Cosplay Dieting

Started by ~~Loktera~~, April 25, 2007, 04:00:21 PM

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Hey, Lok. Been a while. This is a very basic way for any MAN to lose his stomach pudge. I've recently started on it myself, and I'm starting to gain some results, but not much. Anyway, go to your local nutrition store and buy a supplement called "CLA" (Conjugated Linoleic Acid). It's a beneficial fatty acid that'll help boost your metabolism, lower your glucose tolerance a smidge, and help process most of the fat that you take in to muscle. At least, that's to my understanding. As far as I know, it won't do much for pre-existing fat, but exercise will help remove it.

Also (this part works for everyone), take a multivitamin mineral tablet once exactly in the middle of every meal. It'll help lower your need for food, while you still get all of your essentials, so you're less likely to take in more fat to be stored by your body.

Other than that, exercise, exercise. But don't push too hard, or you'll only do more damage.

Oh... and cut down on junk foods... btw... special diets don't usually work. Avoid grapefruit (it'll stop your body from absorbing essential nutrients). That's all I can think of off the top of my head.
(Think what you want... Reality isn't so kind.
Everything doesn't work out the way you want it to. That's why...)
As long as you don't get your hopes up,
you can take anything...
You feel less pain."

-Squall Leonhart, Final Fantasy VIII


You can cut out your thyroid. lol

Meh, I dunno I can't loose weight unless I starve. You're all just gonna have to deal with a fat Maleficent.


Quote from: Crazy_Saiko
Quote from: MonkeyRikkuNO DIET SODA!!!

Trust me on this, but the fake sugar's in the soda and stuff are actually worse for losing weight because your brain thinks you're still eating sugar. and because it's diet, most people think they can have more which just turns it all into one big cluster &#*%$.

well i don't think he should drink soda anyway
but if he really wants one he can have a diet soda
also the "fake sugar" gets absorbed but doesn't get metabolized
and then goes into your blood stream where it will be filtered out by your kidneys

so really.. the sugar isn't being used at all. It becomes waste

but really.. try to stay away from the soda

to Lok: remember you kept eating salads at Subway?
maybe you can just prepare some salad for yourself everyday
and have chicken with it.
Sandwhich is great
stay away from too much pasta
and... what else do you eat.. that is a lot
oh yea
eat more of your Grandparent's cooking...

<3 love you!

I understand what you're saying about chemical reactions, but your brain is still recognizing it as real sugar, even if your body knows better. Your brain does some funky stuff, it's convinced my body that I'm allergic to apples. When I'm not! I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just saying that we're both right, ya know?

On another note, drinking tea not only helps your immune system, it's makes you not as hungry as often. So when you get the munchies, tryi drinking some iced tea, and believe it or not, there are some very tasty non sweetened brands of tea...or if you're broke like most of us, just make a pitcher for the fridge.
Cuz thats how I roll, duh.


Fanimafia Avatar of the Week #15: Barnes
The Fanimafia Gallery (2002-3, 7)

i feel so loved!


Quote from: "Kodoku"Hey, Lok. Been a while. This is a very basic way for any MAN to lose his stomach pudge. I've recently started on it myself, and I'm starting to gain some results, but not much. Anyway, go to your local nutrition store and buy a supplement called "CLA" (Conjugated Linoleic Acid). It's a beneficial fatty acid that'll help boost your metabolism, lower your glucose tolerance a smidge, and help process most of the fat that you take in to muscle. At least, that's to my understanding. As far as I know, it won't do much for pre-existing fat, but exercise will help remove it.

Also (this part works for everyone), take a multivitamin mineral tablet once exactly in the middle of every meal. It'll help lower your need for food, while you still get all of your essentials, so you're less likely to take in more fat to be stored by your body.

Other than that, exercise, exercise. But don't push too hard, or you'll only do more damage.

