The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya gathering 2007

Started by DJpNoiEcLipSe, June 12, 2006, 12:38:32 AM

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Haha, someday I'd like to do Yuki in her evil magician outfit...not in '07, but maybe someday beyond that...
In mammals, Sucrose is digested in the stomach, into its component sugars, by acidic hydrolysis. The Glucose and Fructose are then absorbed into the bloodstream in the small intestine. (Lactose just isn't cool enough to enter into it.)


I will be Kyon. Bet on it.... even if two others are going to as well :twisted: .

Well, it's mostly because I think I have his bored look and can be "In Character" well (Ask Spirit, he'd know XD).

RE: HHY 2007

Should I sign up to make a panel JUST for that? :)


Su-Cool. There's Not Enough Of It.
Fanime Panelist (Pangya: 2007, 2008; Vocaloid: 2009, 2010)


@Chun: -late response- Yeah, you should.

I got my costume done [comissioned... yes, I phail at sewing OTL ] Now, if I get a black cape, a witch hat, and a wig, I can be Nagato too. :3 I have a guitar as well, but it's acoustic...

Also looking a wig and a plastic knife for Asakura. ;o Dunno who I should be~

And then my friends say I make a good Haruhi. XD
New sn = Meirin


sorry for double post, but a bump is needed~

And I think I'll be going as Tsuruya instead.

にã,ˆã,ï½žã," :3
New sn = Meirin


damn been awhile since i posted here.  so yeah, on the room, it's been hella hard trying to get it. like the place for use to practice the Hare Hare Yukai thingy. basically i dont even know if you guys still wanna do this for the masquerade thing. but yea, if anyone has any recommendations of where we should practice, tell other wise. ima also talk to the SOS Dan bay area people if they can help us out also. so yea.. sorry about the late reply, hella shit been happening
what is is.. it's just what it is....
just go with it.  
                                   -WaLLy aKa DJpNoiEcLipSe


i'll be long-haired (first episode) Haruhi for at least one day this year. ^_^ I have to re-make the blouse, but the costume's basically done.
Cosplay Fanime 2009:
Alcia Melchiott and Welkin Gunther (Valkyria Chronicles)
Can I actually finish this without a)failing out of my senior year and b)killing myself? Only time will tell.


Quote from: "AnnoyedWabbit"i'll be long-haired (first episode) Haruhi for at least one day this year. ^_^ I have to re-make the blouse, but the costume's basically done.

Oooh, are you gonna go by Haruhi's code with her hair? Like yellow and 1 ponytail for sunday etc....?



At the Scotts Valley Safeway, they are selling witch costumes for under $20. If you need something "witchy" for the cosplay, this is a viable option.

(I know this because I work there  :oops:)
Haven't been here much since '09. I said some stupid, stupid things before (and after) that.


Quote from: "uzutake"
Quote from: "AnnoyedWabbit"i'll be long-haired (first episode) Haruhi for at least one day this year. ^_^ I have to re-make the blouse, but the costume's basically done.

Oooh, are you gonna go by Haruhi's code with her hair? Like yellow and 1 ponytail for sunday etc....?

sadly, no. I just have long brown hair, and don't want to cut it or spend $40 on a short brown wig.
Cosplay Fanime 2009:
Alcia Melchiott and Welkin Gunther (Valkyria Chronicles)
Can I actually finish this without a)failing out of my senior year and b)killing myself? Only time will tell.


i'm fairly sure i'll be going as Mikuru in her combat maid costume  :D


Quote from: "babytealeaf"i'm fairly sure i'll be going as Mikuru in her combat maid costume  :D

lolz that would be awesome
what is is.. it's just what it is....
just go with it.  
                                   -WaLLy aKa DJpNoiEcLipSe

The Nameplate Ninja

I love the series and will at least show up to take pics wearing my SOS Dan BDU Field Jacket ^_^
Dedicated to Ryoichi Koga & Goofy Style ^_^

The Nameplate Ninja

Update:  If I can get the right wig as well as the sport coat I can show up as the computer club president! lol

PS: Apologies on double posting.
Dedicated to Ryoichi Koga & Goofy Style ^_^


so... is someone gonna appoint a gathering time? o .o
New sn = Meirin

Evangelion Xgouki

If I actually manage to get some free time, I should have my jacket done in time to go as Kyon for a day/part day.


Reviving the thread if no one minds. I'm thinking of doing a Kyon cosplay. I'm going out to buy the materials now.


Quote from: "Makou"Reviving the thread if no one minds. I'm thinking of doing a Kyon cosplay. I'm going out to buy the materials now.

Nice. Which version of Kyon are you planning of doing?
what is is.. it's just what it is....
just go with it.  
                                   -WaLLy aKa DJpNoiEcLipSe


I am going to try and get together a cosplay for Kyon, so Im hoping I can go to the gathering.
The wildly-creative genius gone mental. "I've got this great movie idea! It's about a bag of chips gets in the way of the love of a dragon and a ninja!"


Is everyone good with a Sunday gathering? Maybe get this one off the ground before Fanime starts... >__>;
New sn = Meirin


I'll be there as long-haired Haruhi one of the days (still have to decide which days I'm doing what cosplays), but if we decide on a gathering day, I'll definitely be there!

It'll be kinda hard to miss me, as I'll be toting around a SOS-dan recruiting sign that gets held up, so even if the gathering doesn't make it through, come say hi!
2009 cosplays:
ahaha, so undecided
Chibitalia, Yanki!Souji, TYL!Irie Shouichi, Jack Bezarius, and Cool Lady!Tear Grants are most likely though