Which anime did you really connect with?

Started by uzutake, October 02, 2006, 06:45:12 PM

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Did you ever just watch an anime then go "...wow." and be speechless? Or maybe the opening of the show or a character just blew you away? And you've never felt like this before for any(thing else?) other anime as well?

I dont know why, but jsut a few days ago, when I turned on Adult Swim to watch Trinity Blood, Bleach was on after so I was like "OKie, lets give this a try" and when I saw the opening. Wow. I dont know, it was like...awesome. And yeah, shoot me, late Bleach Fan -__-

The same goes for Ouran High School Host Club. The opening just caught my throat and the ending just really really hurt me. It was just...TT^TT

And out of all the anime I have ever seen, those 2 really caught my attention. I cant really explain it. Even though I claim to love Naruto, Air Gear, Chobits, Kyou Kara Maou, (shoot me) The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya and all those other anime by heart, only those 2 really caught me.

...has that ever happened to you?

Sunara Ishi

I guess there's been a few series here and there. A few I expected greatness and there was, a few failed to live up to my standards, and there were ones I didn't expect much out of.

I admit, I was very reluctant to watch host club and now I love it. XD
There's been characters I've indentified with in such a way that they automatically gained being my favorite.

The beginning of Kiba blew me away but I got tired with it after awhile.
"Doesn't break even when run over by a tank! The most durable ballpoint pen in world!"-Nebula


The only two I can remember to have such an effect on me was The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya and Comic Party (back then, I didn't know that there was a game, and back then, I was playing it off of the Newtype DVD -- which meant forced dubbed Chisa ;_______; ).

I will admit, the first episode of Naruto caught me. Of course, we all know what happened to that series.
epic progressive



Quote from: "Spiritsnare"I will admit, the first episode of Naruto caught me. Of course, we all know what happened to that series.



Quote from: "uzutake"
Quote from: "Spiritsnare"I will admit, the first episode of Naruto caught me. Of course, we all know what happened to that series.


Sighing because? ;)
epic progressive



Quote from: "Spiritsnare"
Quote from: "uzutake"
Quote from: "Spiritsnare"I will admit, the first episode of Naruto caught me. Of course, we all know what happened to that series.


Sighing because? ;)

Okie, are you talking about how good it was, or how crappy the fillers turned out to be?


I'm talking about how I think the series peaked at the Chuunin exams and then spiraled downward. I kept on watching, though.

And then I saw the Sannin battle.

It took place in a field in the middle of nowhere, whereas five minutes earlier they were on the outskirts of a city.

Just like Dragon Ball Z.

And that's when I just stopped watching, right before the fillers started. Great timing on my part, I suppose.
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I'm also on the "Suzumiya Haruhi Ending" bandwagon. It's the first series I've ever seen beginning to end, 100% (and HOW! <3), and the ending really took me for a loop. I didn't expect it to be so great, but... 0_o

I've been with Ranma ½ for almost 5 years now, so it holds a place in my heart as well. Everyone's favorite aquatranssexual doesn't leave the memory easily (nor does anyone of Takahashi's main characters, for that matter).
Haven't been here much since '09. I said some stupid, stupid things before (and after) that.


x: chobits and card captor sakura really put a wow-ness but yeah it blew me away :3


I watch anime that has characters I can connect with, so yeah i do get that feeling. It's amazing. It's nice to watch funny carefree anime, or serious no bs anime...but when you crack open something that leaves you totally grounded...it's amazing.


Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha A's.  It's kinda hard for me to convey in words just how amazing I think this series is.  The characters are lovable, the story good, the pacing immaculate, and the action exhilarating.  It kept me enthralled throughout and I was hurting waiting for new episodes.  The only series I can vividly remember having such a profound effect on me.

The ARIA manga left a huge impression on me too.  I absolutely adore the wonderfully laid-back narrative and the warm and fuzzy feeling it gives you.  The anime, I suppose, works too, although it was mostly rehash of what I'd already read.  Until they animated past tankouban 3 (of which I haven't read). XD;



For me, there has been too many to list that I really connected with past and present. The key thing for me is that there are 3 things that has to get me hooked on a series:

3)Character Development

I don't care about the setting or the genre(except Yaoi), but it has to fill me those 3 requirements for me.