Oh... and cut down on junk foods... btw... special diets don't usually work. Avoid grapefruit (it'll stop your body from absorbing essential nutrients). That's all I can think of off the top of my head.

i've never heard any of these things (minus the junk food/fad diet part), and nutrition and exercise are two of my passions... i hit the gym 6 days a week and count my calories down to the 2-calories-per-packet of splenda i put in my just-about-everything... i can pretty much change my weight to whatever i want it to be, just from knowing my body by keeping track of what i'm doing to my body.

losing weight is the simplest calculation in the world: calories inâ€"calories out=change in weight. it really isn't much more than that!
2000kcal a day
40c/40p/20f macro nutrient breakdown
completely clean, all natural, no HFCS or transfats
HIIT three days a week
sustained cardio 2 days a week
hardcore weights four days a week

i call this the SHINIGAMI-SHAPEUP!


Quote from: "ShinigamiShapeUp"
Quote from: "Kodoku"Hey, Lok. Been a while. This is a very basic way for any MAN to lose his stomach pudge. I've recently started on it myself, and I'm starting to gain some results, but not much. Anyway, go to your local nutrition store and buy a supplement called "CLA" (Conjugated Linoleic Acid). It's a beneficial fatty acid that'll help boost your metabolism, lower your glucose tolerance a smidge, and help process most of the fat that you take in to muscle. At least, that's to my understanding. As far as I know, it won't do much for pre-existing fat, but exercise will help remove it.

Also (this part works for everyone), take a multivitamin mineral tablet once exactly in the middle of every meal. It'll help lower your need for food, while you still get all of your essentials, so you're less likely to take in more fat to be stored by your body.

Other than that, exercise, exercise. But don't push too hard, or you'll only do more damage.

Oh... and cut down on junk foods... btw... special diets don't usually work. Avoid grapefruit (it'll stop your body from absorbing essential nutrients). That's all I can think of off the top of my head.

i've never heard any of these things (minus the junk food/fad diet part), and nutrition and exercise are two of my passions... i hit the gym 6 days a week and count my calories down to the 2-calories-per-packet of splenda i put in my just-about-everything... i can pretty much change my weight to whatever i want it to be, just from knowing my body by keeping track of what i'm doing to my body.

losing weight is the simplest calculation in the world: calories inâ€"calories out=change in weight. it really isn't much more than that!

Notably, I had never heard of CLA until it was recommended to me by my boss, who happens to be an exercise physiologist and nutritionist myself. However, it should be noted that CLA is primarily taken to help regulate and manage your body fat, and not to change your weight.

Remember... lighter doesn't always mean better.
(Think what you want... Reality isn't so kind.
Everything doesn't work out the way you want it to. That's why...)
As long as you don't get your hopes up,
you can take anything...
You feel less pain."

-Squall Leonhart, Final Fantasy VIII


Kodoku- CLA? Why is it only for men? Does it have to do with a chemical specifically for their bodies? o.0
Elizabeth [Chiri]
Registration Staff, 2007
Registration Staff, 2008



It's not really only for men, perse, but to my understanding, it's not very effective on women. Something to do with physiological differences... Women's bodies are built differently from men's bodies. Other than keeping warm and acting as an emergency energy supply, men's bodies have no use at all for the fat, whereas in women, there's more to it than that.

...At least, that was the explanation I was given. You can give CLA a shot, if you really want, or simply ask a nutritionist. ;p
(Think what you want... Reality isn't so kind.
Everything doesn't work out the way you want it to. That's why...)
As long as you don't get your hopes up,
you can take anything...
You feel less pain."

-Squall Leonhart, Final Fantasy VIII


i won't doubt that CLA aids a disciplined diet and workout regimen... i've read a lot of text and studies on 2+ grams of omega 3's doing the same thing... but it still #99 on the list of ways to get into shape. the idea behind supplementing with the right fats is that your body starts to target the useless ones for energy while keeping the good ones.

and if two people look the same yet one was heavier, i'd say that being lighter is never, ever better :) . it's my semi-longterm goal to gain at least 15lbs in lean muscle! stay healthy everyone :)
2000kcal a day
40c/40p/20f macro nutrient breakdown
completely clean, all natural, no HFCS or transfats
HIIT three days a week
sustained cardio 2 days a week
hardcore weights four days a week

i call this the SHINIGAMI-SHAPEUP!


it really depends on who i'm trying to cosplay. i am a considerably petite person, with ALOT of curves (think: Jessica boobs crack me up!). you would think that this would be idea for cosplaying but it really isn't. the characters that I attempt usually have much more perky boobs that aren't trying to take over her torso!
i do a few things:

DIE-ts suck!! i just wait until my stomach growls and then eat. and i avoid eating if my tummy hasn't notified me. i basically eat whatever i crave, since my body craves what it needs. PLEASE NOTE: you body does not need chocolate 5 times a day!! when you are craving sweets you are probably just dehydrated. try a glass of water with a bit of Lemonade or Tang (my favvie!) mixed in.

