Not exactly the exact opposite of the Is Fanime Worth Going To thread

Started by echoshadow, May 04, 2015, 09:03:11 PM

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Uh... Nah.  After years of constant disappointments it's hard to let it go.

Tell you what, if the schedule is out by 13th then I'll be a bit more positive. If it comes out on the 19th then I'll be riding the hate train with hateraide as an IV (I'm joking people, that's sarcasm)

But either way I'm still going to Fanime, but this year I'll treat it just like its says on the official FB page as "something to do" in San Jose. So there you have it.  Not much hype for Fanime this year. Maybe next year. 

mod edit: split in its entirety from this thread: Let's Get Excited, Happy, Ecstatic, Good Vibes
Not your typical anime junkie.
MAL:Echoshadow's Anime List


Quote from: echoshadow on May 04, 2015, 09:03:11 PM
Uh... Nah.  After years of constant disappointments it's hard to let it go.

Tell you what, if the schedule is out by 13th then I'll be a bit more positive. If it comes out on the 19th then I'll be riding the hate train with hateraide as an IV (I'm joking people, that's sarcasm)

But either way I'm still going to Fanime, but this year I'll treat it just like its says on the official FB page as "something to do" in San Jose. So there you have it.  Not much hype for Fanime this year. Maybe next year.

This... this literally describes how I feel about Fanime, now. It's been full of constant disappointments for 4 years now.

and yes, they may have gotten BETTER guests this year then last year, (And by god did the guest roster suck in 2014) 4 guests I'm thrilled or will definitely going to be enjoying seeing them in person. But that does NOT excuse the staff for being THIS late in the game!

And you say events are coming together nicely? Yeah about that I've been to several other conventions that give people at least a month or so. Fanime is literally hamstringing all the events at the last minute is the impression they have given me. They could put all this together without it being the month where the con is suppose to start!

A "bit" late? Yeah 16 days and they still have not announce all the guests or events at all is far FROM far being a "Bit" late. It's beyond late that it's unacceptable in my eyes. And also as of this post fanime has NOT announced Back-On being on the guest list. The music artists have to announces THEMSELVES they are coming and how often do you see the artists announcing themselves instead of the con doing the work?

I don't mean to sound like an elitist but I've gone to SEVERAL cons since I was 14 and I can tell you that fanime use to be WAY better then this. Because back then fanime was actually good and nobody complained about it being bad. But since 2012 there have been many people unsatisfied with how bad fanimecon is doing and some either skip the con or even fly all the way to the east coast for animazement where they do everything right compared to fanimecon that has done nothing but bring disappointments and has barely improved ever since the dreaded year of 2012.

And judging by your user name it's clear that you are on fanimecon's side all the way. I tried to give fanime another chance because I heard the head was a great guy and if anyone can bring fanimecon's 2011 year back to it's former glory it was this guy. But it looks like the person who said that was clearly wrong. Have you at all read and acknowledge the complaints the people have? They have a reason to hate or have any malice and contempt. And I "try to enjoy myself"  but when you have days that barely have any good programming aside from the guest panels of people I want to see. It's hard to enjoy yourself. I had an "okay" time at 2014 but looking back at it now. It was a year that was still terrible. I only remember for the musicfest being good.

I don't think your acknowledging why some people come to fanimecon in the first place. Tell me. Let's say you were in the east coast or fairly far away that it would take several hours to drive to san jose and even fly there. Because of the lack of updates about ANYTHING how could the person plan their trip easily? plus it costs resources to even get to the con.  Even though it's only a two hour drive from I have had better and expect better. Trust me I USE to love fanime but not as much anymore. I don't hate fanime for the sake of just hating it. I hate on it hoping that chances of it improving and having it gain my love again.

If I had the resources to travel to the east coast for animazement I would most likely will. But since I don't have that kind of money and resources fanime is the only place that can take up my summer. I'm looking forward to AX way more and other cons then fanimecon. But like echoshadow said. "It's something to do"  I've already had the extreme struggles of even getting a hotel room so I might as well go. It's also because it's cheap, but I certainly would pay extra for the hotel and badge if it means the con will improve. I will continue to have the same opinion unless you can provide more valid justification.

mod edit: split in its entirety from this thread: Let's Get Excited, Happy, Ecstatic, Good Vibes


I understand your frustrations. They are very evident. I was trying to create a thread for those of us who, despite the obvious frustration, are staying optimistic.  I was trying to create a thread that relished in excitement positivity rather than negativity. I wanted to create a thread the exact opposite of the "Is Fanime Worth Going To" thread, but it looks like that us all this became. 

As for my screen name, I just made something that completely related to the forums.

