Questions about Glomping/Hugging...

Started by uzutake, June 25, 2006, 08:44:49 PM

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Rufus Shinra

Quote from: "swordman85"Sadly no, I don't have any info or pics of him.  I would actually like to drop him a line too but sorry I can't help you.

Oh well, maybe next Fanime Con, right? I'm sure he'll show up again.
^-^ And maybe in some new costumes! I just have to remember to get his contact info. Maybe I should just put a post-it note on my forehead??? I keep forgetting otherwise. lol


Er, I think it's been posted in a thread or two already, but his AIM username is Jordangaz, if you want to talk to him. (Far as I know, he's cool with it being circulated.)
In mammals, Sucrose is digested in the stomach, into its component sugars, by acidic hydrolysis. The Glucose and Fructose are then absorbed into the bloodstream in the small intestine. (Lactose just isn't cool enough to enter into it.)

Rufus Shinra

Quote from: "Sucrose"Er, I think it's been posted in a thread or two already, but his AIM username is Jordangaz, if you want to talk to him. (Far as I know, he's cool with it being circulated.)

Double thanks!

Ayanami Rei First Child

Yeah I had the problem where I was glomped by a guy who weighed over 200lbs....NOT fun. The problem was also that I hand my hands full so I kind of frooze and I couldn't brace myself properly to. It's always best to ask first.

Although if you see a really tall guy with NATURAL red ladies don't need to ask. Just glomp/hug me o.o


Ayanami Rei First Child

Quote from: "XpHoBiaX"*glomp/hugs*

*Eeps and almost falls over* Well hello to you to ^_^


It depends on the type of glomp. I dont mind being hugged or surprisingly hugged. But... there are some people *cough* who like to glomp attack and thats just a little overwhelming...

Ayanami Rei First Child

I'm fine with glomp attacks as long as the person doesn't weigh a lot, as well as me not having crap in my hands. Otherwise I can't brace properly >.<


So, I was reading this thread, and thought,
  "Hey, a person could ask when they see someone they want to glomp 'Hey, can I glomp you in a bit?'"  If they say yes, you walk off, and stalk 'em for a few. Then, you can glomp AND surprise, WITH their consent.  
 Well, I think I may do that, and perhaps it's  the way to go for all you  surprise-glompers.

    -So Says Giorn

Ayanami Rei First Child

That is a really good idea. People can also ask if the person is open to glomping at random occations to. That way people like myself can get their fill of glomps more easily ^^;


Only problem is, stalkers =/= win. This is because these people being stalked aren't sure if you mean to GLOMP them, or, persay, do far worse or something. In either case, it's quite kah-ree-pay.

Interesting concept though.
Haven't been here much since '09. I said some stupid, stupid things before (and after) that.


Quote from: "zoupzuop2"Only problem is, stalkers =/= win. This is because these people being stalked aren't sure if you mean to GLOMP them, or, persay, do far worse or something. In either case, it's quite kah-ree-pay.

Interesting concept though.

Maybe it'd be better if we just walk off and if we see them again(NO STALKING) then attempt to glomp from behind. XD

Ayanami Rei First Child

*Shruggles* Personally I wouldn't mind cute girls stalking me, but I can understand how others might feel about it. It was just an idea so that people who enjoy random hugs, but might be too shy to ask a lot, can get their fill.

Snow Ninja

Do you think girls would mind if a White Ninja just picked them up and started walking away with them?


Hugs/Glomps are perfectly fine. I don't mind it at all.


Ayanami Rei First Child

Hugs....glomps....and stalking is all fine if you're a girl.

If you're a guy...just ask first o.o;

Also...if your a female crossplayer you still count as female, and vice versa ^^;


Just chiming in, hugs are great. ^^ I come to staff Fanime to help put on a good show, and it's really nice to feel appreciated. ^^

I live out-of-state in the middle of nowhere in a hyperreligious community where are hugs are hard to come by. >.<; Basically my time in the bay area is my chance to be with people who are a bit more like me -- especially at Fanime.

So if you come to the main theater to watch masq or something and see the guy with the long hair slaving away, feel free to come up and hug me. ^^  It doesn't matter if you're a guy or a girl, the human contact and affection is appreciated.


