findAfriend Thread! :D

Started by Ekac, May 28, 2007, 06:41:02 PM

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Anyone know that awesome shin that was also at cherry blossom festival, hanging around a Yasu on Sun?


looking for the people i had some good puzzle fighter matches with. in particular, there was a girl i played who was cosplaying someone from Ouran, i believe.  we had a sakura mirror match and she annihilated me in round 3 which lasted really long.

im the dude who looks all "Yeah...that's right. The traps come to me. They're all mine, so step off." XD


I'm looking for someone dressed as Vaan from ff12 who went with a judge


im looking for 2 ppl who held a sign that said 'will sing for hugs' or 'will do ballet for hugs'.. or something like that...

and the 'glomp master' wearing a naruto-type jacket w/ glassese and red highlights at her bangs?...

ohya, and this girl, who i believe did not wear any pants. who left on sunday holding up a 'glomp sign' , i helped her use my sharpie and change it to 'hug' because she was too sore from all the glomps.. and i met up with her like 10 times or something..

also... pretty much, looking for people who saw a random group of ppl sitting around giving hugs near the dealers room and art room... with 'free hugs' , 'hug?...' or 'walk butler 4 steps'

im a random hugging person who wore goggles, all black, and a face mask... and if you saw me in the dealers room at one point, i was looking for a lost kiki kitty.. that i never found lol. or giving hugs.


well, i was there all four days, but i wasn't up until after noon everyday except monday, cuz i stayed up all sunday night. on friday and saturday, i was dressed up as v(from v for vendetta). and it was kind of annoying hearing "epic fail guy" over and over, but a lot of people seemed to like it. anyways, on sunday and monday i was wearing my black suit and my awesome hat, and for a while a was holding a cardboard "glomp me" sign. im trying to find:

-the girl who glomped a few times that lost her coco kitty plushie and gave me the free wheel spin

-the girl in a green sweatshirt and jeans that was by the door to the gaming room sunday night/monday morning and glomped me.

-the asian guy dressed as sephiroth with the sign taped to his shoulder. kevin, i think?

-and last, but definitely not least, the girl who was giving out hugs on monday morning with the other guy(sorry that's kinda vague). i kinda met you in the art room. i had the drumsticks and i was with this guy;

-also, the "cat" that gave me hug and got facepaint on my jacket and anybody else that glomped me.

aim: impendingdoom272
I was V at Fanime '07. If you have any pictures of me, please send them.


Quote from: "Ekac"Some Glompurr [I saw this guy today, 28th. I was walking into the dealers room when he said "Hey, did you see this?" and the sign read "Glomp Me" and me being gullible, I said it out loud, and got pwnd. . . yep. He had a guitar case with no guitar in it though. >_>
if the guy with the guitar case was holding the sign, then i know who you're talking about. if it was the tall guy in black, then it was me.
either way, here's the other guy's myspace;
mine's above.
I was V at Fanime '07. If you have any pictures of me, please send them.


Kuu~ I was going to try and resist from posting here, but I'm looking for the guy who was cosplaying Yasu, I talked with him off and on for two days but totally forgot to ask real his name and lost his phone number. He was tall, black, and had a PSP - the last bit doesn't help much but yeah, I remember because he was playing one of the Bleach games I hadn't started on yet. The suit was black, the tie red, and I'm pretty sure his fan name was 'Yaoi666'.

@deepbluevibes, you were looking for someone named Amber/Ambur right? Can you tell me what she looked like, you and I may have spoken to the same person. And you totally look like Dr. Who, you'd get fanglomped so many times if you lived in my area O_O
Without simplicity there would not be creativity. So stop complainning.

"Yes, I'm a girl, if you've got a problem with that, don't be surprised if Kitsune_shadow pwns you at Resistance: Fall of Man. Yeah."


(removed per privacy policy)


Quote from: deepbluevibes(removed per privacy policy)

Don't feel bad, no one lives in my area either, actually >< I know that pain, trust me. All my friends live up in the Bay Area. Anyway. Back to the point.

The one wearing the Faye outfit was who I met, and by affiliation the Amber/Ambur you met. Unfortunately I spent more time with the Faye cosplayer then I did her. (And I've already forgotten most of what happened at Fanime, so yeah, bad memory? You and I may be tied.)
Without simplicity there would not be creativity. So stop complainning.

"Yes, I'm a girl, if you've got a problem with that, don't be surprised if Kitsune_shadow pwns you at Resistance: Fall of Man. Yeah."