the corner people at the marriott hotel

Started by jujubeangumdrops, May 29, 2007, 03:41:48 PM

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I wasn't there when you guys were there but I roomed in the Meriot,  :? what day was this. :?:
The sun was raising up above the high
and dense entangled spider's web.  The dew
was dripping from the silky strings and down
through canopy to underbrush.  It splashed
the puddle making one more fountain spring.


Quote from: "Dreyfuss"Now I regret not riding with you guys :roll:

you should of :] maybe next year if we're all there.


The sun was raising up above the high
and dense entangled spider's web.  The dew
was dripping from the silky strings and down
through canopy to underbrush.  It splashed
the puddle making one more fountain spring.


Quote from: "K&K4ever"I wasn't there when you guys were there but I roomed in the Meriot,  :? what day was this. :?:

The first time we did it was on saturday twice around noon and then around 4 i think. Then we did it once on sunday for a while around 1 or 2.


Quote from: "madmanlotar"I like the pics, very creepy.

:o you saw pics? where are they?


The sun was raising up above the high
and dense entangled spider's web.  The dew
was dripping from the silky strings and down
through canopy to underbrush.  It splashed
the puddle making one more fountain spring.



Haha, wow, I didn't expect this. My friend just told me there was a topic made today about us, and I wouldn't have checked if she didn't tell me. I was one of the corner people (aka, the "crazy one" on Saturday and the "pink haired one" on Sunday). Hehehe, I loved you guys, a lot of interesting stuff happened though in those elevators..


Someone I met at the con just sent me the pictures that she took of us on Saturday in the elevators.

If anyone else has any that would be awesome, especially considering all the people that took pics with us. Holy crap did our feet hurt after a while.


The sun was raising up above the high
and dense entangled spider's web.  The dew
was dripping from the silky strings and down
through canopy to underbrush.  It splashed
the puddle making one more fountain spring.


hahah wow... i'm totally saving those pictures :] fun times guys... we need to do it again xD


how long did you guys stay like that?
The sun was raising up above the high
and dense entangled spider's web.  The dew
was dripping from the silky strings and down
through canopy to underbrush.  It splashed
the puddle making one more fountain spring.


Quote from: "K&K4ever"how long did you guys stay like that?

ont saturday we were on for an hour or two... we would also change places when no one was on the elevator :P


Quote from: "macmouse"If you didn't realize it, that is a *classic* psychology experiment/mind game. Seriously, in my intro to psych class they showed a video of a few people in a elevator  doing something similar to what you guys were doing (4 people staring at the same corner), and they observed that eventually people started to follow suit and stare at the walls because they felt social pressure to (even though there was nothing to look at).

So, because you were all looking at different corners, it wasn't clear which way people were supposed to look and therefore became uncomfortable.

I really doubt that was there intention.  I do know the study you are referring to but this obviously was not it.  If you look at the pictures, you know they were just there to creep people out.