Kingdom Hearts Cosplay Gathering <3~

Started by Tabbychan, July 06, 2006, 04:01:54 PM

0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic.

Whose your favorite?

Riku >3
23 (74.2%)
Sora C:
8 (25.8%)

Total Members Voted: 29

Voting closed: July 06, 2006, 04:05:33 PM


or maybe portable flash drives....I'll be staying in a hotel room.

OH!! If anyone wants to room in a suite, LEMME KNOW


Of course, you will have to donate monies and pay for your pass. I prefer money sent via paypal, or checks. Concealed cash must be in a secured envelope!  NO REFUNDS!!! Sorry, but you MUST be able to go to the con all 4 days and pay for your pass. Everything HAS to be ready by Nov. You get the cheapest rates and stuff when you register EARLY. lol an dit hella pays off.

Unfortunately, you will HAVE to be 18 years or older. I am not responsible and will not be held responsible for YOUR actions. That's why Ca legal adult age is 18. If you do not excercise responsibilty or respect to other in the hotel room, you WILL be kicked out. (Dragged, thrown etc, by ME))

Please understand this is for my safety as well as yours. We all want to have a great time.

The reason why? ITS TOO DAMN EXPENSIVE FOR ONE PERSON TO PAY ALL COSTS. IT IS TOO MUCH OF A RISK FOR THOSE UNDERAGED AND I WILL NOT BE HELD RESPONISBLE FOR IDIOTS!! T-T I did that two years in a row...T-T then got stabbed in the back by my now ex-friends...(save one cuz she is affiliated with the bastards)


Woah, early hotel room XD How much is it gonna be, and how many ppl are sharing? I'm interested in rooming ^_^


I am just checking out the hotels that are next to the convention right now. Gotta see the space and know? I dunno what I want to have yet. :P lol

but I still gotta see who is going as well. Make sure some people will be showing up. I like to plan these things way in advance so I can hand in my vacation time/dates and say "Later Dudes!"

Especially since memorial day is like a major retail holiday. -_-''


That sounds like a wonderful Idea^^ But I know at least three of us here are around 15-16 for one thing, and another I wouldn't be able to afford it^^; sorry. ^^ I will most likely be taking the light rail every day to and from the con xD


well, I could always keep stuff safely locked away for people if they can't or don't want to carry it around. lol

I just figured that since I'll be on a 4 day vacation, I might as well amp it up and stuff. lol All the people I know and talk to are in the Bay anyways. lol


Oh I know, Its a wonderful idea^^ If I were older I'd join you^^; But alas I am only 16... in november>> ok fine, Im 15 xD Anyways thats off topicxD

Well keep it up, if the other members are old enough And join you al will have a great time, I'm positive of it=D Four four days I'll be switching from costume to costume yayxD That'll be fun on the lightrail.

People: -stares-

Random person1: Why is that girl dressed up like that ?

Random person2: Probably a freak.

Me: -has headphones on listening to random awesome japanese and or anime music- ^_^ dododododo

Next day:

RP1((random person)): There she is again, why is she dressed up, is she really a freak?

Me: -blinks and looks at them- Nya? Me? No I'm not a freak, I'm on my way to a convention <3

Random People:-looks away-

Me: ;~; so unloved. Why do you all hate the riza Hawkeye... -mock cries then pulls out head phones and listens to music-


or you can bring your costume to my room and I can keep it safe. lol

Cuz even if I don't get a lot of people, I can still watch after your guys' stuff so it won't get misplaced, lost, stolen/etcetcetc..... I really don't mind watching poeples' stuff, I am ecentric about keeping things safe and unscathed. lol

I've been to a couple conventions and have lost stuff...and it was always the little things that made the difference. >:/ So yeah, if you feel you can trust me, go ahead, I'll have a spot set aside for your things in my hotel room. (That and I'll be the only one with the key. :P)




lol yeah, cuz seriously if i was the only one with the key...nothing would get lost. :P That and I would have tabs on everyone going in and out of the room too. :P


i'll be a shadow heartless all you guys have something to beat up on. but this time i will have a whiteboard instead of a piece of paper.
Litltle Heartless Shadow says "Not again!"


Quote from: "ShadowSplat13"i'll be a shadow heartless all you guys have something to beat up on. but this time i will have a whiteboard instead of a piece of paper.

Thats so cool x3

Would you like me to add you to the list o.o ?


Quote from: "ShadowSplat13"i'll be a shadow heartless all you guys have something to beat up on. but this time i will have a whiteboard instead of a piece of paper.

Yaaaaay, more souls!! MORE SOULS!!!
(Think what you want... Reality isn't so kind.
Everything doesn't work out the way you want it to. That's why...)
As long as you don't get your hopes up,
you can take anything...
You feel less pain."

-Squall Leonhart, Final Fantasy VIII



yeah...that'd be fine if u added me to the list
Litltle Heartless Shadow says "Not again!"



*GASP* I just saw this real awesome maleficant costume and it's like...shmexy ....T-T I am sooo tempted to stop working on my costume to buy this costume. It's like...pvc and stuff....

it's like nuaghty....XD! Eh, it may not be suitable for Fanime and a KH gathering. (and i don't think I have the body for it...)


YAY! for the awesome maleficent costume <3


I just might buy the shmexy mal costume.....-^.^- he he ^-^ I could still wear my corset and a




Events That May Take Place:

*Photo Shoots xD

*Skits And other sillyness on tape <3 ((Someone, or at least one of us will have a video camera xD))

*Hanging out when we get tired x3((most likely later onxD))

*Basically thats all I have so farxD

*** If you have questions on the skits I was talking about I made up some silly scripts. If ya'll would like to see them I could post them on here or I could pm them to you^^

People Signed up:

*TriciaChan - A random Sora! =3

*Platinum Edge - A KH1 Riku! =D

*A Friend of Uzutake - A School Uniformed Kairi! <D

*TwentySeven - A KH2 Kairi! =]

*Sadistic-Otaku - A Cool Xigbar! =}

*Uzutake - Either an Axel or a Marluxia! x3

*Kodoku - A KH2 Squall Leonhart! xD

*XpHoBiaX - An Awesome Maleficent! >3

*SadisticAion - Xemnas =D

*Krysta - KH2 Riku =3