Fanime Security Issue (or how I got my arm twisted by 2 Fanime security guards)

Started by slumpy, May 27, 2013, 10:34:31 AM

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Last night at about 1:30 am, I was about to enter the Hentai viewing room when they checked my badge and ID. They were repeating over and over how the name on the badge had to match the ID. Unfortunately, I had a member badge given to me from a friend that said "HILTON HOTEL STAFF". He wasn't going to use it so he let me- he doesn't like Anime, I do, perfect. About 3 or 4 chains of security had to come to assess the situation when ultimately 2 security guards came.

They gave me two choices, to either go with them to the office to run the badge if it matched the name or take the badge away from me. I walked with them and decided to leave, but they stopped me for not complying with one of the two choices they had given me. As I tried to not go with them to the office, one security guard physically held me in place while the other twisted my arm and ripped my pass given to me from a friend from my clutched hands. This happened in the main hallway where you don't need a badge to enter. I was kicked out and we exchanged some unpleasantries. They did say, "you are on private property, you have to leave" where I replied, "Um, this is the San Jose Convention Center, I think it's public actually." They said, "uh, you are correct." I thought that was funny.

I'd just like to say that I'm posting this to forum because I forgot to file any sort of police report and did not get the names of the security guards. I just know it's wrong to physically hold someone, from what I know, that is assault. I also understand the reasoning that I did not pay for the pass, but used a friend's who was given one and was not using his.

I am posting this because I had a GREAT time at Fanime this weekend. From all the money I spent at Artist alley, the swap meet, the endless tokens I dropped into tetris and that ipad key game at the arcade, seeing my friends win a TF2 tournament (Team Nope is Dope!), meeting some nice rovers at the speed dating line that I totally was not getting into, seeing a lot of old friends from high school, being able to dance my heart out to beloved anime theme songs in the small dance room (the smaller room was where it's at). Yes, I know I didn't pay for a registration, but I just used someone who was given one and wasn't using theres, I had fun and spent a lot of money that wasn't gonna be spent otherwise. It's just so unfortunate that my great time took a sudden turn for the worst as I was physically held by two security guards and had my badge ripped from me.

As I was walking out of the convention center with nachos in one hand, I ran into a group of girls in lolita outfits who also experienced similar dissatisfaction with staff and/or security. They agreed with me that it was not okay for the security guards to lay their hands on me. A man and a woman with a badge that said "guest of honor" also ran into us and said that I should file a report with the hotel and express my concerns. I've taken the girls' advice and come to this forum so hopefully such rampant power-tripping won't happen again.

If anyone cares, I was an asian guy with black jeans and a red flannel shirt and short black hair. The security guards who grabbed me in the open hall where badges weren't required were a tall-ish bald black guy (with beautiful eyes, tbh  :) ) and a scrawny-ish white guy with a lame looking flack jacket or something that I thought was funny for a security guard to be wearing. Again, this happened at around 1:30am last night, sunday.

Again, I know that I may have been in the wrong for using a friend's badge, but I just don't want anyone else to experience what I have gone through. I had a really good time at Fanime to be honest. I'd like to go again but perhaps as a volunteer. I'd just feel so dirty paying $60 for something with which I have such negative associations (being grabbed by security guards). /rant


It's funny to me I had such a great time this weekend, and it all ended at Hentai, lol. Friday night hentai was fun though, I got into that just fine.

It's nice I could go into the main dance room and see underage girls with braces on ecstasy get molested by old men but not actually watch anime. *sigh*


although I'm not condoning their actions, seeing how they're not actual law enforcement officers (or are they? you weren't specific if they were fanime staff or actual security/officers), you were in the wrong in using a friend's badge for the con. Did you not have your own? Look at it from a store/shoplifter scenario perspective. If you got caught at a store stealing something, and agreed to go with the security/cop of the store to the register to see if you actually bought something you walked out with, only to start to escape afterwards, how do you think that makes you look? Yes, I know the scenarios aren't exactly the same, but basically/generally the situation is.

In any case, badges are non-transferable. Meaning if it ain't your name on the badge, you can't use it. Did you not have your own badge to use or something? lol

Quote from: slumpy on May 27, 2013, 10:37:46 AM
It's nice I could go into the main dance room and see underage girls with braces on ecstasy get molested by old men but not actually watch anime. *sigh*

lol wtf did I miss? Crazy shit always happens after I leave the con before the full weekend, gfd


Yea, that's why I'm posting to the forum, and I did admit I understand it's wrong that I used a badge that wasn't mine. But yea, I was physically grabbed by security guards, not officers. They were wearing fanime con black polos. They were not cops. They were on a power trip. I saw a SJPD near the dance area, looked like he was bored baby-sitting sitting alone at a table texting on his phone.


