Fanime AIM Chat Gatherings! Last Update: February 16th, 2009

Started by Spiritsnare, June 03, 2005, 10:00:56 PM

0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic.


I have a little idea. Maybe we can post our AIM screen-names and stay connected with each other. Maybe even once in a while, hold a buddy chat.

EDIT: I've went and started to compile a list of all members who have posted in this thread (either with s/ns attached to their post or in their profile), and have made at least 20 posts.

Darth_Diclonius EDIT: I decided to take the time and update the list since it's been almost a year and a half since it's last been updated. I added all the AIMs I found but also Y!IM, MySpace, MSN, and Skype. If the OP wants to modify the list she is more than welcome to. If anyone notices any errors let me know.

Spiritsnare's Addendum (5/7/09): This list is no longer self-maintained. Also, short_storiesgl has a more active thread here, although Darth_Diclonius may update this thread (or trash this and make a new one) at any time.


-zoxan-: disagreeablehead
~~Loktera~~: Loktera
Absolute0: H3R3T1K 3
AbsolutelyCursed: AstrayNova
Acid_Android: caminoarise
Akira Miyamoto: ShotgunRonin
Akito Starwind: Akito starwind
AngelKawaii: cutelilbttrfly5
AngieDesu: Angelica17400
anthonyapocalypse: vassaggo666
Arconna: InfestedScyther
Aru Sakayama: Nokkyu Ishikawa
Asa_Gohan: a0yuki
Auron-X: Tidus Darkwater
Ayanami Rei First Child: The Ayanami Rei
aznmagic2015: Aznmagic2015
Baker!-!: jbnblake
Barnes: CapeBarnes2k6
BDILN: l3375p4r74n
billgoku: ssjgoku6870
BloodyWhiteRose: BloodyWhiteRose
BP!: MightyBP89.
BrightHeart76: SlrSparks
britedarkness: britedarkness
Caelque: Iavas Aenil
Ced1106/Washu: Palo0303
Charming_Dorian: SephirothChicky -or- NecroVanilla
Chaye: Buttrflygirl89
ChenCzen: chenczen
Chibblz: AssassinChibblz -or- Chibblz
Chloe: Enfantin Chloe
Chun: FFOVGuardian
cocoavvie: kiwikitten16
Cody Pierce: Kittenfish0307
Croquet: PandemoniumRose
darkknightcecil: inyuyasha6
Darth_Diclonius: RazorToothWolf
DayDreamerNessa: daydreamernessa
Declinsion: Declinsion
Default: neataznyam
DJ Saturn: DJSaturnTheFinal
doorbell: denaiarunamida
Dshadowsakura: Dshadowsakura
E-Chan: aelia314
Emerge: emrgeazurethnder
EternalMalachi: DreamingEternal
felicity869: aimhatesj9
FinalShadows: XShadowsofFearX
fr33lanc3r: fuglyto
Fructose: HomicidalManiacV
G.S. LXVIII: VicViper11
Gainax Boy: Dreamer81382
glitch: glitch circuit
gmontem: Mmm Rainbow Roll -or- iheartgmontem
Graduisc: phr33styl4
Green_Tea: NSchizzle
grove: chaos deep
Gubaba: gubaba19
hakudoushi: orangecpepsi
Hakaru_chan: lillshortaymouse
Hatch Guy: desynced versi0n
Heartbreak_despair: valkurbelmont -or- zelphyier
hellangel: deathsythchell
HuggalotXOmocha: huggalotxomocha
Ichigo: THEichigo
ichigo_tsuki: ichigo0tsuki
ILuvHeijiHattori: HagarenNoHeiji -or- ILuvHeijiHattori
ip136: Deamh Binn
Itachi no Jutsu: aznpunkrockerguy
Jarakie: Insomniatic6787
Jehuty: Evolution 0421
Jerry: ranma23456
JohnnyAR: Sage of Ramen
joshness: joshness
JosiahWolfswood: JosiahWolfswood.
justkitteh: just kitteh
Jyunishinsho: DAVANTA
Kanchii: SharpieSnifferUM
Karisma Black: Garnets Dagger
KawaiiAngel: Messdupme101
Kazegami: PogiChoie
Kazuko: kawaii kazuko
