Death Note Cosplay Pics?(PLEASE POST IF YOU HAVE ANY!!!^_^;)

Started by PsychicPsycho, May 27, 2007, 05:30:19 PM

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Any Death Note cosplay piccies welcome! Personally, I'm looking for certain ones, but any are welcome.

On Sunday, there was a big Death Note cosplay group out in front of the convention center. Lots of people took pictures, and then there were a few clips of all of the cosplayers fighting over a Death Note. Much fun. However, I haven't been able to get any pictures of it. Well, I have a couple (I'll post them if I get the chance), but not very many.

There was also a time where it got moved inside, and a Raito/Light, L, and Misa-Misa held hands and spun in a circle together. Any clips/links to clips/pics of that, anyone?

Death Note is so awesome! Post all silliness, fun, and/or uber-coolness here! ...Please? lol



and some more Ls (i was a raito/light, i couldnt get any of all of us):


one more random one, of a raito/light and his ryuuku/ryuk leaving:


yay, thank you!!!

seriously, no one else got any death note piccies?! there were so very many cameras flashing... and more than i noticed, i'm sure...




Ahhhhhhhh I missed the gathering T_____T I was so sad, especially since one of my friends saw the group, and didn't tell me about it until about TWO HOURS LATER...

Him: Hey, you know I saw a huge DN group earlier today. They swore they had every DN cosplayer/fan there.
Me: Hey, but I'm not there! That means they're wrong! And that I'm missing a ton of cool fun stuff!
Him: Yeah, I guess so.
Me: So I have to go there! Where is it???
Him: Oh, dude, this was two hours ago.
Me: ......Nuuuuuuuuuuuuu~ orz I missed it :\ My friends and I had photoshoots, though, so I think I'll post those up sometime later, if y'all are interested.
Cosplay Pics ---> +LimitlessEdge+


oh please do! ^_^ theres a sticky topic for piccies, too, if you want to post them there.

and we tried to get everyone, but a few escaped us. sorry you missed it!!! i'd share more photos, but alas! being in them means i didn't get any. T-T i want to see how everyone was posing! etc etc etc.

it was so much fun, and there was a bit of fan-servicing, yaoi-style. i was a raito/ight (chained to my L), and at one point another L licked my face. XD! there are pictures of it (I KNOW THERE ARE!!!), but no one seems to have any...


aww, I cosplayed as Near from deathnote, but missed the gathering =/


aww... :( sorry. we ran around the entire con trying to find all the DN cosplayers we could... we couldn't get them all, unfortunately. sorry you missed out, we would have loved to have you!

do you have any pics of yourself or any other DN cosplayers? post them, if you want to! ^_^


i have like 1 of me at the con, and a video of me and Sasuke playing Airhockey xD

ill post the pics up soon ^_^


XD! love the airhockey clip.

and yaaaay~! piccies! lol


Waaah!!! no piccies?! :( i'm really desperate for some... please? anyone? death note cosplayers? even if its not from the gathering?


All I have. :| If anyone has more pictures of the L in the third picture (and most of the rest), please post!! :D


Scyper, I can't see your pics D: Is there an html option I can turn on somewhere?

Edit: Ahm, just kidding .__.; I can see them now. Wowww your hair is really cool, Scyper *o*

In other news, our photographer hasn't sent me our pictures yet, but I managed to get a couple from my other friends' cameras:

Me, and a really cool Mello and Near >.ob Ero-Sannin, is that you? I couldn't really see your face in the air-hockey clip >.<

Our group and a friend who wanted to be in the middle XD

That's all for now. Please enjoy :] I'll post up more later.
Cosplay Pics ---> +LimitlessEdge+



XD! w00t death note boxes!

i thought they were just boxes, but then i saw someone open them like a book and they actually had pages. i was like "O.O!!! AWESOME!!!" lol. people wrote some pretty funny things in there


my friend and i were near and mello!
i was glad to see lots of DN cosplayers, and said hi to us <3
sorry we werent too social being trapped at our art table X3
no hope no future; life is just awesome


Ok. I went to the Gathering.. Heck I helped get it going! Ok Here are some of the pictures me and my friend got.

I'm L... But which L is the question. Ok, I'm the L next to the Near. For more pictures I'm on Gaiaonline and my username is Ino13.
and Ero-Sannin... I have a picture with you.
Fanime2010 cosplays (Unless something happens):
Luke fon Fabre: Tales of the Abyss
Sync the Tempest: Tales of the Abyss
Raine Sage: Tales of Symphonia
Colette Brunel: Tales of Symphonia


This is from Friday... My sister and I were playing DDR as L and Light.. I was L
I didn't see the crowd... and Yet I was looking at the person holding the cam... What's wrong with Me?! Oh well..
Fanime2010 cosplays (Unless something happens):
Luke fon Fabre: Tales of the Abyss
Sync the Tempest: Tales of the Abyss
Raine Sage: Tales of Symphonia
Colette Brunel: Tales of Symphonia