17418; ?> Fanime 2017 Art Gallery

Fanime 2017 Art Gallery

Started by Moonbug, July 10, 2016, 07:51:37 PM

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Hello fellow FanimeCon attendees and artists!

I am hoping to assist the Artist Gallery in getting back up and going for FanimeCon 2017! I have the art show experience and fellow artists who have spoken up to assist in running this fun exhibit. We were unsuccessful in 2016, but with a year ahead of us I'm sure it can be done brilliantly.

Feel free to add your thoughts or to pass this information along to any Fanime "powers that be" you may know.

Thank you!
Moonbug; noun; a girl named Moonbug.

...well that was lame.



I agree wholeheartedly Moonbug and despite my plan to visit the Colorado NDK's Art Show in September I'm still vehemently hopeful that the Fanime can assist you in bringing back the Art Show.  ;D  Anything you need to help to revive it, I'm your guy.   


I made it to a Fanime Staff meeting and they are looking for an Art Gallery Head! I have thrown my name in the hat and will see what happens.  :)
Moonbug; noun; a girl named Moonbug.

...well that was lame.



wait what happened at the art gallery of 2016?.. I couldn't show up because of a wedding invitation (WHICH apparenty got POSTPONED at the worst timing).

I really want to showcase my work in hopes of making the art gallery more amazing v_v!

I was really impress with other peoples works from 2015. really regret missing out on 2016 v_v!

I promise to make NEW works if the Art gallery shows uP!


What happened at the Fanime 2016 Art Show is that it was considered by the Fanime to be unimportant. Mainly because the last person who ran the Art Show was a "fill in" and didn't allow anyone to sell anything. The "fill in" was a quick sort of band-aid in 2015 because the person before 2015 was used as a scapegoat and released from service (fired) when she didn't do anything wrong.

Sooo, since there was no one else to fill the slot to run the Art Show and the "fill in" was not returning, the Fanime decided there was not enough time to organize an Art Show and concluded the it would be skipped. Hard telling if they are serious about next year what with a little over 6 months to work it out.  :P

Since there was no Art Show in the 2016 Fanime I had to make up for it and go to the Colorado NDK which I was happy to attend since I had not been there in almost seven years. If you ever get a chance to go to NDK the Art Show is wonderful, fully functional, organized, and if you sell any of your works you get the money on the last day of the Con.

I WANT the Art Show to return to the Fanime because the Con seems hollow without it.


Goodness, I had no idea so much negativity had gone on in the background. I hope the current decision is not based on politics.

Sadly, as of the response I received today from the Fanime Chairs, the Fanime Art Gallery will not be returning. This cloudy, rainy day is definitely mirroring how I feel about this. Fanime was my first art show (where I met Crispin Freeman--great memory!) and from there became my favorite thing at Fanime. It is a tradition I have continued to enjoy for nearly 15 years whether I was able to be present for it or not (my art was).

I have a few more avenues to attempt, but if this is a decision based on outside reasons I'm not sure how it can be changed. I can only suggest that perhaps you send an Art Gallery love note to Fanime and see if the joy it brings fans helps them reconsider.

The Fanime Art Gallery is important. Just not important to everyone.
Moonbug; noun; a girl named Moonbug.

...well that was lame.



Update: Still working on this as I just received additional information. FanimeCon requires a new, better business model in order to continue the Art Gallery as artists know it. I am looking into San Jose City information to see how this may be accomplished to FanimeCon and artist's liking.
Moonbug; noun; a girl named Moonbug.

...well that was lame.



Well that's new. Aside from proper book keeping after collecting the sales to give to the Fanime's accounting department to cut checks for artists, what does a "better business model" entail? The new display panels are pretty good at least. But to be honest considering the times I helped put up and take down the older displays I do kinda miss them.  ::)
As I said before, I want the art show to return to the Fanime so you have what help I can provide if you need it.


Voicing my support, and I am also interested in participating as an artist displaying some of my artwork if the Art Gallery returns. Fingers crossed! I'd love to see the Art Gallery come back better than ever, so thank you guys for working on it. Fanime's Art Gallery is one of the things that makes Fanime unique and better than other anime conventions around the Bay Area.


Thank you, artists. I'm headed to another Fanime Staff meeting this weekend. I'll let you know how it goes.  ;)
Moonbug; noun; a girl named Moonbug.

...well that was lame.



Hi, Artists (and interested attendees!),

I had what I feel was a pretty good meeting with Fanime and their Chair(s) this past Saturday. I have been a tad more busy with work due to the holidays, so I apologize for the delay.

I had much more positive information given in regards to the Fanime Art Gallery. Things will be different. For now, the Art Gallery we have loved and attended traditionally is being set aside. However, there are new avenues they are willing to explore in regards to the Art Gallery. I am composing several propositions on how to utilize the space and event "Art Gallery" that I hope will please and excite Fanime, attendees, and artists.