Kegan_Flame: keganmonsterz
keisukesan: keisukedrifter
KindaRandomKris: KrisIsVeryShort
Koani: Koanifox –or- ItachiEbil
Kodoku: Limeto Bureku
Lactose: gravitisrainbow
LadyKaren: Ladykarenhmoon
LastElixir: despairsray7
lazlopanaflex: lazlopanaflex75
Leishu: MaohMoLin -or- LeishuLin
Leishu's Fanboy: DaOneAndOnlyNai
LinLinLucy: Shinji Kun 827
Lisu: LutzDemMadver -or- lisudecrauder
lying is an art form: aznpunkrockerguy
lyricaldanichan: lyricaldanichan
Makou/Tsukai Mori: ChielSensei -or- xNine Lifex
MeliCat: MeliNeko
Minagi-chan: MinagiPanChan
MiniKirk: jimkirk170103
misfits_cure: cutabovethewrist
mistakim33: xxgawonxx
Mizuki: [email protected]
Moogleborg: MoogleborgMPA -or- Kupoborg
Moondancer: Harperus
Mordyan: Mordyan
NachoManLance: l33tMasterLance
Nanashi: The Real Meowmix
narutosan17: narutosan17
Nina Star 9: nina star 9
Nino-kun: Tokiha Maiku
Ohsu: KonjouOhsu
OniCourseMusha: Onicoursemusha
Oopymmas2: Oopymmas2
otakuapprentice: OtakuxApprentice
Otakuya: SOSRBrigade
pockystix: xx Shinmeiryuu
protocol7: wickedayanami
pSyChOgArDeN: Tenshi Mayoke
Purity Alighieri: PurityAlighieri
quantbits: crutchiekeitaro
RaddaX2: OffBeatRomantic
RichieLikesMaids: RichieLikesMaids
Ruby: Punky Ki77en
rubymoonIII: chibilingxiaoyu
rude32: rudethirtytwo
Runewitt: Haunted8Ball
RyuHayabusa: RyuDOA2Hayabusa -or- DarthRyu666
sadistic-otaku: michellekhuu
saiko_koneko: d4klycut3
SeiloraFenixirati: Seilora
Shin Gouki: Eyedel
short_storiesgl: Wtf its ari
shortpachoo: shortpachoo
silent til night: whylistentoyou
Ska_Kitti: MommaVerch
Spiritsnare: SpiritsnareAlpha
Squeeky_Moonkin: giggle_paw
Stormfalcon: nStormfalcon
Sucrose: Semmonemily
Sunara Ishi: IshiJaguar
SweetNiar: IsabelGueribout -or- MagicalDroplet -or- NiarElemental
swordofthebezerk: swordofthebezerk
Tabbychan: supergurlz1n70v3
Taijiya Sango: Aelita725
Taka86: DriftTengoku240
TC_X0_Lt_0XTC X0 Lt 0X
tearraspades: tearraspades
Tetsunai: Tetsunai
The Pure of Heat Alchemis: Theeternlflame
the_Pink_Panther24: hammerandSickle0
thebrain2u: thebrain2u
Thoth: thoth2020
Umi.Ryuuzaki: EvilUmiRyuuzaki
uzutake: aznblaziken
Vanessa: vanessaayukawa
VictimX: VictimLessX
waffle-lover26: ShoelaceMonkey
wirewolf6: wirewolf6
XeNo: Xenochan22
XpHoBiaX: xxaceofspaidezxx
xXunyuuXx: xxunyuuxx
YoureMyHiro: YoureMyHiro
yukie utsumi: watermelonSURGE
yunnie2896: soralove22
Yunri-chan: jennychan22
Zain: ZigZagZain
Zerocide: Zerocidev8
ZIMdudeAlchemist: ZIMdude9876
zoupzuop2: zoupzuop2

MSN/Windows Live:

[email protected]
Darth_Diclonius: [email protected]
FinalShadows: [email protected]
Jerry: [email protected]
Moondancer: [email protected]
protocol7: [email protected]
Shin Gouki: [email protected]
shortpachoo: [email protected]
Squeeky_Moonkin: [email protected]
Tsukai Mori: [email protected]


Akito Starwind: Akito_starwind
Auron-X: Samurai_Akimoto
ichigo_tsuki: ichigo0tsuki
Kazuko: lilangel10036
Moondancer: [email protected]
shortpachoo: shortpachoo
Squeeky_Moonkin: chesh94
Sunara Ishi: ishi_jaguar
XeNo: Xenochan22




Chiri Kcrinh: chiri_kcrinh
XpHoBiaX: XpHoBiaX

# of people on list: about 113
Most # attendees ever at a chat (active or not): I think the record was about 25ish. I forgot. If we break 25, I'll post that up here.