I get you are frustrated and it is very unprofessional and irresponsible to wait so long in the game to announce guests. It is even more frustrating for those with big travel expenses.  But I can't help but think with all the negativity some people are having, come the day of con those people will still have a bad time even if the con is great because all they've done for months is relish in negativity and expectations of how bad fanime has become. We have 15 days. Will it be fun? I hope so! Will I be disappointed?  I hope not?  Can you guys please just leave a single thread open for those of us that want to believe in the con and are trying to remain positive about it and trying to get excited for this event we all pay to attend?

mod edit: split in its entirety from this thread: Let's Get Excited, Happy, Ecstatic, Good Vibes


I'm kind wondering what I missed out on before ewu edited the above three posts...

Quote from: citrus on May 04, 2015, 11:31:18 PM
.. some either skip the con or even fly all the way to the east coast for animazement where they do everything right compared to fanimecon..

That's a pretty big nope from me, and probably not something you should comment on unless you've attended AZ.  As this will be my third year going, I can tell you that things are not perfect compared to Fanime.  AZ staff is very badge heavy, almost at Anime Expo level; At the concert last year, they forced those who were in the front of the line and had waited a couple hours just to get in to the concert hall, to sit at the far right hand side of the room where they could not see.  If you attempted to move seats to get a better view, staff threatened to kick you out of the convention.  Staff wanted to fill the fall right and far left areas first with those that had waited the longest to get in to the concert, and then wait until the end to fill the middle portion with those that had waited the least amount of time.  I was almost kicked out of this concert for refusing to go to the far left side where I knew I would not be able to see, even offering so much as to sit a couple rows behind where the current line was seating, because I did not want to sit where I could not see.  Things got pretty ugly and I ended up having to pull rank.  On other occasions, I've been called "greedy" by staff members for lining up for the same guest more than once per autograph session DESPITE not only no one standing in that line but the guest actually wanting to sign more.  I can count on one hand the amount of polite staffers at AZ I've met in two years.

Incidentally, I never had this kind of issue with any Fanime staff during the three years that I attended.  Staff was, at minimum, polite, even if they weren't always aware of what was going on. 

Another thing that bothers me is the registration.  It's 2015 and AZ still does things manually, and you line up depending on your last name.  They have binders with names in them and someone will manually go through the binder to find you.  Both years I've gone, the slowest staffer in the world handles my last name group, and it takes roughly 30 minutes for them to process 15 people.  I shudder to think about what would happen if they had an attendance group the size of Fanime.

I know that from where you're sitting, Citrus, things look rosier at AZ because they announce lots of guests in a timely fashion, gets people you want to see, etc.  But, as with every con, there are going to be advantages and disadvantages.  Unless things have changed, Fanime has great staff.  They get fantastic musical acts.  Their registration process (now) is very fast for a con of their size.  These are all very positive things.  AZ's strength is in their quantity/quality of non musical guests, timely guest announcements and cheap food/lodging relative to other cons.

I've advised you in other threads that you should simply stop being so vehement and simply go to AZ in the future instead.  If that's not a reality, why not join staff and try to make Fanime the best convention it can possibly be?

mod edit: none, sorry mistakenly clicked on the wrong post to edit


Quote from: cutiebunny on May 05, 2015, 08:44:54 AM
I'm kind wondering what I missed out on before ewu edited the above three posts...

Nothing edited out. The edit was to the post title. Simply split off from the other thread with no changes. I'm not THAT shady....just mildly shady ;)

For those wondering, the original thread:,20045.0.html
Eric Wu
FanimeCon Chairman
FanimeCon Forums Moderator



Allow me to express my feelings with the splitting the thread in an artful photo with captions.

How I feel the positive people, Ewu or other want to do to me:
How I feel upper management wants Ewu and other mods to handle negative comments:

Positive vibes (don't worry, it's pg-13)

I sincerely hope I didn't make anyone upset, with my "negative vibes".  Oh who am I kidding I'm not the only one that's bitter. I can only imagine how the hard working staff feel about the people holding things up. 

Not your typical anime junkie.
MAL:Echoshadow's Anime List


You know... I've been trying to stay "positive" for the past few days but when you got a bunch of incomplete staff that doesn't update you. How can you POSSIBLY get excited when there's nothing being hyped up for!? Look at AX and how they try to excite there fans. They know how to make people excited! But what has fanime been doing? No update on anything when it's two weeks to the con? TWO WEEKS! And still no update on anything. The schedule, anymore guests finalized, NOTHING! Plus on social media they have not found way to make people hyped!

