How much do YOU spend on fanime??

Started by KawaiiAngel, February 18, 2008, 09:28:28 PM

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The thing that kills me is hotel rooms. D: I just can't pay for them all. I don't have any friends (;____;) and the ones that I do have and do come never can (or want to) share a room with me.

My first year I just didn't stay overnight. My second year, I shared with one friend, and I didn't end up making her pay for her half, even if she was a crazy psycho betch, (I hate her now), my third year I staffed and shared a staff room with other people and there was a bad experience with a masturbater, so needless to say, I'm not going to be doing that again, and my fourth year, which was last year, I spent on my own, and I have to say, it was depressing. I want to share rooms with friends, but all my friends are pretty much female and come with their families. ;___;

I spend the regular 50 bucks on a con badge unless I get out of it, and last year I took a train so that cost me a bunch too. I rarely buy anything from the Vendor's Hall anymore though. I've outgrown manga and anime. (At least un-free anime I can't watch online. >___>) I never really collected stuff. I decide to eat, and depending on where I go, it usually amounts to 50-75 bucks total of my entire trip. (Avoid buying food from the con.)

As the years passed on, I found that I was spending more and more money on something that had become less and less fun. I'm not sure if I want to go this year.


Dance Staff Second


I spend around $300 or $350 for food, stuff to buy at the dealers room, and hotel room.
You tame a dog with food, you tame a man with money, but you can never tame the wolf of Mibu (Miburo).


Quote from: Long on February 20, 2008, 11:31:19 PM
my third year I staffed and shared a staff room with other people and there was a bad experience with a masturbater, so needless to say, I'm not going to be doing that again,

0_0; ....I-I'm sorry to hear that

I have a feeling I would be scarred for life if I was you X[

Golden State Warrior

I spent no more than forty dollars. I just bought a T-shirt, a hand-drawn portrait of a girl, and booze. It depends on which type of anime fan you are. I'm a really casual anime fan, so it's not necessary for me to spend a lot of money on memorabilia. I just buy shirts and key chains.


Quote from: zemric on February 20, 2008, 10:53:57 PM
i spent almost 2k last year and went broke. i dont recomend that to anyone at all. but i think i will cut it down to 600-800 if i can get that together. woot for having b-day 2 weeks b4 the con. *dances*

So is mine! Mine's May 11th! What's yours?

Edit: And because I'm a mod and I should set a good example, I'm staying on topic...

I spend about $200. This year, I don't think I'll be spending any. I live about 5 blocks from the convention center.


my bday is the day before the con may 22 so fanime is my birthday present
WAHHHHHHHHH where is patty and hiyori when you need them the most

cosplays for 09
main:Eevee ginjika ?%
Sides:Mitsuru 15% lol i have the hair naturally



happy birthdayyy tooo ussss ~

(and yes I'm seriously serious)

Oh boy oh boy will I have to save up for the con...

XP I like hearing about past experiences that you guys had though, good foundations to learn from!


Honestly, I spend more money on food and snacks rather than anime merchandise. I don't plan to spend more than $100 total for the con, merchandise and food. If I can buy something normally everywhere, I necessarily don't need to buy it at Fanime (even with con discounts; the reg fees offset the sale), especially when there are anime stores everywhere.


There are very few decent anime stores around here, hell, most of the anime toy merchandise I own comes from the store I work at... So for me it's a good opportunity to buy things that I'd only otherwise be able to get online, and save on shipping costs. So I probably spend more than most people.

Mr Anime

This will be my first time at Fanime. But going on what I've spent at other cons in the past, I can easily say I will probably spend around $300-$600. Which does not include: my hotel room,. food, and the cost of gas for the drive there and back. My truck has a somewhat thristy V6 so...I'll just have to wait and see.
I'm the best at what I do. And what I do isn't very nice.


I spend around 60-100 bux??  I'm hoping to get some cool stuff at fanime.
FanimeCon E-gaming Room Staff
Kraken Con Staff

Cosplay: DDR Pad/Box, Brain Age, Andross (SNES), Formal Totoro, Master/Crazy Hand


My school's club pays for the rooms, though we still have to contribute $50 for registration. From there, my costume budget is usually $150, $100 for food, and at least $150 for DVD's. So, the ususal cost comes out to about $350.


are you my one and only pumpkin?

..still searching...


well in total here is what i spend prepairing for fanime
$500- making costumes
$500- for room
$300- for dealers room ( i know i spend alot there)
$100- for food
and transportation i just bummed a ride from my parents
Cosplay Fanime 09
White & Red Ninja- 100%
Tuxedo mask - Sailor moon - 100%
Ginji- GetBackers 100%
Captain Kuro - one piece 100%


Plane ticket: $300
Room for 3 nights, split between 4 (plus parking): $100
Food (with one nice dinner and alcohol): $150+
Dealers room: $100 or less

Total: $650-$700

Plus, I'm spending a few days in CA with friends before Fanime, so that's even more I need to save for food and stuff to do.


Cosplay: bloody fingers and $50

Miku Hair Cut:  $16.67 plus tip

Five Gas Stops:  $150

Five days & Four nights w/ SasuNaru Yaoi:  $87.20 and a nose bleed

Once a Year Fanime w/ Otaku and Glomps:  PRICELESS


What my daughter wants me to spend and what I want to spend are two totally unrelated numbers. I'm freaking out about the thought of her in a room full of goth loli stuff. I'll give her $20 and a swift kick in the butt.

I'm such a good mum.  ;D

However, I hope people will come to my booth and buy things, because that's sort of the point of going to the con for me. Although, being an anime geek, I'm sure I'll pick up some great items too.


Oh goodness, well lets break it down:
Hotel room: $280.68 according to my reservation email  Probably end up at $300 after parking fees.
Badge: $50
Driving there and back: $10 maybe?
Food: $75 maybe?  I usually over budget this to $100 just in case
Drink: $50-$100 What can I say I enjoy good stuff and I share with friends
Dealers room: I usually bring around $200-$300.  I rarely spend it all though.

So I have an $840 budget.

Plus I'm planning on buying a new camera.  So if you want to include that there's another $600


At most 1k. But I am hoping nothing over 500 including my cosplay.
"Friendly fire isn't"
'08 cosplay(s) All still debatable:
Chibi Maya/tenjho tenge
Ibuki/Street Fighter