What would you like to see in Tabletop 2007?

Started by Ska_Kitti, June 07, 2006, 10:59:00 PM

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Ayanami Rei First Child

Well last year was a weird time for gaming. I mean look at what they did with the gaming room and the rave!! The rave was overcrowded....while the video games had TONS of wasted space all over!!

What about Illuminati Deuluxe? That's a fun game ^_^

BESM 3.0 <3


Quote from: "ININ"Last year, we played Texas Hold'Em for prizes.  I think we're going to do the same for '07.  Am I correct Ska_Kitti?  And I'm going to have a sign up sheet for those interested in playing poker outside the con. . . those who want to participate in a poker group ^_^

Consider me in. This year I am going to get better than third. I can guarantee that. ^_~
It all really depends how well the lies are told...


I'm definetly up for Texas hold'm. I've got 0 to no skills though, so I'll be knocked out quicker than you can answer the question: Who will win in a fight? Chuck Norris or God!?

Answer: Chuck Norris because he is God!

Ayanami Rei First Child

Quote from: "Makou"I'm definetly up for Texas hold'm. I've got 0 to no skills though, so I'll be knocked out quicker than you can answer the question: Who will win in a fight? Chuck Norris or God!?

Answer: Chuck Norris because he is God!
Wrong....Chuck Norris would die to Jet Li since Jet Li knows TWO forms of H2H combat, Offensive AND defensive, PLUS melee weapons. Therefore Chuck Norris would DIE.

Besides if Chuck was God, then he wouldn't need to get paid, he'd give it away.

Also....count me in for some Texas Hold 'Em fun. I play a little with my friends so I got enough where I could actually compete o.o


There are people interested already.  Terriffic.  Thanks for posting.

The last time I played poker was on the hottest day in San Jose in 2006.  I'm rusty, too  :wink:

Quote from: "Ska_Kitti"I've come to that little piece of harsh reality that my usual Poker dealer will probably be having a WoW raid at his place during Fanime. I may deal myself withya ININ. It depends on how big a turnout we get. Don't worry on the sign up sheet. I'll have one waiting there at the beginning of each day.

:] I'm gonna try and buy sleeves for my anime cards and use them. It makes things interesting.

I hope I can shuffle and deal with the sleeved cards.  Wait a sec.  Do you want to deal?  I can bring my poker chip set again XD


Huh, this year, I'll try to get prizes for winners. Maybe I can scope around the dealer's room for some free stuff to give away, as well as some stuff from my stash.


To Ska Kitti: Am I a part of the ttg staff? I haven't been selected for the position yet


Quote from: "Jyunishinsho"Huh, this year, I'll try to get prizes for winners.
Get GOOD prizes this time. Not a just Big Texas Cinnamon Roll. ^.^
(that Zubat from last time was ok tho)

Ayanami Rei First Child

Hmmm....what about a plush Cthulhu doll? Apparently it's uber cute:



In for pool, air hockey and foozball!   BTW, this being my first Fanime, does anyone ever bring actual board games (Carcassone, Settlers, etc) to these things?  Much love for Fluxx and Illuminati, though!

- FF

Let's go VOLTRON force!

Ayanami Rei First Child

You like Illuminati to?! I only got to play it partway through ONCE...but then my stupid friend dragged me away to take his stupid girlfriend back on time. Grrrr. I'd LOVE to be able to play with you! Please bring a deck if you can and help me learn the game better ^^


Illuminati was a blast - although it has been a while since I played, I think I can remember the rules pretty well.  Anyone play Bang?

- FF

Let's go VOLTRON force!

Ayanami Rei First Child

Quote from: "1Fireforge"Illuminati was a blast - although it has been a while since I played, I think I can remember the rules pretty well.  Anyone play Bang?

- FF
I've never heard of "Bang".

We should play that game....Nuclear Warefare I think it was called. You get to use Propaganda to steal people's population AKA Health, and then nuke the crap out of them later :twisted:


Well yesterday, I just submitted the floor plan plus requests and all that. All of you will have to be pleasantly surprised when you see it.
Cosplayer: 03-?
Fanime Staff: 04-?
Sorawarudesuka Cosplay

Ayanami Rei First Child

Hmmm....spiffy! Well I can't wait to see you in the dealer's room. ^_^

Remember....look for someone tall. I'm 6' 4" <.<;


We're not in the Dealers hall lol. We're in Exhibit Hall 3, the last big room on the Hilton side where Arcade and E-Gaming were last year.
Cosplayer: 03-?
Fanime Staff: 04-?
Sorawarudesuka Cosplay

Ayanami Rei First Child

Quote from: "Ska_Kitti"We're not in the Dealers hall lol. We're in Exhibit Hall 3, the last big room on the Hilton side where Arcade and E-Gaming were last year.
Well regardless you should be looking for me!!

Geeze what's up with me lately? My brain seems to be short circuiting lately or something >.<


Quote from: "Blue Impulse"Warhammer 40k ;D

i'd be down for some 40k that'd be kool if there was a lot of players

i've got a Dark Eldar army (2500 pts if i throw everything in)
actually...does anyone play warhammer fantasy? ive got both a Dark Elf and a Skaven list (i prolly won't bring them though not enough carspace>.<) but it'd be kool to chat it up and what not

anyone play Warmachine or Hordes? i've got a 750 Merc list and by fanime i should have my Everblight done
stuck between tomarrow land, the old timey "one big wheel in the front bicycle", and the cellular phone...

Ayanami Rei First Child

I heard Everblight was broken and currently full of awesome. Although there's a new book coming out so that MIGHT change...or they could get more absurd stuff....^^;


Quote from: "Heartbreak_despair"
Quote from: "Blue Impulse"Warhammer 40k ;D

i'd be down for some 40k that'd be kool if there was a lot of players

i've got a Dark Eldar army (2500 pts if i throw everything in)
actually...does anyone play warhammer fantasy? ive got both a Dark Elf and a Skaven list (i prolly won't bring them though not enough carspace>.<) but it'd be kool to chat it up and what not

anyone play Warmachine or Hordes? i've got a 750 Merc list and by fanime i should have my Everblight done

My group has 2 Warhammer 40k armies coming (transported lovingly all the way from Reno for this).  Neither is mine so I don't know the specifics, but they're both looking forward to a chance to maybe play some 40K.  :-)
Sometimes I'm glad I became a teacher.  Other times I wish I had simply become a ninja.


Quote from: "Ayanami Rei First Child"I heard Everblight was broken and currently full of awesome. Although there's a new book coming out so that MIGHT change...or they could get more absurd stuff....^^;

lolz not as bad as circle imo but their (everblight's) new warlock is hella bad ass i can pm the stats if you want, people usually bitch cause of eyeless sight and slipstream (though that is broke as all hell ala toki)

their new light warbeast is hella savage too =3 to Massacre!!!!!

Quote from: "BrightHeart76"My group has 2 Warhammer 40k armies coming (transported lovingly all the way from Reno for this). Neither is mine so I don't know the specifics, but they're both looking forward to a chance to maybe play some 40K. Smile

oh snap what armies!!! i want to see if i should go Wych cult or Wych cult....
stuck between tomarrow land, the old timey "one big wheel in the front bicycle", and the cellular phone...