Please be patient and open to changes. It will not be the same, but I think it will still be exciting.
Moonbug; noun; a girl named Moonbug.

...well that was lame.



Well it's always good to hear positive news. I had a feeling something would be different in trying to keep the Art Gallery alive. Thanks Moonbug for taking the time to meet with the Fanime and being a valuable voice to the artists and attendees for the Art Gallery. I'll be patient of course with no buts.
More than likely I'll prepare some works for the next Fanime and HOPE like hell the Art Gallery comes back. The Art Gallery was the nucleus for me to attend and without it I don't have the enthusiasm to attend.


I too hope there will be a chance to be able to display once again.  2015 was my first time contributing to the gallery, and was saddened by it being left out last time.

Will keep fingers crossed 24/7 for good measure.


Keep me inform as well inloved art gallery and loved to showcase my papercut illustrations


Okay. I know it's early, but seriously speaking, May is not far away. Just like March isn't far off and I'm REALLY looking forward to the Ghost in the Shell movie. I have copious faith that if the Fanime council (which sounds very Lord of the Ring-ish) lets Moonbug run the resurrected Art Show she will be great.
I truly HOPE the Art Show comes back but I'm still puzzled as the the council's determination regarding a "better business model".


I apologize for taking so long for another update! I just didn't have anything positive to update.

Independently, another artist and I are going to try to set up a home for local artists that coincides and compliments the timing of FanimeCon. I had originally sent this idea on to Fanime, but I have not heard a response in more than a month. We got to thinking that maybe we should take that as a sign that if we want to get something done, we should just do it ourselves. So with that motivation in mind, please wish us luck! Feel free to find and message me at www.facebook.com/MoonbugsMakes or email andrea@moonbugwings.com if you'd like any more details or have suggestions. :)

Thanks, everyone! If anything changes I will continue to pop in on here to update.
Moonbug; noun; a girl named Moonbug.

...well that was lame.



Quote from: Moonbug on January 18, 2017, 12:17:28 AM
I apologize for taking so long for another update! I just didn't have anything positive to update.

Independently, another artist and I are going to try to set up a home for local artists that coincides and compliments the timing of FanimeCon. I had originally sent this idea on to Fanime, but I have not heard a response in more than a month. We got to thinking that maybe we should take that as a sign that if we want to get something done, we should just do it ourselves. So with that motivation in mind, please wish us luck! Feel free to find and message me at www.facebook.com/MoonbugsMakes or email andrea@moonbugwings.com if you'd like any more details or have suggestions. :)

Thanks, everyone! If anything changes I will continue to pop in on here to update.

Thank you moonbug for your hard work T_T!... i really did had plans on bringing a figure i want to showcase that i dont think anyone has seen before.. but then i may need to talk about the rules and regulations part (since the art was from scott campbell, but the sculpture was from rhvel?....but the coloring is from me...) but this idea was added since i think the last time i saw something amazing was a giant dragon sculpture but afterwards felt like my work hasn't contribute much audiences at all v_v!... except the mami tomoe one.. that one was awesome!!!
and the other artist who did the paper cut illustrations (mines was digital cut illustrations)


Quote from: Moonbug on January 18, 2017, 12:17:28 AM
I apologize for taking so long for another update! I just didn't have anything positive to update.

Independently, another artist and I are going to try to set up a home for local artists that coincides and compliments the timing of FanimeCon. I had originally sent this idea on to Fanime, but I have not heard a response in more than a month. We got to thinking that maybe we should take that as a sign that if we want to get something done, we should just do it ourselves. So with that motivation in mind, please wish us luck! Feel free to find and message me at www.facebook.com/MoonbugsMakes or email andrea@moonbugwings.com if you'd like any more details or have suggestions. :)

Thanks, everyone! If anything changes I will continue to pop in on here to update.

Best of luck!  Will be rootin' for ya


Yeah, guess it is a sign. Been going to the Fanime since 97. Sad to discover it has no interest in having an art show anymore. Well, on the bright side I still have the Colorado NDK in September. Love that Art Show. Truly a well oiled machine. Certainly gives me time to come up with new works and the plane ride is always cool. Ah well, it was a good run. Still have all the Fanime badges to remember by. Maybe one day they'll come to their senses and bring it back.  :-\


Thank you, everyone, for your interest in my topic and effort to bring back the Art Gallery to FanimeCon. Unfortunately, FanimeCon does not have interest in continuing the Art Gallery as we've known and loved it. The attempts on my end to create a place for the art show artists during FanimeCon has a scheduling conflict during that time. FanimeCon was my first art show, but it won't be my last. Thank you for the memories, Fanime! <3

RIP FanimeCon Art Gallery
Moonbug; noun; a girl named Moonbug.

...well that was lame.