1. If it's 5 minutes before (or god forbid 5 minute after) the time a show is supposed to start and I look like I'm about to scream, it's probably because I'm fixing a last minute problem and need to concentrate. ^^;

2. As others said, please don't glomp if you are smelly.  ^^; )

To be honest I think society has gotten so paranoid and scared recently that the lack of hugs is a serious problem. We live in a culture of fear now that the media spreads with hysteria for its own advertising dollar benefit.

People are so scared of eachother, but in truth crime has gone way down since the 70's. If people were more open back then, we can at least be that open now. =)

(My sis just started college and I'm amazed -- they lock the doors to her dorm 24/7, and the BATHROOMS INSIDE THE DORM are locked 24/7 too... All in the name of "security". It's stupid and really hurts the sociability of the dorm -- people hide in their rooms, rather than leaving their doors open to talk to people.)

Anyway! Hugs == win. ^^

Rufus Shinra

Quote from: "MainStageTech"Just chiming in, hugs are great. ^^ I come to staff Fanime to help put on a good show, and it's really nice to feel appreciated. ^^

I live out-of-state in the middle of nowhere in a hyperreligious community where are hugs are hard to come by. >.<; Basically my time in the bay area is my chance to be with people who are a bit more like me -- especially at Fanime.

So if you come to the main theater to watch masq or something and see the guy with the long hair slaving away, feel free to come up and hug me. ^^  It doesn't matter if you're a guy or a girl, the human contact and affection is appreciated.


1. If it's 5 minutes before (or god forbid 5 minute after) the time a show is supposed to start and I look like I'm about to scream, it's probably because I'm fixing a last minute problem and need to concentrate. ^^;

2. As others said, please don't glomp if you are smelly.  ^^; )

To be honest I think society has gotten so paranoid and scared recently that the lack of hugs is a serious problem. We live in a culture of fear now that the media spreads with hysteria for its own advertising dollar benefit.

People are so scared of eachother, but in truth crime has gone way down since the 70's. If people were more open back then, we can at least be that open now. =)

(My sis just started college and I'm amazed -- they lock the doors to her dorm 24/7, and the BATHROOMS INSIDE THE DORM are locked 24/7 too... All in the name of "security". It's stupid and really hurts the sociability of the dorm -- people hide in their rooms, rather than leaving their doors open to talk to people.)

Anyway! Hugs == win. ^^

I agree. I love hugs and picture taking and sharing ideas, dreams and stuff. It's really great that we can go to places like Fanime to let loose and enjoy the company of other like-minded people. And I'm surprised at all the kids around here who don't seem to get any of that, even in their own homes! Yeah, I'm a parent, but I'm a kid too and we all like attention. So hugs from me to every one of you and I'll see you at the next Fanime!

Ayanami Rei First Child

Hugs are totally awesome, and it's awesome to get them from cool new people. My friends rarely hug me back much...most of the hugs I get are from my parents, which isn't really that awesome anymore. @.@

Meh. I'm not particularly worried about any dangerous stalkers, I know the people at Fanime are a LOT safe then the ones OUTSIDE of Fanime >.< Besides I think it'd be fun to have a little stalker to tease an hug ^_^


Post a picture if you wanna get hugged! I LOVE hugging! I've sorta made it the hallmark of my class ^^() now everyday, people either hug and/or glomp each other. We're such losers, we make hugging circles XD

I'm the glomping post -___- And apparently kissing too O__o! Perfectly fine with hugs~! :3

At the end of the con, I'll probably try that whole "running around and hugging most of the people b4 the con ends" thing again like I did for 06 8D


Quote from: "uzutake"Post a picture if you wanna get hugged! I LOVE hugging! I've sorta made it the hallmark of my class ^^() now everyday, people either hug and/or glomp each other. We're such losers, we make hugging circles XD

I'm the glomping post -___- And apparently kissing too O__o! Perfectly fine with hugs~! :3

At the end of the con, I'll probably try that whole "running around and hugging most of the people b4 the con ends" thing again like I did for 06 8D

I've been a victim of some people's rampant glompeveryoneasap runs on my first convention. All I did was stand and stare blankly.

Good luck! Just try not to hurt anyone....