Ghost in the Shell (Movies&SAC)

Started by Logik, September 28, 2005, 05:04:39 PM

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This thread is pretty much for anyone who wants to talk about the GitS series/movies and anything relating to either (i.e. music, games, etc.).

I just recently bought my special edition Vol. 1 of the second season. I've only watched one episode so far since Bleach has been taking up my time to watch anime, but I can already tell that it's gonna own me once again. I wonder what exactly happened to Serano and wheter or not the Laughing Man will make another appearance?(if you already know, don't tell me!) It'll be interesting to see how Section 9's missions are handled now as well. It would also be nice to see some episodes involving more of the other characters like Paz, Boma, Ishikawa, and Saito. I love the opening sequence too, it gets me pumped. Origa does it again. =D> The soundtrack is just as sweet (all of the music was composed by Yoko Kanno). BTW, anyone here already seen the entire 2nd season? Just curious...
"All you can do is keep on keeping on, and try to believe that tomorrrow will be what it should be - even if it isn't what you expected." -Harry Dresden


Picked 2nd Gig Vol. 1 up last week.  My GOD!  These episodes just keep getting crazier and crazier!!  Episode 2: a crazy helicopter pilot who daydreams about being a terrorist/revolutionary.  Episode 3: a high class party for sex-bot aficionados, attended by government officals and business tycoons.  Can't wait for vol. 2 !!!!!!
A few things bug me though.  Like, why the hell does Chief Aramaki keep looking younger and his hair getting bigger?   It's like the artists just got lazy and put a big f$#%ing cloud on top of his head.


I have the manga and the movie of the original series. The manga rocks better than the movie. Masamune-sama made the Major look old instead of yummy in the movie.
Cosplayer: 03-?
Fanime Staff: 04-?
Sorawarudesuka Cosplay


Quote from: "Ska_Kitti"I have the manga and the movie of the original series. The manga rocks better than the movie. Masamune-sama made the Major look old instead of yummy in the movie.
Have yet to pick up the manga, but I did go through some of it. I personally liked how she looked in the movie better. Regarding the series, I read that Director Kenji Kamiyama said to expect a sequel to the 2nd GIG. Maybe a movie or a 3rd GIG? And does anyone know anything about this "Laughing Man" movie? Looks like there's some more research for me to do.


Random- lol. It's funny though how he has massive puffs of hair around the sides of his head, but none on top.o_0
"All you can do is keep on keeping on, and try to believe that tomorrrow will be what it should be - even if it isn't what you expected." -Harry Dresden


Hee hee~!  You were what's-his-face for Fanime~!  *Pokes fun*  >w<
Cosplays for '10?  WHO KNOWS!?!


Quote from: "Chloe"Hee hee~!  You were what's-his-face for Fanime~!  *Pokes fun*  >w<
Yeah, that was me in a rushed Laughing Man costume.^_^ Kinda wish I made the "mask" in time. More people would have noticed me I'm sure. I wanna go as someone from Section 9 next time, but I don't know who. I guess I could go as Saito, but I'm not ready to cut my hair just yet.
"All you can do is keep on keeping on, and try to believe that tomorrrow will be what it should be - even if it isn't what you expected." -Harry Dresden


Quote from: "Logik"
Quote from: "Chloe"Hee hee~!  You were what's-his-face for Fanime~!  *Pokes fun*  >w<
Yeah, that was me in a rushed Laughing Man costume.^_^ Kinda wish I made the "mask" in time. More people would have noticed me I'm sure. I wanna go as someone from Section 9 next time, but I don't know who. I guess I could go as Saito, but I'm not ready to cut my hair just yet.

Mm.... How would you make a mask like that?  Wouldn't it be more like... HA HA... A cut out?  You can like print it out~!  Hee hee, you couled have easily done it, right? =w=

Heh heh, not ready to cut your lushious hair?  ALLOW SOMEONE TO DO IT FOR YOU~!  Mwhahaha~! >w<
Cosplays for '10?  WHO KNOWS!?!

Captaine Kit

Quote from: "Logik"
Quote from: "Chloe"Hee hee~!  You were what's-his-face for Fanime~!  *Pokes fun*  >w<
Yeah, that was me in a rushed Laughing Man costume.^_^ Kinda wish I made the "mask" in time. More people would have noticed me I'm sure. I wanna go as someone from Section 9 next time, but I don't know who. I guess I could go as Saito, but I'm not ready to cut my hair just yet.

Bro, I got one word:
Paz = Peace
FanimeCon Presents: Antagonite Fashion

Captaine Kit

Well if this is a general topic, then I wish to kick it up with a question:
Apparently, we are hooked on the cyberpunk aspect of it.  I mean, for sure.  What other aspects told you that Ghost has been worth your enthusiasm?

For me, it's the strong female lead.  Besides the fanboy preference for a manmachine body to be female and that thing that guys have about powertools, it just works.  Is man a body?  Does the representative (Kusanagi) of man's deeper thoughts have to me a man?  SAC took the fun out of guessing whether she was born or manufactured, but I think the way they told the story of her youth was a touching interpretation. . . .  Or are those the memories that someone put in her brain, and Aramaki is a part of it?

Paz.  You know, like 'peace' being an instrument of 'the man'.

Ishikawa.  As you witness the disappearance of Section 9 at the end of SAC, Ishikawa's experience of degeneration plays longer than some of the other members.  Look up 'modern architecture and design'.  My point: it's the asset of cyberpunk that refers to this lovely truth: 'What goes up must come down.'  I don't claim that it was intended in any part of the Ghost epic, but those were the dots that I connected in my mind.

Batou.  I've seen one roman interpretation of his name as Bateau (boat).  Hey, it floats me to that extent.  What I really like about him is his yin to the major's Yang.  In the second film, he's said to have shown behavior similar to the Major's, just before she disappeared.  That is soooo hot for millions of romantic intellect reason stuff  . . . language degenerated--gah.

Aramaki's apparent fountain of youth . . .
FanimeCon Presents: Antagonite Fashion

Captaine Kit

Quote from: "Random"A few things bug me though.  Like, why the hell does Chief Aramaki keep looking younger and his hair getting bigger?   It's like the artists just got lazy and put a big f$#%ing cloud on top of his head.

Aramaki's apparent fountain of youth--I think it's ridiculous, but I actually like ridiculous.  

The Major's aging façade--I think that's a good effect.  If they were actually not that great and ended up with the older look, it still works.  If they intended to give her the older look, I think it was a good decision because monsieur Random's reaction to it says something about how the world can view women in cinema and entertainment.  Many times we take for granted that characters can mature.  A good way to show that is to bestow wrinkles to the character, in my case a visual sign of wisdom rather than of bodily decay.
FanimeCon Presents: Antagonite Fashion

Shin Gouki

I have all of season 2 and it's really good so good that I got the soundtrack for 1 & 2 love that songs in there  ^_^

Captaine Kit

Aww poo . . . that died so quick.  Solution: just meet people IRL and bring up your interest in Ghost.  That's where you get the really meaningful discussions and it doesn't just die because you know them.  :?
FanimeCon Presents: Antagonite Fashion