Started by LadyKaren, February 07, 2008, 06:08:22 PM

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Look what you just did to San Francisco!  :-[ *Is in ruins because of your wish*

I wish people would stop celebrating a certain holiday and instead recognize a certain American atrocity.
Also a Proud Fanime Con Attendee since 1998!
Yay, Haruko.

michiko nakano

granted.  Americans now substitute "we killed bin laden day" for Christmas.

I wish fanime would get here sooner!


Fanime 2011 is the last FanimeCon as the con will post record losses and will have to skip 2012

I wish I had backstage access with FLOW


Granted. You can hang out backstage - you'll just never actually meet the band or see the concert.

I wish I was good at sewing.


Granted. But everytime you run your hand through, you cut yourself multiple times.

I wish there were no such thing as Dinkleburgs.


Granted, but then there is the creation of something worse.

I wish I had a well-trained Quarter Horse.
O o
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Granted, but you cannot ride it, because it despises the sight of you and gallops away whenever it sees you.

I wish Rebecca Black was smarter.


Granted, but now her next (or first?) album will sell just as much as Michael Jackon's Thriller, pushing her to music immortality.

I wish I had the ability to upgrade all my old stuff at the low cost of $1/item.


You now have the ability to upgrade your stuff from Grade C to Grade B, for the cost of $1 per item.

I wish I had 100% control of my brain power.
Tyler R. - Fanime Staff
2009 & 2010 Rovers - Suits
2011 Rovers - Graveyard Base
2012 Rovers - Second & Head of Suits
2013 Con Ops - Assistant Trouble Shooter


Granted. However, you can only use that 100% brain power when a dedicated  nun rejects the Lord.

I wish my Anatomy & Physiology class was easier.


Granted, but now your GPA drops one whole point.

I wish my asthma would just go away permanently.
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Wish granted, but now you owe your health insurance ONE BILLION DOLLARS!

I wish I could summon a bus route whenever I wanted to.


Wish granted, but the bus has no gas in it, so you're gunna havta push it. BTW, it's a double-decker bus.

I wish i can teleport to any location i choose on the fly.
~Swap Meet staffer: '10, '11, '12, '14


But that power only works once. Now you're stuck at........

I wish for some chicken noodle soup.
Also a Proud Fanime Con Attendee since 1998!
Yay, Haruko.


Granted! You now have soup of unplucked chicken cut into noodles.

I wish I was in Regular Show so I can live with Muscle Man.


Granted! But muscle man is killed off.

I wish I didn't have to work anymore :)


granted, but you cant go to fanime because no one is willing to pay your way, and you eventually starve to death.

i wish i had them money to fix my truck.
Brevity is the soul of Wit.
Confusion is the soul of Runewitt.


Granted! But then someone steals it.

I wish it was time for fanime already.


Granted, but now everyone blames you for the removal of the fountains.

I wish the new building was open already so that Fanime could use it.


Granted! But fanime is now confined to just that building.

I wish my boss wasn't such a jerk.