DRINK TEA!!! green tea and earl grey are yummars! they beat the "box-butt" that coffee can give people, and they are a more steady source of energy.

Get plenty of sleep! often people get the munchies because their body is saying "i want to bloody sleep!!" don't compensate. just take a nap! that twinky isn't going to get you through the day!

Cardio cardio! anything to get the old heartrate up! get the blood flowing to those toesies! your body neeeeeds a rush of oxygen to get those toxins that normally just bloop around unless forcefully pumped out. "Endorphines make you happy!" getting a good workout routine that you enjoy (exersize comes in all shapes and sizes... i exersize my butt while i'm just sitting in the lifeguard stand at work) will give you a little voice in your head that says "Omg! all that hard work! DON'T EAT THAT!! waste waste! WAIST!!"

watch what you grab at the cafeteria. i am often on a time crunch as a college student and am ravenous between classes. it takes just as much time to grab a bag of chips as it is to grab a high-fiber muffin, or an apple, or a bowl of fruit.

get a partner ^^/ my boyfriend and i have been so retardedly happy lately, that we've been eating like little pigs. we have decided to get back into (better) shape together :) it always helps.

Take care and gl with the pudgie


Oh, another thing--try to break out of "pyschological" eating. Like...

- Stress-eating / Consoling yourself
- Happy-eating / Rewarding yourself
- Eating out of boredom
- Eating out of routine
- Cleaning your plate out of routine

One person I read of used to eat dessert as a reward, but she got to thinking, "Eating this isn't going to make me happy for more than 5 minutes." So she would skip it (most of the time) and then she lost weight.
Tyrannical Board Admin, 2003-2015
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Head of MusicFest, which has the best damn staff out there, 2005-2008
Convention Chair, 2009-2011
Director of Guest Relations, 2012
Something with Guest Relations, 2013
Father, 2014


Or Eating just cuz other people are eating! thats bad too!
Cuz thats how I roll, duh.

Touya no Miko

I cut down on the sugar and sodium and do a few crunches. If it doesn't go away in time, I use a wasit cincher.
OMG! What the Fugnuggets is going on?!


What worked for me:
Cut out in between meals snacks, or replace them with good munchies - veggies, fruit, etc, I was eating roasted seaweed, that stuff has like barely any calories and taste good!
Replace soda with green tea or mineral water. Mineral water has the bubble, but not the sugar.
Stop drinking alcohol.


I've never had problems with my weight...?


EXERCISE. Vehemently if need be. While I can't say everyone has all the same options as everyone else, everyone DOES have some of the same options.

Cardio and other superactive stuff like that is best. Some of you DDR players should try going on Heavy or something, given the workouts that some of those songs give the average player. If you're currently on Light or something, find low-level songs on Heavy (there are some) and work your way up. That vigorous cardio is FAR more effective than stepping, what, only 42 times in a song? HOLIC and Hot Limit from John Desire are good steppers (not to mention that Hot Limit is THE quintessential Eurobeat... *swoon*) for those trying to lose weight. AND it trains you for Fanime. :3
Haven't been here much since '09. I said some stupid, stupid things before (and after) that.

Kouri Neko

I digest 1500 calories a day and burn 500 a day by exercise at a gym.  I cut back on foods high on sugar and sodium.  I also limit my carbohydrates consumption.  I also do not eat past 8:00pm because the body slows down and wants to sleep.  However, I've been exercising and doing this diet for over two months now.
I'm not a Mecha Anime fan..


The sun was raising up above the high
and dense entangled spider's web.  The dew
was dripping from the silky strings and down
through canopy to underbrush.  It splashed
the puddle making one more fountain spring.