E-Gaming/Arcades Suggestions-Feedback thread for 2008

Started by Umi.Ryuuzaki, May 28, 2007, 08:05:45 PM

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Get the following games:

Pop'n music
Guitar Freaks
Curtain Shooters
Air Hockey
Capcom fighting games
Check 1


Quote from: Zerocide on April 18, 2008, 02:04:58 PM
Get the following games:

Pop'n music
Guitar Freaks
Curtain Shooters
Air Hockey
Capcom fighting games
Heyy buddy, I'm possibly coming down next weekend for the SFU Smash tourney.

If On-Campus brings Pop'n again, I'm bringing my Pop'n FEVER kit regardless of whether I get a hold of them to sell it or not.  Even if they don't want to set it up, I can set up FEVER AC on that supergun, maybe have a tournament or something.  Hell if I can get a second supergun, we could run two simultaneously (thinking out of his ass).  I actually WILL have a supergun by Fanime now, so I can bring my shmups :3 more than likely I'll be bringing Radiant Silvergun, ESP Ra.De., ESPGaluda and Mushihimesama.  I can also bring Pulstar, Blazing Star, G-Darius or Gradius IV if anyone wants, but unless someone does I'm leaving those home because I'll already be bringing 3 or 4 TVs for the console side.

so uh srsly guys, if someone could send me a list of console games you'd like to see, that'd help me out.  I have a big library of PS2/GC stuff mainly, but I'm not sure what to bring.  List Wii stuff too, I can get stuff before Fanime.

EDIT: I can find a way to rig up some PC shmups in the console area too, I have a cute little MAME box (no MAME atm) that would work great.
2004-2005 Logistics Staff
2007-2009 eGaming Staff
2010-2012 Arcade Head


in addition to the ones we had last year i'd hope to see some more fighting games without a console release

Tekken 6
Arcana Heart 2


So, we got any info on what'll be in the arcade this year?  I hope OCE comes in here and makes an official announcement.



They won't.  I've been trying to get in contact with them for a while, but just have been too busy.  I know for sure they're bringing Pop'n again.  As long as they're down with my FEVER kit, you guys'll have your Pop'n FEVER.

In the very bright news of shmups, I just got Mushihimesama Futari, so get your loli-lickin' fingers out 'cause no amount of colorful bullets will stop you from wanting more ;D

EDIT: More news, OCE is also confirmed bringing ESPGaluda II.  I'm waiting on a call now, but they're going to work something out to put Mushi Futari in a cabinet as well.
2004-2005 Logistics Staff
2007-2009 eGaming Staff
2010-2012 Arcade Head


Tell Eric to hurry up and get Sengoku Basara X, yeah I know it's broken but the PS2 game's about to drop that sucker's gonna be madd cheap!


Quote from: Tomibiki on May 15, 2008, 06:49:37 PM
Tell Eric to hurry up and get Sengoku Basara X, yeah I know it's broken but the PS2 game's about to drop that sucker's gonna be madd cheap!

I agree. Sengoku Basara X, PLEASE.


I can understand $1.50 for ID4, but DAMN, $1.50 for WMMT3.

At least winners get free games on both games.
Raydere / Raymoo, purveyor of crazy Japanese music games
Twitter: @Raydere | Tumblr: raydere2




This is David from the eGaming Department.  I just want to throw this out now; we've had little or no control over the problems with the arcade side this year, namely with the failure to get Pop'n Music FEVER! running.  I can give you my personal guarantee, I will make sure eGaming fills in the holes left by arcade next year; for this year, thanks to everyone who made eGaming work out of its ass.  Spiritsnare, thanks for Pop'n, I totally needed my fix x_x
2004-2005 Logistics Staff
2007-2009 eGaming Staff
2010-2012 Arcade Head


epic progressive



I would you like to state that half of E-Gamings problem is the fact we get NO buget and get treated like sh!t.  If you didnt notice let me point out that NONE of the original staff was there this year.  The reason behind it is that the Con does not care enough for e-gaming so we get treated like crap and end up not wanting to come back.  This is not the first time this happend.  This happend agian in 2005 were had NO e-gaming what so ever.  We work are ass's off and provide the con with our own equipment with the risk of it getting damaged or stolen.  We know that this is our own risk but when we get buget to help replace the one or two items in question OR hWe tryed every year to get a buget to help build lockbox's but we never get it.  elp to provent this from happing what so ever......   yea, your not going to see us agian.  Or when we have the comps there are sytems sometime fail from either user error or something just give out (need to understand we keep are old rigs for use at the Con so some old power supply might go or some $30 prossecore might give) and we have no way to replace the part, we end up having to spend are money to get the thing working agian not for are use's, but the Cons.  For example, last year some ones comp had water spilt of the tower and fryed a $200 graphic card.  That person the went down to fry's to fix it and bought a lower grade card to get it up and running for the Con.  That person got NOTHING back at all.  So, you add in the fact we get nothing to help provent, fix, or copinsate for the equipment, then yea.... your going to get crappy ass's e-gaming because your always going to have a BRAND new staff that doesn't quite know how to get things running smothly.

