Karaoke Contest 2007, At-Con Signup Info

Started by Hank-KKD, May 10, 2007, 12:22:08 AM

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Pre-con signups for the Fanime Con 2007 Karaoke Contest are now closed.

To be fair to those who have school/work/travel on the Friday of the convention, we will start at-con signups for the contest on Friday, 5/25, at 9PM. We will take at least five contestants at the con, as well as waiting list entries.

Signups will take place in the Karaoke room located in Hall C of the Convention Center. You will need to show a Fanime Con badge good for Saturday, and either have a CD with your music on it or your choices from the open mic library.

Note that you are not considered to have signed up until you've specified your music, so no "hey I want to sign up!" as you flip through the song books. Pick your songs from the song book (or have your CDs ready), then come to the table to sign up.

Any questions, pls feel free to reply or send me a PM.


Swizzlstik Cosplay

Is there a list of songs in the library that we can look at? I know it's a vast library, but I'm having problems finding the song I want in non-vocal form. OR!!! Is it possible to have the audio CD with vocals, but the volume on the vocals are turned down? I mean, I have the CD for the songs I want to do, but with vocals.
The only thing constant in life is that life is constantly changing.


Quote from: "*Sesshie's* Nina"Is there a list of songs in the library that we can look at? I know it's a vast library, but I'm having problems finding the song I want in non-vocal form. OR!!! Is it possible to have the audio CD with vocals, but the volume on the vocals are turned down? I mean, I have the CD for the songs I want to do, but with vocals.

if you look at the karaoke contest rules topic, you will see the details, but to answer some of your questions:

Yes, you can search through the library they have.
Yes, You can have a audio cd with vocals and they will have vocal dampening on it.
This year I will Volunteer!

Excited about Karaoke Contest!!

Swizzlstik Cosplay

Quote from: "yumicchi88"
Quote from: "*Sesshie's* Nina"Is there a list of songs in the library that we can look at? I know it's a vast library, but I'm having problems finding the song I want in non-vocal form. OR!!! Is it possible to have the audio CD with vocals, but the volume on the vocals are turned down? I mean, I have the CD for the songs I want to do, but with vocals.

if you look at the karaoke contest rules topic, you will see the details, but to answer some of your questions:

Yes, you can search through the library they have.
Yes, You can have a audio cd with vocals and they will have vocal dampening on it.

I actually meant looking at the music library online, so as not to be panicing at the last second because the song you want isn't in the library. Thank you for the answers though.
The only thing constant in life is that life is constantly changing.


Quote from: "*Sesshie's* Nina"
Quote from: "yumicchi88"
Quote from: "*Sesshie's* Nina"Is there a list of songs in the library that we can look at? I know it's a vast library, but I'm having problems finding the song I want in non-vocal form. OR!!! Is it possible to have the audio CD with vocals, but the volume on the vocals are turned down? I mean, I have the CD for the songs I want to do, but with vocals.

if you look at the karaoke contest rules topic, you will see the details, but to answer some of your questions:

Yes, you can search through the library they have.
Yes, You can have a audio cd with vocals and they will have vocal dampening on it.

I actually meant looking at the music library online, so as not to be panicing at the last second because the song you want isn't in the library. Thank you for the answers though.

I don't think they have the library online. but you can check and see if they have it on friday at the open mic if thats any better.
or try posting a reply on open mic request topic and ask if they have it in the library.
This year I will Volunteer!

Excited about Karaoke Contest!!


I usually practice using MP3s, since as a college student my budget for importing CDs is ultra-limited. >.< That could pose a problem with bringing my music with me.

Geez, I'm an idiot! #-o


I do apologize but the song list is not available online. We're not checking the Open Mic thread any more as we're so close to the convention and we need to (re-)print the song books.

The best way to make sure we have the song you want is to come when we open on Friday. You will have 3-4 hours to check out the song library before we start the signups at 9PM.

Midori HiME

I have a question! I have a feeling the answer is no, but will it be possible to sign up on Saturday to get on the waiting list or be in the contest, presuming there are still spots open? And is it possible to ask someone to sign up for you?


Quote from: "Midori HiME"I have a question! I have a feeling the answer is no, but will it be possible to sign up on Saturday to get on the waiting list or be in the contest, presuming there are still spots open? And is it possible to ask someone to sign up for you?

Signup on Saturday: Yes, you can sign up on Saturday between the time the room opens (11AM-ish) to 12:30PM, although you will probably be on the waiting list at that point.

Having someone else sign up for you: no.