You can be in here too if you post your screen name.

edit If anyone not on this list IMs you saying that they grabbed your SN from the Fanime BB, TAKE EXTREME CAUTION. Ask for his/her board name and doublecheck the info against the memberlist to make sure that he really is part of the FaniBB. If s/he hasn't posted, urge him/her to do so.

This is a public service announcement brought to you by the ever-lovely Spiritsnare. Thank you for your time. <3 This warning has been doubleposted to page 14 of the thread.
epic progressive



we used to aim chat a little bit last year post-con....

if yall are doing it again my sn is... well chenczen naturally.
Except for ending communism, slavery, nazism, and fascism, WAR HAS NEVER SOLVED ANYTHING!!


Mine is:

Punky Ki77en

^_^ IM meh anytime! Yay~ !
Chance of going to Fanimecon 2015: 50%! ;_;


I have aim xD I tend to zone out in chats, so I don't do them much, but I guess I wouldn't mind trying it again xD

sn: caminoarise
MusicFest Manager 2009-Present
2008 MusicFest Guest Handler
2007 MusicFest Staff
MusicFest on Twitter!


I'll do one tomorrow, after I come back from going out, that is if anybody is interetsed in doing it hehehe :D
My own Cosplay Photography Page:
AnimeCraft Entertainment LLC


Great -- when will that be? ^_^

Maybe I can start a chat in advance if I get enough screen names/people online to start it...
epic progressive



Quote from: "Spiritsnare"Great -- when will that be? ^_^

Maybe I can start a chat in advance if I get enough screen names/people online to start it...

what's your aim sn? you can aim me if you want hehehe :D
My own Cosplay Photography Page:
AnimeCraft Entertainment LLC

Sunara Ishi

Sounds ok. My sn for aim: IshiJaguar
I have a different one for IRC. I don't normally use IRC to chat though...
"Doesn't break even when run over by a tank! The most durable ballpoint pen in world!"-Nebula


Quote from: "Sunara Ishi"Sounds ok. My sn for aim: IshiJaguar
I have a different one for IRC. I don't normally use IRC to chat though...

There, I added you :D
My own Cosplay Photography Page:
AnimeCraft Entertainment LLC

lying is an art form

mine is either weirdaznfool or itachinojutsu

go ahead and IM me, but pelase don't flood me with useless bored convos unless you actually want to chat. i get bored easily, but i'm up for a chatroom type thingy.
Do you like Magic: the Gathering or just fun games in general? I'm offering a fun way to play Magic right here! I'm bringing these to Fanime 2009 :) PM me to secure one!



dont care, but dont spam me up =P
Chito, aka Kaiyoko
-Formerly Umi.Ryuuzaki

FanimeCon E-Gaming
-Veteran E-Gaming staff since 2002
-Dept Head '05/06, Assist Dept Head '07, on break '08-'11, returned 2012
Gaming Hall Staffer 2013


Kinda simple, AIM: VictimLessX

I'm almost always on, kinda almost...


Not sure if this really applies to me, as I'm not a regular poster, but here goes.

I'm not on AIM much... usually I just idle there.  I'm more of an IRC junkie.  If you set up something on IRC, my usual haunts are on Freenode and Aniverse.  Drop me a server name and channel, and I'll be the potted plant in the corner of the room that doesn't shut up.
"Only in Europe can you suck down a fag and be gay, but not homosexual."


MaohMoLin or LeishuLin (Desktop or Laptop, respectively). ^_^
Kabe ni kono Nyuuji wo tsukete mite kudasai.


If active, I'm Evolution 0421 on AIM...
ENGLISH, Mother%@#!-er, DO YOU SPEAK IT?!

yukie utsumi

Fanime 2006 Cosplays
FongLing (Resident Evil: Dead Aim)
Kaoru Kamiya (Rurouni Kenshin)
*NEW* Kasumi (DOA2U Blue Ninja version)


It all really depends how well the lies are told...


aim: Mordyan

Yeah I see a trend here in this topic... hehe


See, I used to use Spiritsnare Flux as a s/n, but my friends would spam the hell out of me for no reason at all >.> Thus, MedliRocksUrSock.

List Updated!
epic progressive



You can find me on AIM, if I'm logged on, I'm up for chatting.

AIM: aelia314

Believe me, I can keep up with (and make worse) the weirdest of chats... my record so far is 15. >.>;; then AIM froze.
Watashi wa... Anata no Ushiro...