Reserving Hotel Rooms 2017... fun times

Started by Weiss Schwarz, January 18, 2017, 07:28:41 AM

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Admiral Donuts

I'm not sure if that's the case; if you look at the availability tables both Hilton and the Marriott offer Tuesday the 23rd to Wednesday the 31st.


My girlfriend and I had the first day (January 18th) and first window (7 AM PST) to get a hotel room. Our plan was for her to call and I was going to try online. Whoever got the best reservation kept it and the other one would cancel.

I logged in to get a Marriott room with a king bed. I had everything set up until I realized I didn't have Thursday. I tried to go back and fix it but it kept shutting me out saying something about too many people. I eventually called the number and waited for about 30 minutes. When they got to me an incredibly nice guy said that my room had indeed been reserved. I was so relieved. My girlfriend was able to get the Fairmont. We have a rewards card with Marriott and have been in that hotel every year since 2004 so we decided to cancel the Fairmont.

It was pretty stressful but it all worked out. I had to get a separate Marriott reservation for some extra days because I am staying in San Jose from Thursday May 25 - Thursday June 1 for my yearly vacation.

I hope that someone was able to get off of a waiting list with our cancelled room. Good luck to all in getting a hotel.  :)


Quote from: Purelovely on January 30, 2017, 12:05:25 PM
I hope that someone was able to get off of a waiting list with our cancelled room. Good luck to all in getting a hotel.  :)

Well, looks like I wasn't able to get it, so not off said waiting list for Fairmont yet..... Too bad!

But will still be hopeful!  Congratz on gettin' your choice place.