Quote from: Anon on May 27, 2013, 10:45:47 AM
Look at it from a store/shoplifter scenario perspective. If you got caught at a store stealing something, and agreed to go with the security/cop of the store to the register to see if you actually bought something you walked out with, only to start to escape afterwards, how do you think that makes you look? Yes, I know the scenarios aren't exactly the same, but basically/generally the situation is.

Yes, again I admit this is exactly what happened. But also, yea I used someone else's badge to spend a LOT of money at con. I guess I stole a pair of socks from foot locker and went back to buy some shoes. Or something like that, I don't know, yea, I'm in the wrong. Just, please, train your security guards not to GRAB people is what I'm hoping for in this thread. What a bummer


If I wasn't going to use the badge, no one was. That's why my friend gave it to me. I had fun, I hope someone cares about that. Or maybe that's bad. I just feel lame feeling like a victim but really I was in the wrong. I don't know, sorry for spamming this thread. I just feel really dirty, and someone pointed me this way.


nah I understand what you're saying and agree. It's always an issue every year with staff/rovers/whoever going on power trips over the weekend. It gets pointed out every year as well. I never really experience any of it first-hand because I'm usually out and done with the con by friday night.


Quote from: slumpy on May 27, 2013, 10:52:06 AM
Yes, again I admit this is exactly what happened. But also, yea I used someone else's badge to spend a LOT of money at con. I guess I stole a pair of socks from foot locker and went back to buy some shoes.
If you had all that money to spend why couldn't you buy your own badge and avoided all the drama. Sorry the security touched you in a bad way, but you should tell your friend to make a better badge name. Hilton Hotel Staff is kind of shady, just say'n
Not your typical anime junkie.
MAL:Echoshadow's Anime List


Quote from: echoshadow on May 27, 2013, 11:22:16 AM
If you had all that money to spend why couldn't you buy your own badge and avoided all the drama. Sorry the security touched you in a bad way, but you should tell your friend to make a better badge name. Hilton Hotel Staff is kind of shady, just say'n

He works at the Hilton so that's what they gave him. He wasn't going to use them and asked if I wanted them because otherwise they would not have been used. Yes, I can afford a reg, but given the opportunity of an unused pass, why not take it? Maybe that wasn't the correct choice in terms of Fanime rules and regulations, but just in terms of practicality for both parties involved, why not. Yea, again, I'm the worst.


I don't know what it is with these forums, or maybe its just youth in general, but a lot of people on here seem to like posting/admitting guilt of wrongdoing. In any case, it's a little hard to sympathize with you on your situation when you repeatedly admit that you basically got in the con with a badge that wasn't yours. Again, I know that's not the point of this topic or why you started it, but you kinda dug yourself into that hole out  the gate. 


Quote from: Anon on May 27, 2013, 11:39:36 AM
I don't know what it is with these forums, or maybe its just youth in general, but a lot of people on here seem to like posting/admitting guilt of wrongdoing. In any case, it's a little hard to sympathize with you on your situation when you repeatedly admit that you basically got in the con with a badge that wasn't yours. Again, I know that's not the point of this topic or why you started it, but you kinda dug yourself into that hole out  the gate.

Security guards aren't supposed to touch you. Many would consider it assault. Yes, I am admitting I used a badge that did not have my name. The point was, I was grabbed by security guards. Fanime rules > law, idk, happy memorial day. It was really nice meeting the lolitas who agreed with me, also the guest of honor, her friend who also may have been a speaker, and the multiple witnesses who agreed in the wrongdoing of those security guards. If anyone saw anything and they could chime in that would be cool, but yea, I'm young and dumb, oh well.


Quote from: Anon on May 27, 2013, 11:39:36 AM
I don't know what it is with these forums, or maybe its just youth in general, but a lot of people on here seem to like posting/admitting guilt of wrongdoing. In any case, it's a little hard to sympathize with you on your situation when you repeatedly admit that you basically got in the con with a badge that wasn't yours. Again, I know that's not the point of this topic or why you started it, but you kinda dug yourself into that hole out the gate.

Going to have to agree with Anon here. Karma works both ways.
FanimeCon attendee: 2008-


Quote from: chifunii on May 27, 2013, 11:50:27 AM
Going to have to agree with Anon here. Karma works both ways.

this was also my first fanime if I didn't mention that already. I was offered the invitation and graciously accepted and had a great time. If he hadn't offered, I would not have gone at all, and would not have gotten into this altercation. I guess that would have been for better. Fun's not fun, rules are cool! Grab people!


Gonna lock this topic for now.

Sorry that you ran into this trouble - We'll look into this and if we need more information, we'll contact you (slumpy).
FanimeCon Head of Marketing & Director of Communications (2008-Current)
(Former Fan Services Director, Registration Staff, & Volunteer)
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