And thats only part of the problem......  Next I would like to point out the Prizes that we give you guys...  Any one notice some of the crap we get????  This year we got (kid you not) FanimeCon 1999 programs to give out as prizes.  You would like to enter to win a 1999 program for the con?  Not to mention busted posters and the yaoi last year (will admit it give me a laugh here and there to the unsupcting secound place winners) that had to be given out.  Now dont get me wrong,  its not all bad.  We got some games and models to give out that were nice.  But it wasn't near enough stuff to be given away for 15 tournys we had.  Last year, we had to cancle some tournys because we ran out of stuff.  That is more to add to Fanimecon loving this section.

I will add more to this when I can think of it.  But for now, if you want a GOOD e-gaming better than this year.  Go or post in these forums asking the con to make are section better.  Because we have tryed and failed every year asking for help from the con.   Now we need to people that go to the con and state there opinions.

PS:  if there are and grammer problems in this post, im sorry....  dont have Word on this computer.


For everyone that signed up for e-gaming staff that worked(most likely overworked) their hours, good job.
[rant] For the other half of e-gaming staff that never showed up, %$#@ you, never sign up for any staff position again. Staffing e-gaming with ~15 people sucked ass. To the people that stole stuff, screw you. [/rant]
To the rest of the guests, thanks for being patient while checking stuff in and out and generally not breaking any of our stuff. This was my first year staffing i found it to be a poor experience and I am highly tempted to not staff e-gaming again, but perhaps I will staff again if David's proposed list of improvements are implemented.

Richard W.
E-Gaming staff '08
E-Gaming Staff '08


Quote from: G.S. LXVIII on May 23, 2008, 03:23:10 PM
I can understand $1.50 for ID4, but DAMN, $1.50 for WMMT3.
$1.50 for each game of WMMT3 not to mention. At least make continues a dollar or something...


I have a very big list indeed, a few people added to it.  I am going to stay in town until the next meeting which is apparently in a week or so?  So if anyone wants to hang out I'd love to.  I love the crew down here, and if I thought I could I'd move here.  At any rate, please please guys make suggestions!  I'll start a 2009 Suggestions/Feedback thread as soon as I get the approval for it, I know I can't cover everything.

I'm going to get all my friends from Reno that wanted to come this year but flaked out to sign up next year, so we'll have a better staff specifically for tournaments.  Believe me, I'm going to blow your show next year.
2004-2005 Logistics Staff
2007-2009 eGaming Staff
2010-2012 Arcade Head

Silent One

This year, gaming was pretty good except for two things. One is that there was no pc gaming this year. In my opinion, pc gaming was very fun last year. Unfortunatley, I did not see pc gaming this year, with the exception that some people brought their laptops. Second, the people who bring their laptops need space!!! Remember, at Sunday? The area with people who were playing PC Melty Blood sort of got crowded. Well, there is plenty of space in the gaming area. Thus, I would seriously suggest utilizing majority of it. Thus, it won't get crowded in the console/pc gaming area. All in all, Fanime was fun, except with those to points and probably the dealers this year.


About 1/3 of the room is separated for Arcade due to fire codes I think, so that whole far side of the room we can't use.  I am planning however to set up two or three separate sections for eGaming this year: one for our consoles, one for attendees, and a separate area for tournaments (or a cordoned-off area on our table).  We have less space than you'd think, and not enough decent TVs.
2004-2005 Logistics Staff
2007-2009 eGaming Staff
2010-2012 Arcade Head


The 360s on the cabinet had some problems here and there in terms of cornering on the stick. Some new people playing the game decided that button mashing was the way to go, and rotated the bloody thing so violently smashing buttons everywhere, but before that the setup was pretty stiff for most HAPP players.

Besides that, Initial D for 1.50 was pretty absurd. I saw that 1.25 was standard at some other local places, but a dollar would have been more reasonable.

I also heard a fair share of complaints about Animelo rather than Fever.


Su-Cool. There's Not Enough Of It.
Fanime Panelist (Pangya: 2007, 2008; Vocaloid: 2009, 2010)


At 3:50PM on Monday, they came and got FEVER running.  At 4:00PM we started kicking people out.  Thanks, On-Campus, thanks a lot.  That was a really big waste of my time bringing all that valuable equipment down from Reno.  If I'd known they'd flake out this year, I would have gotten that supergun ready for the game before I left for San Jose.
2004-2005 Logistics Staff
2007-2009 eGaming Staff
2010-2012 Arcade Head