Fanime 2006-Feedback Thread

Started by RyuHayabusa, May 29, 2006, 05:27:15 PM

0 Members and 2 Guests are viewing this topic.


Quote from: "Mach5Motorsport"Then explain the delays every year.  There are Union people running the board directly on stage right and I am certain there was a union person at table in the back.  Needless to say there were huge gaps in cues.  Have things changed?  Is it simply the vast size of the venue itself?  Headset coms were in short supply again this year.  Casey mentioned that to me. I am interested to know.

Our stage manager, Casey (the ONLY guy who had a full handle on what was needed onstage and backstage), was not given a headset. So we had to communicate any changes through the Fanime Tech person on stage, who communicated it to Fanime techs in the back, who then commuicated it to the union staff. There's that 5 second delay. That really has to change next year, and that's something we need to obviously hash out with tech, because that was the core problem for any technical snafus was the "gap" time that Brian mentions -- as well as that having to communicate it through so many people ends up not getting the proper message out.


Duly noted and supported!


Yeesh. Running masquerade has been like trying to pilot a submarine, it seems.

Batten down the hatches...


batten down the hatches...

batten down the hatches...
Kabe ni kono Nyuuji wo tsukete mite kudasai.


Quote from: "Leishu"Duly noted and supported! Yeesh. Running masquerade has been like trying to pilot a submarine, it seems.

Heh, yah, but honestly at this point we are just complaining about minor stuff. The important things happend for our first year:

- 41 performances, 11 walk-ons
- Contestants got to sit in the audience and see the event
- 3 special perfomances and a movie

Did I mention the started on time and ended on time? :)  For a first year running this particular con, that's what I wanted to achieve. Now we can focus on the minor ticky tacky crap for next year. So, we are whining, but overall it went really well! :) Imagine what the posts here would be like if we started an hour late or something...



Indeedy. I always tend to keep an eye out for items that can be directly improved anyway. Cosplay, as always, has been a directly fulfilling event (despite my worries, which are never to be mentioned again, EVER! >_<), and, as always, has miles to go up if only for the virtue that there are comptetent and dedicated people making sure that it continues to do so.
Kabe ni kono Nyuuji wo tsukete mite kudasai.


I really enjoyed Fanime this year. The cosplay was awesome!

I was a bit disappointed with the dealer’s room. Usually I want to buy DVDs and wall scrolls, but hardly anyone was selling wall scrolls; I didn't find any good deals on DVDs either. One booth had DVDs for 20% off, but their DVDs priced higher, so with the 20% they were the same price as the other booths!

I loved most of the anime that was shown and I can't wait to get into the series that I enjoyed. The Funamation preview Friday night was great! I wish more distributors would do that. I found 3 series that I want to purchase in the fall.

The AMVs were lots of fun, although I didn't think they were as good as last year. The people yelling out insults were terribly rude. People put a lot of time in effort into them; even if you don't like it, keep your mouth shut!

Finally, I echo the call for female cut shirts! (Not only for the Fanime shirts, but in general.) I don't know how many adorable shirts I saw, but I didn't buy because they were male-cut. Girls like anime too!!!


Quote from: "kam_islash"Rap fan, guro fan, sadist, sociopath, rapist, theyre all the same to me.

Ohkay I don't know if you saw my post earlier in this thread but as part of the Stage Zero staff, I must apologize for that. For us hosts and staff that was COMPLETELY unexpected ^^; We had NO CLUE about a lot of the stuff that ended up happenin around stage zero because it was put on us LAST MINUTE. Us Stage Zero staff were going about things as originally planned but people kept coming up to us with soooo many cancelations and changes on the program schedule... so if things seemed crazie and a lil off, it wasn't our faults ^^; Like Rey-rey and I said earlier in this thread "Next up we have some awesome prizes to hand out----wait what?! :shock: An announcement? AGAIN?! XP" "Alrite everyone give a warm welcome to our guests----wait what? They can't make it? Another change?! ^^; *sighs*" and so forth...

