
Started by Jyunishinsho, September 16, 2005, 05:59:50 PM

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This is sort of a hard question to ask....but...

Is it me, or does it seem that anime is dying? No offense or anything (just an observation); I don't mean people are losing interest and stuff for it,'s running out of ideas and new trends fast. Everyone is focused on few things now; there isn't much change. It's beginnning to be like Hollywood, just instead of remakes and superhero spinoffs, but more like overused ideas. I like to see something new...something that would be groundbreaking once again.

-Anime such as Midori no Hibi for example of a very original idea. I like the anime. ^^


I'm noticing a repitition with anime instead of a "dying" factor. What's the latest Gundam out? Most of the Gundam series are all the same.

I'm also noticing at media stores that we are receiving anime that has been out in Japan for years. For now, anime may just be at a standstill, which is nice. It gives manga artists to write up new stuff and directors to animate more movies and stuff. I'd say, just be patient.
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Quote from: "Ska_Kitti"I'm noticing a repitition with anime instead of a "dying" factor. What's the latest Gundam out? Most of the Gundam series are all the same.

I'm also noticing at media stores that we are receiving anime that has been out in Japan for years. For now, anime may just be at a standstill, which is nice. It gives manga artists to write up new stuff and directors to animate more movies and stuff. I'd say, just be patient.

I hope you're true. I don't want anime to go like Hollywood....- -
(proof that I'm not a big fan of movies)


*coughcoughstudioghiblicoughcough*  :o
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It's more like originality is dieing in general.
How many fast food chains now have a spicy chicken sandwich recently added to their menu?
How many variations of "Law and Order", and "CSI" do we need?
Have you noticed how many new shows there are this fall that compare themselves, or are compared to "The X-Files"?
God!  I REALLY don't need another kind of Diet Coke!
Toyota Matrix. Mazda 3 five door.  Suzuki Aerio SX. Ford Focus ZX5.  Separated at birth?
And the WB has hit a new low.  "Coconut Fred's Fruit Salad Island".  Slightly inspired by a Nickelodeon show?

*sigh* :(

Fortunately, in the world of anime, the still are some new gems now and then.  That's probably one of the reasons I still enjoy it.
At least recently I've gotten into shows like "Planetes", "Beck" and "Magister Negi Magi" (okay, I know it's just another harem anime, but at least it still has some new twists to the formula).


One thing that has been upsetting me is that anime is becoming too "mainstream." Now I've got nothing against mainstream, but things do tend to lose their magic after that happens. I remember when I first started getting into anime, there was only a small section in a couple movie stores for it. Manga was a tiny little area between the fantasy and science fiction books at Borders. Most of the anime conventions I went to were alot smaller. Now you can find anime at every place that sells other movies. The anime section at bookstores has its own row. And even Hot Topic has a fairly large section of anime. Everyone knows what it is. And now that it's becoming more popular, the people that are making anime want to make something that will sell, and something that will appeal to everyone. Theyre trying ideas that have been popular before. But hey! Us diehard anime fans have to hang in there! Personally, I've been exploring older animes that I've never seen before, the classics man.
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considering anime, I dont have a problem with mainstream as long as the transition is done correctly (I.E. proper dubbing, correct subtitles and appropriate translations). It doesnt matter how my hentai gets to me as long as it gets to me :wink:.


well anime dying, for me it seems a little slow right now, just like with video games for me right now, i haven't bought a game in forever cause theres nothing appealing to me =/

but every year i find a new series i really like, 2003 excel saga, 2004 fruits basket/naruto, this year bleach and paradise kiss(manga) have caught my interest. sometimes good series aren't anything recent too, theres sooo many series i enjoy that aren't anything recent, one of my faves is giant robo and that was made a long time ago, i think some people get too caught up with whats going on right now, to look at what has been made already =((
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No Name had a brief article in its flyer that *more* anime is coming out but funded with *less* money. That's possibly a bad thing but I've noticed that Foothill Anime is showing more "mature" content (keep your eyes out of the gutter -- we're talking the drama Monster  :D  so *hopefully* more anime means more *niche* anime.

It is, of course, also likely that today's anime market is less focused on the "classics" ("Hey! Who else has seen InuYasha?") than recently released anime ("Show the fansub before it gets licen -- too late"). By its nature, stuff that's just been released is less likely to be as good as the classics.

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Anime has gone through ups and downs.  When anime seems to be down, it's a good time to watch some popular series in the past.  For me, I'm watching Trigun for the first time XD


Hmm.. I haven't really noticed a lack in anime fans, really. At my school, I'm seeing more and more people running around with manga in their hands. There's even a section of manga and shoujo magazines in the library. Not to mention the Naruto fans that are starting to show off their headbands. I saw even the most unlikely people in to anime at school...

Maybe it's time to drag some new people into the anime world and brainwash them with -good- anime rather than have them see some that they don't like and stereotype all anime to be like that. It's happened, and it's made me pretty upset.


It`s kinda been dying out on me at least.

Thesedays whatl I usually look for are pretty illustrators. (Only cause every story sounds repetitive and I got sick of it)

But there are some occasional good comics out there. This year Kurosagi Corpse Delivery service really caught me. Un-repetitive stories are so hard to obtain now X_X
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Hmm, for different type titles, I think I'll choose Gankutsuou.  I saw a preview for it at Fanimé 2005 and found out it was playing the night before I had to go back to the airport.  I was able to watch a couple hours of it and after I got over the shifting colors, I absolutely loved it.

Full Metal Alchemist has been another good one so far.

Tenjho Tenge has been entertaining thus far.

If there isn't anything you're really into, save some money and rewatch the classics, or go out and pick up the good ones you haven't gotten to yet.

Myself, I just rewatched Cowboy Bebop when showing it to my younger sister, and I'm about halfway through showing her the Read or Die tv series.  Next on the list will be Azumanga Daioh.  ^.^


The japanese anime industry is getting very heavy on these genres:

Loli Harems
Goth Lolis

At least, that what it seems like.

Not that I'm complaining mind you, but I'd really like to see something original again.


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Fanime Panelist (Pangya: 2007, 2008; Vocaloid: 2009, 2010)


I don't think that Anime is 'dying' in a way....but I think that due to its rise in popularity over the past few years, its became a part of everyday life to millions of people everywhere that its practically common these days to see a person watching anime or reading manga.

And then again, there has also been a lack of originality these days...but i'll always stick to my favorite gaming classics like Final Fantasy, Sonic, Mario, Zelda, Street Fighter, Fire Emblem...may I say more?! ^^ But of course, a few anime these days like Jungle No Itsuwa Hale Nochi Guu and Gekinshin have caught my eye as well! ^^

And also, the new Ah My Goddess TV series has renewed my love for the series as well! ^_^ But of course, bieng the gaming and anime freak of a moogleman that I am, i'm ready to keep on viewing more anime and playing video games until the day I can no longer do so! ^_^
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