Trust me if joining staff would actually make a big difference and have my voice be heard, I most likely would! Not all staff at fanime are bad. But would it KILL you to update your fans? Find ways to help make us get excited for the con? People say the ink has been running dry for this con but at this point. I feel that there is NO ink to work with! I hope there are staff around the con. I'm going to try and enjoy the con as much as possible but I think I wanna give the staff an earful on how to improve and how to do things right.

TC X0 Lt 0X

"Never beg. You earn. By Winning.
Or else you won't get anything..."

Pro-Pocky Movement




Quote from: TC_X0_Lt_0X on May 12, 2015, 03:32:51 PM

Quite literally updates from a week ago.

Rofl. Maps will be soooo helpful, cause I completely forget the layout of Fanime every year. If it wasn't  for Fanime's maps I would never find my way to any of the events. This one year I could not find the dealers hall. It took me 2 days to find it. I was lucky enough to find a pocket schedule with a map in it.

I can't help myself, I had to do it. It's just comical when Fanime puts anything up this late. Then again...It's Fanime.
Not your typical anime junkie.
MAL:Echoshadow's Anime List


Quote from: echoshadow on May 12, 2015, 06:23:14 PM
Quote from: TC_X0_Lt_0X on May 12, 2015, 03:32:51 PM

Quite literally updates from a week ago.

Rofl. Maps will be soooo helpful, cause I completely forget the layout of Fanime every year. If it wasn't  for Fanime's maps I would never find my way to any of the events. This one year I could not find the dealers hall. It took me 2 days to find it. I was lucky enough to find a pocket schedule with a map in it.

I can't help myself, I had to do it. It's just comical when Fanime puts anything up this late. Then again...It's Fanime.

Pffft. Good one. Here's a new slogan for the con "Fanime, always screwing something up since 2011." Because it's true. I'm also noticing whoever is running social media for the convention needs to be fired.

I always follow facebook for all my convention updates and whatnot and yet it wasn't until someone posted information that there were updates on the official site. I DON'T always check on the website and I rarely check on twitter. And what have I discovered? Fanime has only been posting most of it's updated information on twitter and mainly twitter. For a short time the convention switched all of its updates to twitter only when they could have EASILY also posted it on facebook. This was one of the thing's the attendees have complained about. Only this time whoever is running social media decided to not say people who use facebook or other social media something like "Hey if you want to stay up to date with most recent info, go to twitter or check out at our official website!" Am I looking foward to the con? Somewhat, but at this point I'm going in being pessimistic and with low expectations unless the con proves me wrong otherwise. Also as of this post. It's the 13th. STILL no schedule posted up yet.


There's a Fanime Facebook page, a Fanime Twitter feed, and a Fanime news page. They each have quite different news items.

There's also a Fanime API which returns news in JSON format, perhaps for phone apps. Same content as the Fanime news page. (There's no Fanime app to use that info, as far as I know.)


My sides hurt from laughing so much.
To be fair it's not the fault of the person that types stuff on twitter.... Well a bit, it's the person(s)  that is holding things back.  Also, it's not that hard to link twitter and FB. Just say'n. Unless they are worried about bandwidth. :p

Then again.... There is only a handful of updated I really care about.
Hotel booking
Japanese guest/band

And for those that sell/perform
Artist ally
Swap meet
But that's a whole other poop fest, which I stay away from that. It's not my business.
Besides that, meh, what else is there? It's Fanime we are talking about. Not AX or Otakcon

I do have to address the schedule release. Seems like we'll have streak if it doesn't come out by Friday. (Which I really hope it doesn't, since I have Vegas odds riding on it bing late. ) but what ever, it will be out late.

(Incoming sarcasm ) Cause we all know it's a matter of life and death the schedule should be perfect before it goes live. And heaven forbid you have to make a change after it goes live, cause you have to be a brain surgeon on a tight rope using rock science to delver a scalpel on a rocket 2000 miles away. Sounds silly but thats always the answer I get at the feedback panel at the end of Fanime for the last 4 years.
Where's my hateraide? I'm thirsty.
Not your typical anime junkie.
MAL:Echoshadow's Anime List


Well, I'm glad all the negativity was split into it's own thread. Leaves the positive one, well...... positive.

I get that some of you are upset about Fanime's lack of updates and whatnot, but that doesn't mean the rest of us can't enjoy the con. If you want to have a bad time, that's fine, just don't rub it off on us and ruin the con for us. I'm still going to enjoy it as much as I can, and while I wish they would do some things better, it really could be worse. It's my 5th Fanime, and I want to celebrate it no matter how bad the staff is doing.
(ノ•ω•)ノ Cosplay List:
Rook Hunt
Ukyo (Ranma 1/2)
Satsuki (Totoro)
Omega (Bad Batch)
Giyu (KnY)
Rengoku (KnY)
Sheeta (Laputa)


Quote from: echoshadow on May 13, 2015, 11:52:44 PM
Cause we all know it's a matter of life and death the schedule should be perfect before it goes live. And heaven forbid you have to make a change after it goes live,

I'm sure you'd have something to say about that, too.
FanimeCon attended: 20 times
1999 - 2001
2006 - 2019
2022 - 2024

TC X0 Lt 0X

Quote from: aetherltd on May 13, 2015, 11:38:00 PM
There's a Fanime Facebook page, a Fanime Twitter feed, and a Fanime news page. They each have quite different news items.