I have to agree tho that the rap thing was outta place seeming at the con but that's a lil extreme to say here. I know a lot of people who are anime fans and rap fans. To compare rap fans to sadists and rapists and the like is just rude and prejudice. Please be respectful and considerate of others here on the boards.
Fanime Volunteer 2003-2004
Fanime Dealership Staff 2005-2006
Fanime Live Programming Staff 2006
Fanime Programing Liaison 2006
Fanime Stage Zero Co-Producer 2006
Fanime Stage Zero Hostess 2007-Present <3


Quote from: "kam_islash"

-Moronic upper management, as usual.
-Failure of some panels to show up
-My singing when one panel failed to arrive
-Eberron in the Gaming room
-No place to sleep
-Air conditioning always on
-New host character for mAsquerade not as funny as Deiter.  No funny voices = no funny.
-Peace bonding. I still hold taht it is a socialist practice.
-As usual, held on the same weekend as Baycon and Kublacon.
-No enough anime music playing on loudspeaker


-Add a communal sleeping area with 50 or so cots for roomless fanime atendees to sleep in. Always keep it darka nd turn the heater on.  Also, some sleepy music would be nice, like the Crystal Theme or Real Folk Blues.
-More free form karaoke.
-Improv comedy.
-AMV Hell 3, nuff said
-Bring back Deiter or at least SOMEBODY with a funny accent.  California accent NOT funny.  English accent funny.  Australian accent funny. But NOT a "normal" accent.
-Hold it on a non kublacon weekend
-We're anime fans not hip hop loving, mysogynistic anarchist rapper types with no regard for culture whatsoever.  Hiphop and rap do NOT mix with anime, please get rid of all rap, hiphop and death metal.  Sorry if it sounds like a generalization, but most rap and hiphop is VERY mysogynistic, irreverant and violent.-
There we go ANOTHER racist comment.  I'd be surprised if a mod didn't warn you again.  You seem to be a very MAD, ego blasting, chauvinistic unappreciative Fanime Con goer.

Staff works very hard to bring you the convention.  This "moronic staff" you talk about is more capable than you.  They work harder than you and bring you something you can enjoy and you bash them.  How immature.  With such an immature response, no one is going to take you seriously.

I agree with some of your points but not all.

NO place to sleep?  Hmmm..that sounds like a personal problem not a Con problem.  Hundreds of other people had money to get a room in the Hilton and the Marriot.  And if i am not mistaken, they were not over booked.

The San Jose Convention Center is run by centralized A/C.  You can't TURN IT OFF.  You can only regulate the average temperature room by room.  I suggest you wear a coat if its was too cold, and if it was too hot, move to a cooler room. -_-

Can't help the fact that cons overlap each other. Anime North was also held at the same time.  Its memorial day weekend.  Its ideal for events to go on.

Music was constantly playing, just too low, but its like that.  Can't have blaring japanese music going.

Rap music?  Yeah like i said, you stereotype people and seem very racist.  I am not even gna give an excuse for this.  I personally hate rap music, i see no artistic value in it, but i will not keep someone else to listen to it, plus hip-hop is extremely good dance music (2nd to Electronica).

Fanime Con might have a deal with the Hilton and or marriot to not provide such places to sleep (a small cot), as it will discourage Marriot and Hilton business.  They wont want that.  Yes it seems very capitalistic (tough), but if you can't pay for a hotel room then i suggest you find someone to room with.

Improve comedy? ehh..AMV contest only gets as good as the entries, it just so happens this year was not as strong as last year.  If you want better comedy, go complain on and get ignored.

AMV Hell 3? what? As far as i am concerned. Zarxrax did not submit this video.  And there were plenty of comedy videos this year that copied Zarxrax's amv style of one liner comedy.

perhaps the internet is not for you...

Eurobeat King

Quote from: "milkmandan"Can't help the fact that cons overlap each other. Anime North was also held the same convention.  Its memorial day weekend.  Its ideal for events to go on.

Not to mention Anime Boston, Animazement, CostumeCon, and BayCon were all happening that same weekend.  :shock:   As much as I would've liked to have gone to any of those, the timing was bad.  So I stuck with Fanime cos it's closer, and I've been going since 1994.
"Freedom is the right of all sentient cosplayers."

Pimpstress Rei

Quote from: "kam_islash"GOOD
-Great costumes this year, especially the Winged elf and the Sephiroths.
-Friendly lower level staff
-No princess 69
-Hilarious AMVs, especially montage
-Abundance of pocky
-Dokkoida and Age of Chaos, nuff said


-Moronic upper management, as usual.
-Failure of some panels to show up
-My singing when one panel failed to arrive
-Eberron in the Gaming room
-No place to sleep
-Air conditioning always on
-New host character for mAsquerade not as funny as Deiter.  No funny voices = no funny.
-Peace bonding. I still hold taht it is a socialist practice.
-As usual, held on the same weekend as Baycon and Kublacon.
-No enough anime music playing on loudspeaker


-Add a communal sleeping area with 50 or so cots for roomless fanime atendees to sleep in. Always keep it darka nd turn the heater on.  Also, some sleepy music would be nice, like the Crystal Theme or Real Folk Blues.

