Marvel Cosplay Gathering 2016

Started by bahamutknightzero, November 09, 2014, 12:18:21 AM

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IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR THOSE WHO REGULARLY ATTEND THE DC/MARVEL GATHERING: As discussed in the old Marvel/DC Gathering topic, with how much the gathering has grown the past few years, ICosplayNeji and I have decided to go with an alternative. Starting at Fanime 2015, the gathering will be split in two with Neji running the gathering on the DC side (,19678.0.html) and myself running the gathering on the Marvel side. Hopefully this new setup will appease all parties involved and make things less stressful. Much thanks to everyone that has stuck with us through the tough moments, Neji and I appreciate all of the work and commitment that has been made to make these gatherings fun and enjoyable.

Marvel Cosplay Gathering 2016

Fanime will be taking group pictures during the Gathering/Event this year. If you do not want to be included in those pictures please step aside for those photos. By remaining with the group when the pictures are being taken you give your consent to be photographed.

DAY: Saturday
TIME: 3pm-4pm
LOCATION:G9 (Fallout Zone aka area outside registration)

Facebook Event Link -

List of Attending
Devi 1313 - Squirrel Girl

Photography Order:
*Captain America
*Iron Man
*Black Widow

UPDATE (3/22/16) - Updated gathering info


I will be coming as Kamala Khan aka Ms.Marvel~
Fanime 2014:
Ms.Fortune- Skullgirls
Ms.Marvel (Kamala Khan)
Noiz- DMMD
Red Robe- Journey
Beat- Jet Set Radio
Satsuki- Kill La Kill
Kida- Atlantis
Malik Al-Sayf- Assassin's Creed
Sasha & Eren- SNK


When the day is officially finalized I can decide if I'm free butttttt if I am I'll be going as Miss America Chavez.


Would you count Disney's Big Hero 6 as Marvel.......?

If so, I'll see about coming as Honey Lemon in her armor suit!! ^^
(ノ•ω•)ノ Cosplay List:
Rook Hunt
Ukyo (Ranma 1/2)
Satsuki (Totoro)
Omega (Bad Batch)
Giyu (KnY)
Rengoku (KnY)
Sheeta (Laputa)


Quote from: Angelx624 on November 20, 2014, 01:34:37 AM
Would you count Disney's Big Hero 6 as Marvel.......?

If so, I'll see about coming as Honey Lemon in her armor suit!! ^^

Big Hero 6 counts

Luca Cantellano

Hello! I'll be coming as Lady Deadpool! (Aka: Wanda Wilson) Of course, exact interpretation is still being decided as I'm still working on it. Can't wait to see you all there! ♡

2015 cosplay(s): Lady Deadpool (realistic interpretation)


Unless I decide on something else in the meantime I'll probably be bringing 90's Rogue to con, so I can probably try to make an appearance.
Tentative 2015 lineup includes 90's Rogue (X-Men), Historical Rapunzel (Tangled), Maki Nishikino (Love Live), Daedalus F-302 pilot (Stargate Atlantis)



I'll be coming to the meetup as Lady Captain America!

Duo Monkey

So! I plan to attend as Avengers Thor. And I have a side kick. With four legs. And yes his name is Thor. He's my PTSD service dog.
My service dog is the big white fluffy one. Please help us help children by sharing photos of him so we can go to more children's hospitals!


I have a party of Deadpools already excited for the meet up. You can count just me and expect the family of Kid Pools.


Ill be attending this year as Ultimate Spider-man Miles Morales :D cant wait for the marvel gathering! w00t


I'll be coming as either Mangaverse Spiderman or Superior Spiderman! Depending on how progress goes.


I'll be posting this on both the DC and Marvel threads but is there a possibility of getting these meetups at least an hour apart for those who have cosplay for both to be able to change from the first to the other?  part of the scheduling issue from years past is that people had cosplay for both and wanted to take part in both fandom meets.
Epileptic artist, writer, Con Ops staffer 2014, 2015, beyond? general badass.


Quote from: trickstersgambit on February 10, 2015, 11:43:06 PM
I'll be posting this on both the DC and Marvel threads but is there a possibility of getting these meetups at least an hour apart for those who have cosplay for both to be able to change from the first to the other?  part of the scheduling issue from years past is that people had cosplay for both and wanted to take part in both fandom meets.

Will try, but as stated in the DC gathering topic, we'll do an unofficial gathering after whichever gathering goes second



Bump, sent the gathering info over to be placed on the official gathering list a few days ago


I'll be attending as Melinda May from Agents of SHIELD!


Updated the gathering info with the official time/day/location. We are taking place right after the DC gathering at the same location as their gathering.


As a request for shots, I'd like a Spiderverse group shot if enough Spideys show up!