Sewing: How to Read Patterns - APPROVED

Started by Cosplay_Rose, April 29, 2014, 03:40:33 AM

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Sunday, 4pm to 5pm in Panels 3
Struggling with sewing patterns? Lost under a pile of tan tissue paper? Let me help!

I'll be doing a complete run-down of how to read sewing patterns, including the packaging they come in, how to figure out what pieces you need, how to organize your pattern pieces on your fabric, and how to sew it all together. There should be plenty of time for questions as we go too, and if there's time at the end, I'll even show you how to fit the pattern back into the little envelope it came in!


I hope to get to this panel, I have used patterns but struggle with markings (what are those little circles for? and how do they help line up my pieces?), and darts.
Life is too important to take seriously.  Seriously.


To be quite honest, I've never used the circles (I think I know what they're for), but I'm basically studying patterns extra hard, so I will know what they mean before the panel and can explain them. Thank you for mentioning darts though! It'll end up being more of a tangent, as it involves things other than the patterns themselves, but I'll be sure to mention it!


Should we bring a pattern with us?  Like if we found a new one that we'd like to try someday?
Life is too important to take seriously.  Seriously.


Sorry I took so long to reply, but YES! I might not go over individual patterns during the panel, but I'll go over it with you after the panel, even if we have to move into the hallway to make room for the next panel. I'm also going to be bringing a whole bunch of patterns with me both to use as examples and to give away!


Life is too important to take seriously.  Seriously.


I think the panel went over pretty well guys, but I'd still like feedback if anyone has any! Thank you everyone for coming and for both asking very good questions and helping me provide some addition information that I was not aware of!

As promised, here's my contact info if you have follow-up questions:

If you have photos/video/etc. from the panel, please send them my way so that I can share them on my social media sites as well. Also I will most likely (eventually) make some tutorials on pattern-reading on either my BlogSpot or my Tumblr (and I'll post links to the Facebook, so if you follow there, you can find them too).

Thanks again to everyone who came, I hope I helped you guys out!


I was too far back and my pics didn't turn out :-(  I really enjoyed the panel and appreciated that you took the time afterwards to answer a few more questions!  Hope you have a chance to do the panel again next year! 

I mentioned turning some of your slides so the whole pattern piece would be visible but this is just a reminder.  RE bringing a bolt of fabric, it doesn't have to be a whole bolt, I know Jo-Anns sometimes lets you take the cardboard if you buy the end of the fabric, so you could use one of those and maybe just a yard or yard and a half of fabric on it.  (or a mini version to fit in your luggage).  I thought the panel went very well, thanks for doing it!
Life is too important to take seriously.  Seriously.


Thank you! It's okay that your pictures didn't turn out, thank you for trying! Someone actually got a video of most of it. If/When I do it again, I'm gonna try to get a 1.5 hour timeslot for extra questions and possible one-on-one panel reading teaches.

I will definitely turn those pattern pieces! And I actually have a whole bolt of fabric that I meant to bring, but I forgot to pack it because I had to split my luggage between two cars, and it was confusing and blah, blah. I'll do better at remembering next time.

And thanks again, I'm glad so many people liked it!