Lolita Ouji Picnic 2008- Please sign up this year!-POTLUCK

Started by Lizchan33, November 08, 2007, 12:13:40 AM

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Like before we will have a list of screen names of people going. If you have your friends going they will be added under friend of =screenname here= on the list.
It will be held in the same area, or right outside the convention center(not in front of the fountain though).
If there are any questions or comments, please leave them as replies in here. If you have any personal questions pm me please.
We plan for it to be on Sunday around 11 to 1.


*This is a POTLUCK thank you!

Nina Star 9

The picnic last year was one of the highlights of the con, and I had the most fun there than I had probably had before at a convention.

Of course I'm in. :D Do you need any help bringing things? I can attempt to bring cookies, though that has always been doomed in the past. I hope I can this time.

I may or may not show up actually in lolita. If not, I would probably be wearing a beautiful cosplay that was heavily influenced by 1890s mourning, anyway.

I cannot wait for this again. It's going to be great.


I'll come again ;D I had fun, even though I lost at Chutes and Ladders :-[

I think we should have it in a park this year; the convention center floor was a bit uncomfortable.


It's great to hear you'll be comming again~!
I was thinking about having it here this year:

It's shaded and nice. That's where I was thinking about having it there last year.
And like before, you should probably bring pillows or cushions... Where ever we go it'll be fairly hard to sit down.
The park is a ways away so I'd rather not have to walk with all my food and stuff v_v
I'll have to start up the list again. :3

Oh~ and please don't start taking pictures and crazy stuff without me this time v_v
I wanted groups so that we had cuter pictures....


Sounds good. Oh yeah, thanks for bringing all those cushions last year! And all that food :o you're such an awesome host XD

I'll try to bring something better than cookies this year.


I am Super in :3!!

@Lizchan33: O: remember me from the lolita pannel? I was the punk loli X3



Yeah! :3 Im glad I can go too! Oh I have been trying to look for you at delta ^^; cant seem to find you buuu


Quote from: Kazuko on November 12, 2007, 08:39:39 PM
Yeah! :3 Im glad I can go too! Oh I have been trying to look for you at delta ^^; cant seem to find you buuu
Pm me what days you go to class and such!
I'm not there that often ^_^;;;;

Kouri Neko

I'm not a Mecha Anime fan..



im in! so is my g/f so thats 2 for me. we went last year (we brought in the extra blanket)
also if you need any help pm me for contact info. i'm local so it will be easy.
A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing.


Quote from: dibbly on November 15, 2007, 06:31:03 PM
im in! so is my g/f so thats 2 for me. we went last year (we brought in the extra blanket)
also if you need any help pm me for contact info. i'm local so it will be easy.

I'll be sending you a pm for contact info so I can harrass you for help to set up :3
And thanks again for all the help last time!!!! :3

Neko Eclair

this sounds great! i wish i could attend, but i'm wearing schoolgirl outfits with my friends! Maybe I could make a sailor lolita outfit (yes, it is a category of lolita. see for yourself at: in the style section)


Quote from: Neko Eclair on November 17, 2007, 05:07:29 PM
this sounds great! i wish i could attend, but i'm wearing schoolgirl outfits with my friends! Maybe I could make a sailor lolita outfit (yes, it is a category of lolita. see for yourself at: in the style section)

I hope that note was directed at the lolita newbies and not me...... -___-;;;

Touya no Miko

I'll be there again! Either dressed as a Gurololi or a maid lolita.
OMG! What the Fugnuggets is going on?!



I would like to attend! I have a maid lolita outfit that I'm making, and I might possibly bring cake.
She makes me feel like it's raining outside
And when the stars come I'm all torn up inside


Quote from: Gothik-Tenkasen on December 02, 2007, 08:20:03 AM
I would like to attend! I have a maid lolita outfit that I'm making, and I might possibly bring cake.
sounds like a plan then!
I'll add you to the list
