplayed as a splicer last year, and as Jack a few years ago. I don't know if he plans to bring either this year, but I let him know about the gathering!
ah yes, please spread the word, the more the merrier! :D

We now have our official time! This gathering will take place on Friday at 3:30PM, on the tiered platform on first floor of lobby ("G2").
Here's a picture so everyone knows what I'm talking about: https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc1/403359_245637282244414_1499464524_n.jpg


Glad to see the official time now, definitely gonna try my best to check it out!