
Started by Ariel Ningyo, November 21, 2014, 01:19:32 PM

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Ariel Ningyo

Does anyone know is fanime housing is selling suites? My friends and I requested for one but we are not sure if they even have them.
Fanime Cosplay Schedule TBD


Suites are not offered under the Fanime discount. They are available for booking through Fanime or the hotel but at normal prices (if available yes the do sell out just as fast if not faster than normal rooms)

Keep in mind suites are really expensive. Unless you get jr suits are slightly are more than normal rooms because they are slightly bigger.
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Ariel Ningyo

I see. My friends and I are willing to pay the extra money. Do you know if any suites are still available or are they all sold out?
Fanime Cosplay Schedule TBD

Admiral Donuts

I checked the Hilton and it's saying everything is booked. No matter when I check on whatever service it's always booked for Fanime.


All the rooms (including suites) have been booked throughout all the hotels around the convention center since the summer. It makes no sense that any suite can be booked before then because fanime has a contract with these hotels. So if fanime does not offer suites and the hotels display them as unavailable since forever, where are they? :-\
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Quote from: kluulessence on November 22, 2014, 02:26:57 AM
All the rooms (including suites) have been booked throughout all the hotels around the convention center since the summer. It makes no sense that any suite can be booked before then because fanime has a contract with these hotels. So if fanime does not offer suites and the hotels display them as unavailable since forever, where are they? :-\

I don't know for sure, but the one block of housing we can't see is staff housing, so maybe all the suites are reserved for department heads or something. Like I said, I have no idea if this is actually the case, but it does logically make sense.
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Admiral Donuts

Might be the same thing for rooms with queen beds. All you can book through the website are two doubles, even though the Hilton has rooms with two queens listed on their site. (At the Hilton, anyways.)