I can list at least the top 10 that have fallen into those 3 things(TV series 1st, Movies 2nd)


1)Gankutsuou:The Count of Monte Cristo
2)Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni
3)The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
4)Trinity Blood
5)Sailor Moon(S Season)
6)Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam
7)Bleach(Up until the end of the Soul Society Arc)
8)Neon Genesis Evangelion
9)Revolutionary Girl Utena
10)Martian Successor Nadesico

2)Ghost In The Shell
3)Perfect Blue
4)My Neighbor Totoro
5)Spirited Away
6)Vampire Hunter D:Bloodlust
7)Mobile Suit Gundam:Char's Counterattack
9)Project A-Ko
10)Lum:Urusei Yatsura-Beautifl Dreamer
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I was really caught up by a few series:

In chronological order:
Oh My Goddess!
Shingetsutan Tsukihime

I picked up the manga to OMG randomly in the library and fell in love with the characters. Not only that, but it was beautifully-drawn, hilarious, and had just enough action and racing to keep it fresh.

There have been many other series that I've liked, but these ones really connected with me on an inexplicable emotional level. I think a large part of the reason I liked .hack//SIGN, though, was:
Quote from: "Spoilers"From the beginning, it seemed like they were trying to force Mimiru on Tsukasa, but I liked Subaru a lot better. When Tsukasa and Subaru got together, I was surprised and so touched that it came out how I wanted it to, that it became my favorite series of all time.

Tsukihime, I enjoyed the obscure narrative style and I fell in love with Arc right away. When I finished the 11th episode on such a cliffhanger, I stayed up an extra hour, listening to the opening theme on loop the whole time, while I waited for the final episode to finish downloading. I also liked the way the whole storyline was sort of interconnected and unfolded slowly throughout the series.

Monster was just so damn intense that I became obsessed. So realistic, characters so believable, and Johann was just so freaking sinister.

Oh, and you might notice that three of those four had intense mysteries as the driving plot force, and (in the case of Monster and Tsukihime at least) they came brilliantly unravelled as the show neared its ending (.hack//SIGN had an adequate but needfully incomplete explanation, since it leads into .hack//INFECTION, which I still have to play sometime).


The one series I want to share in detail is Full Metal Alchemist.  I watched FMA for the first time at Fanime 2004 Midnight Madness.  I stayed up from midnight to 7:00 A.M. watching 17 episodes.  I never took a nap.  The series was super awesome Edward became my first cosplay :D

Other series on my list include Evangelion, FLCL, The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi, and Maho Tsukai Tai OAV.

For opening anime, the first episode of Ranma ½ is the best episode 1 I have ever seen.  Of all the anime series I watched, none has overtaken Ranma ½.


probably one of my all time favorites are mushishi and kaleido star. Both were unique and just blew me away in their own way.


Darryl Mendoza

Bleach (blew the *bleep* out of me, like it way better than Naruto)
Green Green (I always felt sorry fot Yuusuke)
Sailor Moon (I mean come on! It takes a real man to understand this)
Air Gear (some parts just made me tingle)
Comic Party (In Revolution, I felt sorry for Kazuki when he got sick)
Air (All/most the characters had sad stories that made me cry)
Love Hina (its just great)
Project A-Ko (what got me started)
Elfen Lied (When I found out about Mayu, I just wanted to hug her)
Midori No Hibi (It made me wish life was more like anime)

I connect with just about every character that I find cool, silent, or had a pretty bad past. I mean, when you think about it, some of the sad things that happen in animes, can happen in real life, except giant fighting robots killing your family, at least not till the future. (please don't take that last comment offensively, I meant that as a.... KIND of joke, I guess.....)
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hellsing. blew me away and im practically going to die of waiting for the rest of the OVA episodes...

cowboy bebop in 2nd

and the first time i watched FMA

pokemon of course..but i was a little kid lol first season is still badass tho

neko ewen

The thing with The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is that I read the original light novel before I saw the series. And *every* time there was a scene where I was thinking "I hope they get this right," they exceeded my expectations. So even though I already knew how it was going to end, watching it in anime form was still emotional.

The one recently that really had me ready to cry at the end (and I was watching it on my laptop on the train no less) was Gunbuster 2. I really don't want to give it away, so I won't say more.
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I really related with NHK on some level, because it was kinda like looking through a mirror, though very exaggerated.

and of course, Evangelion as well and Honey and Clover I/II =), just because they present so many interesting themes.
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Quote from: "quantbits"I really related with NHK on some level, because it was kinda like looking through a mirror, though very exaggerated.

If you want to look through the less-exaggerated mirror, watch Genshiken. :DDDD
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