There's also a Fanime API which returns news in JSON format, perhaps for phone apps. Same content as the Fanime news page. (There's no Fanime app to use that info, as far as I know.)

There is a Fanime App, and I was suprised to learn they it is still working and up to date, though I don't know if it is still in the app store. Hopefully it is updated with the Schedule as well.

I might want to miss around using the API for app development practice if I get the chance =P

"Never beg. You earn. By Winning.
Or else you won't get anything..."

Pro-Pocky Movement



Quote from: Amanojaku on May 14, 2015, 04:59:37 PM
Quote from: echoshadow on May 13, 2015, 11:52:44 PM
Cause we all know it's a matter of life and death the schedule should be perfect before it goes live. And heaven forbid you have to make a change after it goes live,

I'm sure you'd have something to say about that, too.
Oh you bet 'cha I got a few words in that. But my soap box is getting tired, would you mind tagging me out, and jump in the ring? I get the vibe your itching to say what's on your chest. Help a brother out. ;)

Quote from: Angelx624 on May 14, 2015, 03:03:17 AM
Well, I'm glad all the negativity was split into it's own thread. Leaves the positive one, well...... positive.

I get that some of you are upset about Fanime's lack of updates and whatnot, but that doesn't mean the rest of us can't enjoy the con. If you want to have a bad time, that's fine, just don't rub it off on us and ruin the con for us. I'm still going to enjoy it as much as I can, and while I wish they would do some things better, it really could be worse. It's my 5th Fanime, and I want to celebrate it no matter how bad the staff is doing.

Let it out, what things about Fanime don't you like? If everyone stays quite Fanime can not improve and be the top con in the west coast. Your actually making the con a worse experience by not saying the problems.

It's like going to a doctor and not telling him what ills you. Hoping the doc can read your mind and fix you up. It doesn't work that way kiddo. 

No one likes it when someone tells you your not doing a good job, it could be your boss, teacher or parents. But guess what? If someone doesn't tell to stop making wrong stuff, you'll end up getting fired, failing the class and pissing people off.
Not your typical anime junkie.
MAL:Echoshadow's Anime List


Quote from: citrus on May 13, 2015, 09:52:29 PM
I always follow facebook for all my convention updates and whatnot and yet it wasn't until someone posted information that there were updates on the official site.
I actually have an explanation for that! I did a lot of social media work in my last company. The thing is that Facebook does not guarantee what is called "reach" - the ability for an update to reach recipients. They actually ask brand pages for money to ensure fans see updates, last I heard. Twitter, on the other hand, is much more effective as a broadcast platform.

I have no idea how the convention uses the platforms, though - I just wanted to offer an insight as to why Twitter would get favored over Facebook. They're very different creatures.
Tyrannical Board Admin, 2003-2015
Webmaster, 2003-2007
Head of MusicFest, which has the best damn staff out there, 2005-2008
Convention Chair, 2009-2011
Director of Guest Relations, 2012
Something with Guest Relations, 2013
Father, 2014


Quote from: echoshadow on May 14, 2015, 06:50:56 PMIf everyone stays quite Fanime can not improve and be the top con in the west coast. Your actually making the con a worse experience by not saying the problems.

If complaining were effective in that it would improve the con, don't you think something would have changed since 2012 when the quality of all but its non musical guests started to decline?  What I see happening is that people have resigned themselves to attending a ho-hum convention.  The couple of my friends who will be heading to Fanime all do so because of the Japanese animator guests, and do so knowing, months in advance, that Fanime will not be worth it for them to go.  They go because Fanime is local or because they have nothing go on that weekend.  Since 2012, none of them have told me that Fanime was the highlight of their con season.  Instead, they wax poetic on the greatness that was Fanime 2011.

The days of larger, well known conventions catering to the requests of their fans is over. Conventions are money making businesses and only when their bottom line is threatened, such as the massive LineCon debacle of 2013, will things change.  Certain conventions offer premium experiences to those attendees who are willing to pony up the funds.  And no, I'm not talking about AX's Premier Badges; Those are practically worthless now.  I'm talking about their sponsorship badge, among other things.