-More free form karaoke.

-Improv comedy.

-AMV Hell 3, nuff said

-Bring back Deiter or at least SOMEBODY with a funny accent.  California accent NOT funny.  English accent funny.  Australian accent funny. But NOT a "normal" accent.

-Hold it on a non kublacon weekend

-We're anime fans not hip hop loving, mysogynistic anarchist rapper types with no regard for culture whatsoever.  Hiphop and rap do NOT mix with anime, please get rid of all rap, hiphop and death metal.  Sorry if it sounds like a generalization, but most rap and hiphop is VERY mysogynistic, irreverant and violent.


Just letting you know that our job as a convention is to provide entertainment for the members, not a place to sleep. It's your job as a member to find a place to sleep within your own hotel room or make your own arrangements at a friend's house.

If you feel that strongly about these changes, then become staff and implement these changes. Don't complain then expect us to take your "suggestions" seriously. This is especially true when you refer to the management as "morons". You are free to have your own opinion, but when you state your views in a childish light, it's hard to take anything that you say seriously.
Marie F.
Vice-Chair 2009-2011
Assistant Director of Marketing 2008
Publications Manager 2006, 2007
Con Mom forever o.O


Quote from: "kam_islash"Rap fan, guro fan, sadist, sociopath, rapist, theyre all the same to me.

While I am in agreement with most people on this board that the face of rap music and hip hop today is awful, there is no place for a comment like that on this board. There are many people who enjoy both rap music and anime, and they do not deserve to be insulted in this way.

The rap performance at Stage Zero this past Fanime weekend was quite a draw for many people, who obviously enjoyed it. I'm not going to lie and say that there weren't people who did not enjoy it, mainly due to the fact that they are not fans of rap music, but the ones that were there and enjoyed it were anime fans, just like yourself.

I find it ironic that people can make a statement like that, when there is such a mass appeal for rap, hip hop, and R&B in Japan. Artists like Koda Kumi, Heartsdales, m-flo, CHEMISTRY, and others are an example of this. Some of these artists even have their songs go on to become opening and ending themes to anime. I am sure they would be shocked and appalled if they were to discover that the people watching the anime that features their music believe them to be a bunch of racists and sociopaths. I'm sure Yoko Kanno would love to know that her music choices for Samurai Champloo has now grouped her into such a horrible group of people.

Look, there's probably no way to change your negative opinion on rap music or the people that listen to it, but the least you can do is to keep that to yourself. The last thing we need on this board is someone to insult the members of this board that like both anime and rap music, and we sure don't need comments like that to instigate arguments between yourself and other forum users.

I am highly dissapointed that a comment like that could be made on this board. You don't have to like rap music, but you don't have to make such a biased, prejudiced, and hateful comment towards the people that do. Had bad experiences with people that do listen to rap music? Okay. But don't take down all the rap-loving staff members, congoers, and members of this board by associating them with those bad experiences. After all, they're all just anime fans too.
Brandon Tomyoy
Manager, Fanime Asian Film
Stage Zero Personality


Quote from: "KitsuneOniko"
Quote from: "kam_islash"Rap fan, guro fan, sadist, sociopath, rapist, theyre all the same to me.

I have to agree tho that the rap thing was outta place seeming at the con but that's a lil extreme to say here. I know a lot of people who are anime fans and rap fans. To compare rap fans to sadists and rapists and the like is just rude and prejudice. Please be respectful and considerate of others here on the boards.

I agree, that is uncalled for. And there is a ceratin amount of etiquette that is used on anything that's social. And while I'm not a big fan of Hip Hop or Rap, I think you're statement, kam_islash, is unnecessary. It is a legitimate artform like any other. Sure, there are some bad apples, but stereotyping should not be OK. Not to mention, it's not like Hip Hop isn't getting Anime acceptance, take Samurai Champloo for instance.

Kitsune Oniko, sorry to hear that you got slammed with a lot of cancelations. Better luck to you next year!


