the corner people at the marriott hotel

Started by jujubeangumdrops, May 29, 2007, 03:41:48 PM

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did anyone see the four people standing in the corners in the marriott elevators? also, did anyone take pictures of them?




they were 4 girls, youngish, probably about 14.
they stood one in each corner of the elevator facing the walls with their heads down and didnt say anything to anyone. i think one might have been wearing a pink wig.
Lactose = Liz




i only saw them in there once and i was going up and down the elevators all weekend. they moved, eventually. =P
Lactose = Liz


I saw them once. I didn't get a picture though. It was quite funny. The other people in the elevator were getting creeped out by them. I made a comment to the effect that should be worried and get off as soon as possible, or some such. I giggled when I got off the elevator.



Hahaha, I saw them, and saw one of the creeped out people get off the elevator with them in it.  I thought they had a fight or something.


I was with my boyfriend in the elevator at the 23rd floor, we were the last to get off, and we were in there all the way up. It was really creepy, we thought they would move when we got off so we looked backed, but they were still standing in that position o.o;;
Fear my Pink Bunny, Lucifer!!!! XD

JRock Connection Director/Staff

I once was told there was nothing left here for me, but I found something no one else can have.

WOW I haven't logged on here in forever. That's sad. =(


I can see the Elevator Ninjas having an eternal battle to the depths of Hell with these four mysterious characters. :O


i heard that they started to move when ppl were in the elevators. something about knocking on the walls and saying random words.


JENGA! Those people were freaking AWESOME. I met them in person outside of the Elevator. It's was really entertaining because they are hella cool people. That sentence didn't make any sense.. but that's ok. :nods:


Quote from: "Lactose"they were 4 girls, youngish, probably about 14.
they stood one in each corner of the elevator facing the walls with their heads down and didnt say anything to anyone. i think one might have been wearing a pink wig.

:shock: OK, that's creepy :shock:
The sun was raising up above the high
and dense entangled spider's web.  The dew
was dripping from the silky strings and down
through canopy to underbrush.  It splashed
the puddle making one more fountain spring.


I stayed at the Marriott and don't remember anything like that. :?

what day was this on? any one have pics cause i am curious :shock:


haha, i was wondering when someone would post this. I'm one of the corner people :P

I had no idea that we actually freaked people out.. o_O


If you didn't realize it, that is a *classic* psychology experiment/mind game. Seriously, in my intro to psych class they showed a video of a few people in a elevator  doing something similar to what you guys were doing (4 people staring at the same corner), and they observed that eventually people started to follow suit and stare at the walls because they felt social pressure to (even though there was nothing to look at).

So, because you were all looking at different corners, it wasn't clear which way people were supposed to look and therefore became uncomfortable.


really?? i never knew that, we kinda just decided to do that to waste time and see what people would do or say.... speaking of which... my ass got grabbed alot o_o;


Now I regret not riding with you guys :roll:


Quote from: "evilmonkeh"haha, i was wondering when someone would post this. I'm one of the corner people :P

I had no idea that we actually freaked people out.. o_O

lol yeah. i was wondering the same thing. i loved standing in that elevator wierding ppl out. XD