RAGNAROK ONLINE 2007 GATHERING [updated with times,etc]

Started by Chibblz, May 30, 2006, 08:27:03 PM

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Ban Mido

well I know I'll be there if I can get the whitesmith costume done on time.....



I was a huntress for the last two years but I moved on to a new costume this year.  Maybe I'll bring it though just in case i feel like doing something different
06- Ragnarok Huntress / 07- Haruhi Suzumiya
08- Shana / 09 - Luluko
10 - Holo / 11 - Flaaffy
12 - Inga / 13 - Lizbeth

Ban Mido

guh this costume will be rushed ah well at least I'll have a cart...somewhat...


Lol.. My Ninja costume isn't something I'm completely proud of at the moment, but I'm mostly done.. I just.. Need to find the right sandals.. DX

Ban Mido

well I finished it  in two days >.> hopefully it's whitesmithish enough haha although I don't think I'll be able to find a toy axe in time >.<


Blah.. My dad like... dropped me off late... TT~TT


People better post pics here! Rah!  More people came than I thought tho <3 Yay! I'll post my stuff when I finish uploading it... when I get around to it.
anime... police pwnage?

Ban Mido

Seriously I want to see some of these pictures, and hopefully see if the pose I did as a whitesmith turned out alright haha, my thigh is all bruised haha but it was all worth it.


Mannn, I should've worked harder to complete my priestess cosplay. @_@

I hope you guys have another gathering next year, when I'm done working on it.


Which pose? Priestess sitting position is the SUCK! My knees were gonna pop outta their sockets. Anywho, I need to upload the fanime pictures in a bigger version. I have some tiny arse pics uploaded. I'll work on that now.
anime... police pwnage?


'Kay, so, the Knight is on the phone with me and bugging me about how "zomg I didn't keep my promise about posting about a masquerade next year."

So yeah! Let's plan it out? :D


Pics we took at the gathering on saturday. I'm the acolyte, my bf is the TK. :D Tell me who you are in the pics so I can bother you <3


Did anyone manage to get pics of us doing "pvp" and then getting attacked by a "monster"?[/color]


I'm the biochemist~ And why did no one tell me my shirt was stuck underneath my belt and buldged out after the KOed scene? It makes me look bad. T.T


Wow, RO characters =D  The only people I saw was the thief and alch. Later I saw a stalker and ws.

Ban Mido


anime... police pwnage?


those are awsome!

Oh to the assassin, did you cosplay that before?  I think I have a picture of you and my Huntress together.
06- Ragnarok Huntress / 07- Haruhi Suzumiya
08- Shana / 09 - Luluko
10 - Holo / 11 - Flaaffy
12 - Inga / 13 - Lizbeth


anime... police pwnage?

Ban Mido

awesome for picsss gah I still regret not showing up early, stupid traffic lights...and if you wanted to glomp my hair you should have done so O: it had a mind of tis own that day >.>