What's your plan of action for Fanime.

Started by Mister_E, February 25, 2008, 08:48:14 PM

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Quote from: Mister_E on February 25, 2008, 10:00:11 PM
Oh dear more people are going to be at the Masquerade, I afraid that I might implode with stage firght...
Hey just some advice. No, its not the underwear thing.

Whenever I am on stage (back in High School and middle school I did a lot of plays/musicals/crew work ect) and I have to look out into the audience (like when I break the third wall... or is it called fourth- I forget) you can barely see them due to the blinding lights. However you can see their outlines, kinda.

Another thing is that it helps to focus on the very very very back corner or the back walls where there may not be anyone. Or the upper corner or walls. However given it is masquerade and there will be plenty of people there, myself included it may be hard to avoid seeing people.

Just focus on a point or 'blank' out your vision when you look out to the audience. It helped me out in the past. Hopefully it'll help you. btw don't say Macbeth in a theater and break a leg!

I just realized I hadn't posted my plans for fanime... Meh I'll do it on a later post.
"Friendly fire isn't"
'08 cosplay(s) All still debatable:
Chibi Maya/tenjho tenge
Ibuki/Street Fighter


Quote from: TaikoMoon on March 03, 2008, 01:35:57 AM
Quote from: Mister_E on February 25, 2008, 10:00:11 PM
Oh dear more people are going to be at the Masquerade, I afraid that I might implode with stage firght...
Hey just some advice. No, its not the underwear thing.

Whenever I am on stage (back in High School and middle school I did a lot of plays/musicals/crew work ect) and I have to look out into the audience (like when I break the third wall... or is it called fourth- I forget) you can barely see them due to the blinding lights. However you can see their outlines, kinda.

Another thing is that it helps to focus on the very very very back corner or the back walls where there may not be anyone. Or the upper corner or walls. However given it is masquerade and there will be plenty of people there, myself included it may be hard to avoid seeing people.

Just focus on a point or 'blank' out your vision when you look out to the audience. It helped me out in the past. Hopefully it'll help you. btw don't say Macbeth in a theater and break a leg!

I just realized I hadn't posted my plans for fanime... Meh I'll do it on a later post.

AWWW but I want to know NOOOOOWWWWW!!!!!

And thatnks for advice, I feel a lot better, I have never done this kind of thing in about 3-4 years and back then I was freakin' out!
A.K.A. "Mr. Zeon Flag" Laughing Man MK. VI: with Power Ranger Gloves, Mustache and Zeon Flag in hand is 100%


1. show up Thursday, unload car, set up booth
2. repeat if necessary
3. sell a ton of kimono
4. repeat ad nauseum
5. rest

Mister_E, I gotta say, I think your GITS cosplay is great.


Thursday pick up my pre reg badge.  Then hit up the swap meet and whatever else they have planned for us lucky pre-regers.  Drive back to Santa Cruz and sleep.

Friday Maybe pick up some friends from UCSC then drive to San Jose and check in to the hotel.  Then it's photoshoots until 5.  Then dinner with friends, musicfest, followed by late night shenanigans.

Saturday Wake up eat shower kill time until 1 then photoshoots again.  Dinner with friends again, musicfest again, and late night shenanigans again.

Sunday.  Lather, rinse repeat.  Except this time add in the Black and White ball.

Monday.  Check out of the hotel.  Hang out, go to random panels and the dealers room.  Hit up the closing ceremonies, then drive back to Santa Cruz and wish that it wasn't over.


Quote from: kimono_hime on March 04, 2008, 12:11:48 PM
1. show up Thursday, unload car, set up booth
2. repeat if necessary
3. sell a ton of kimono
4. repeat ad nauseum
5. rest

Mister_E, I gotta say, I think your GITS cosplay is great.

Thanks, the hat is going to be more like the show this year.
A.K.A. "Mr. Zeon Flag" Laughing Man MK. VI: with Power Ranger Gloves, Mustache and Zeon Flag in hand is 100%


whatever i do, i have to NOT just kill my weekend in E-gaming. that's all i did the past 3 years. gotta change that.


Oh and breathe Mister_E I forgot about that one. Breathing is good. Very good

Ok... here are my plans... I think

Thur: Fly in from Hawaii. Go home unload than go to the hotel
Fri: Figure out what I am doing for staff. Dealers room, help set up at artist alley, unload the stuffs to sell
Sat: See fri
Sun: See sat
Mon: ... check out, go home, and than work at the family restaurant for the rest of summer. Oh and start to wonder why I spent all that money at fanime.

Somewhere in there will be pannels, concert, masquerade, black and white ball, eating, sleeping, counting the mouths coming out of my wallet, and... yeah. That's all I can think of now.
"Friendly fire isn't"
'08 cosplay(s) All still debatable:
Chibi Maya/tenjho tenge
Ibuki/Street Fighter


"When The Snow Melts, What Does It Become?"
"It Becomes Water"
Bzz" Bzz, Wrong It Becomes Spring Silly"
"Spring Is My Favorite Season Of All"




Fly in Thursday and pre reg goods.
Un pack costumes and setltle in hotel
Hang with my roomates whom i haven't seen since November
Make plans for rest of the day
Might work out at night if hotel has a gym

Friday-sat-sunday and monday all depend on the schedule of such panles that are available. Make time to visit artist ally and see
all the unique items for sale. My favorite part of any con ^_^. Visit dealers area sometime for possible cds depending on pricing as well as one new dvd box set. Its tradition for me. Going to look into the swapmeet thing as well as amvs ^_^ and AN CAFE!!!! also the rave if its any good, and the B&W ball if i can get a dress in time.