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Ladies and Gents: Kamiswhatever is a troll now, so don't feed the trolls. If he acts up again, instead of a warning, it's going to be a ban.

My own Cosplay Photography Page:
AnimeCraft Entertainment LLC


Quote from: deepbluevibes(removed per privacy policy)
Yeah i wish there were also some more shooters, but i guess that can go in the e-gaming feedback thread.

but for the AMV judging. which part was biased?
To prevent biased judging they did create judges pick and viewers pick.  Winning either of them is a very good feat. :\

RyuHayabusa! Spread the RM love! whats with the Rin siggy? why not Suigintou?!


Quote from: "RyuHayabusa"Ladies and Gents: Kamiswhatever is a troll now, so don't feed the trolls. If he acts up again, instead of a warning, it's going to be a ban.


To break up seriousness and give a little bit of humour:

But... but... I like feeding the trolls... I don't really need that arm, right? :wink:


Quote from: "phoenixphire24"Girls like anime too!!!

Wooty woot!  Do we ever!


(removed per privacy policy)


Quote from: "kam_islash"

-Moronic upper management, as usual.
-Failure of some panels to show up
-My singing when one panel failed to arrive
-Eberron in the Gaming room
-No place to sleep
-Air conditioning always on
-New host character for mAsquerade not as funny as Deiter.  No funny voices = no funny.
-Peace bonding. I still hold taht it is a socialist practice.
-As usual, held on the same weekend as Baycon and Kublacon.
-No enough anime music playing on loudspeaker


-Add a communal sleeping area with 50 or so cots for roomless fanime atendees to sleep in. Always keep it darka nd turn the heater on.  Also, some sleepy music would be nice, like the Crystal Theme or Real Folk Blues.

-Improv comedy.

-Bring back Deiter or at least SOMEBODY with a funny accent.  California accent NOT funny.  English accent funny.  Australian accent funny. But NOT a "normal" accent.

-Hold it on a non kublacon weekend

-We're anime fans not hip hop loving, mysogynistic anarchist rapper types with no regard for culture whatsoever.  Hiphop and rap do NOT mix with anime, please get rid of all rap, hiphop and death metal.  Sorry if it sounds like a generalization, but most rap and hiphop is VERY mysogynistic, irreverant and violent.


Two things I need clarification on.
1- How did you determine that Upper Management are morons?
2- How exactly is peace bonding a "socialist practice?"

Also, when it comes to complaining about not having a place to sleep or any food, all I can say is "Get a job, hippie!"  I spent about $1000 total for the plane ticket over, the four nights at the hotel, food, cosplay, and gifts from the Dealers Room.  And I only came from MN.  There was a girl in the artist room who came from Ontario (if I recall correctly).  There are plenty of us who are willing to save up to come to Fanimé over the others.  If you are not willing, then go to some other con.  On the same token, do not come to Fanimé and complain that you couldn't go to another con.  Thats your choice to make.

I agree with you about how ill-placed the rap music was, but you comparing rap fans to rapists is idiotic and calls your own maturity level into question.

Oh, and Dieter will always be Dieter to me, whether he does the voice or not.  ^.^`  Great host.  ^.^

Yes yes, I know we aren't supposed to feed the trolls, but this person reminds me too much of manofcorn, so I had to comment.

Jakotsu guy

Quote-We're anime fans not hip hop loving, mysogynistic anarchist rapper types with no regard for culture whatsoever. Hiphop and rap do NOT mix with anime, please get rid of all rap, hiphop and death metal. Sorry if it sounds like a generalization, but most rap and hiphop is VERY mysogynistic, irreverant and violent.

Way to drive away the very large number of anime fans who are also rap fans, like myself. I will not be coming back to Fanime now.


OMG Samurai Champloo was created by satanic guro rapists! (sarcasm)

Please, not liking a genre is one thing. Being a Troll is another...

What about Parappa the Rapper...the most happiest side of Rap music.

"I gotta believe!"

Rap music is here to stay. Get over it.  :wink:

And yes, I love my Rock, Jazz, Pop, Funk, Polka, Country, Electronic Music anime fans too.
Official Katsuhiko Jinnai Myspace Page

Katsuhiko Jinnai "The Anime Convention Experience" - NEW ORIGINAL CD - COMING SUMMER 2009.

AnimE'xcalibur/Shinoda Sound Recordings