Kingdom Hearts Gathering 2020

Started by j2p2photography, March 09, 2020, 03:27:30 PM

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Thanks for your patience.

I'm here to officially announce the Kingdom Hearts Gathering for 2020. The tentative date for the gathering is Sat 5/23 around 3PM. I'm hoping to get the G6 location for more shade and crowd control since last years turnout as bigger than anticipated.

DAY: Sat 5/23 (TBD)

List of Attendance:

Photography Order (Tentative):
Group Shot (Everyone)
Kingdom Hearts (ALL Games including mobile)
Protagonist (Heroes)
Antagonist (Baddies)
Disney Heroes
Disney Villians
Disney Characters
Organization XIII
Final Fantasy Characters
Group Shot (Everyone)

However, I want to bring up an important topic right now regarding the Coronavirus. As we are aware, Fanime is still going to happen which is great! However, I want to remind everyone to please have proper hygiene. And to be courteous to others during this difficult time around the world. I want us to have fun and to be safe. As a precaution, I've decided to have a hand sanitizing station at the Gathering for attendees to use. I want everyone to be safe but to have fun at this con.

Thanks so much!



Awesome! ^^ I should be there as KH3 Kairi!
(ノ•ω•)ノ Cosplay List:
Rook Hunt
Ukyo (Ranma 1/2)
Satsuki (Totoro)
Omega (Bad Batch)
Giyu (KnY)
Rengoku (KnY)
Sheeta (Laputa)


Awesome!! Can't wait to see it!

I know we're here to talk about our favorite characters from shows/anime/video games. But let's take this time to be kind to each other during uncertain times. I hope that Fanime will continue on Memorial Day weekend. But lets show our love and appreciation to the medical workers and retailers that are still open to help combat the fight again the Coronavirus.

As I said, I want everyone to have fun. But I want everyone to be safe. I still plan to have a hand sanitizing station for the gathering to keep people safe. Just lets do our best to be positive during this difficult time.

Thank You! :)