sometime between slow periods and what not the gals and I want to see Beauty and the beast on Broadway since its not far away. Also if possible make a stop at the winchester house. Im staying till tuesday morning so. Also making time for a group birthday cosplay dinner bash. Since all of my roomies and I have our b-days between mid may  and way early july.

and of course the necessities of eating, sleeping , and bathing and beating stinky fanboys to soapy death with soap ona rope @_@. jk about the soap on the rope bit.

havok rt

Umm let see I have no plan short of: Go to masquerade, try and do some (horrible) karaoke, do a set of Anime stand up comedy, go to some panels, maybe go to a dance, play some games, act like an idiot while taking pictures of the whole thing. You know I'm planned out more this year than last.
Fanime Staff:2010 Social Gaming, 2012 Tabletop Gaming

Cosplay for 2012: Walking around with "The Most Interesting Man In the World" (aka the dos equis guy)


I be going HUNTING for mah trophy wall! *is cosplaying a Predator*

As of right now I don't know what days I will be there, hopefully for pre reg to get my stuff.


Quote from: Ari on March 12, 2008, 01:24:16 PM
Quote from: Mister_E on February 25, 2008, 08:48:14 PM

Friday: bathe then sleep.

Thank god somebody does.

Yeah  I do that too but I didn't think that anyone who care what I do personally in my own private  time >.>;
Another Player has Entered the Game

Sunara Ishi

Go to fanime; buy stuff; have fun; eventually go home.
"Doesn't break even when run over by a tank! The most durable ballpoint pen in world!"-Nebula


Lol I probably won't be sticking to much of this plan for Fanime but...

Friday: Be super-hyper during school and as soon as it hits 2:45 scream "FANIMEEEEEEEEE!!!!" and run out the door XD;; Be stuck in a car with a bunch of people for at least 5 hours and hopefully get to San Jose before 9 @_@

Saturday: Pick up my badge and whatnot, because I'm sure they won't let you pick up your badge at like, 9 PM .__. Then go do stuff. Then dance for as long as my legs can move :D

Sunday: AN CAFE CONCERT~~!!!!! And maybe the Black and White Ball

Monday: Hate that it's Monday and pack up, say my good byes and start the sad ride back home :(


Well, I see I'm not the only one who's been thinking about this. XD  I've been planning for a while (since I'm a rather organized freak), so I might as well jot my schedule down.

Friday: Leave at around 4:00 in the morning (after a sleepless night); arrive in San Jose, stop for lunch, and go to Safeway to get the food off of which I will live throughout the duration of the con; check in at the hotel; change into first costume and pick up my badge for the weekend; have fun surveying the establishment. XD

Saturday: Get up at whatever time, change into second costume; eat whatever; wander around with my friends and do various stuff (buy doujinshi, take pictures, etc.); have FUN.

Sunday: Repeat Saturday. XD  (Whatever events that look interesting I'll probably go to, but I usually just wander at Fanime and see what happens.)

Monday: Do my usual thing, because I am NOT leaving on Monday as with past years.  Not this year, baby! XD  After Fanime ends, go out for REAL food with  my friends, maybe see a movie; come back to the hotel, relax, and look over all the useless stuff I bought.

Tuesday: Wake up early, check out of the hotel, and go home.  THE END.

And there you have it. ;D  (Post is subject to change.  See store for details.  Accessories sold seperately, batteries not included.  No refunds.)
Fanime '16 Cosplay:
To be announced...!


Before fanime: finish finals.
Thursday: get my staff badge and make sure everything is going well in the arcade.
Friday: Set up the sign up sheets for e-gaming tournaments and raise hell in Tekken.
Saturday: Hold the E-gaming tournaments while in my "costume". Ransacking the dealer's room.
Sunday: Hold more E-gaming tournaments and run around the con doing some "public relations".
Somewhere on saturday and sunday is the AN cafe concert that I'll be dropping in the see.
Monday: *shrug*

Anti-Pocky Movement 201X


Thursday: Bleh, school and classes so no Fanime.
Friday: Pick up badge after school and attend swap meet. Maybe see if there's any good gatherings.
Saturday: Dealer's room, gatherings, gaming, and a lot of wandering around. Masquerade too.
Sunday: More dealer's room, gaming, etc. An Cafe.
Monday: Last minute stuff. End of con parade. Post up pictures and reorganize some stuff. Cry.


Friday: Wake up early, have everything in the car, get to San Jose before 12:30, check into hotel....then get ready for photoshoot at 1:30, do whatever afterwards, check out Death Note Gathering at 4:30 and take pictures, then do whatever again for the rest of the day.

Saturday: Get up early, back into cosplay for the Bleach Gathering, grab some lunch, meet Bleach people at park for lunch, watch some Bleach cosplay chess, then go play some Bleach Frizbee aaand then pose for photos during the gathering, then go do something before the masquerade.

Sunday: Early rise once again! and go eat breakfast buffet at theee grill, go play some Naruto Bingo and have some fun at the gathering, take pictures, watch some asian movies and anime series....buy loads of stuff at the dealer room and artist alley, might go see An Cafe, undecided on what else for rest of the day o_o


Saturday: Hopefully arrive really early in the morning and check in. Settle in, have breakfast/lunch. Get badges.

Saturday, Sunday, and Monday:
Make sure to try to go to every booth, every event, and take lots of pictures.
Masquerade and Ball.

Monday Afternoon: Go home and study. ^^