Trinity Blood gathering '08

Started by vasher, February 27, 2008, 07:11:57 AM

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But brother, I have such a nice view when I'm standing in the back.  Other Cain and I could make an Abel sandwich.  And the photographers adore me~~ <3 <3

Pfft, you guys think I have nothing more interesting to do with my spare time than harass my minions/sibings?  I'll have you know my schedule is quite full this week, thank you very much. ;)  Poor Dietrich getting harassed.  You can take one of my giant weapons to defend your virtue at Fanime. XD


oh, now I get it. It's to protect the photographers from Cain!
Well, in that case, we must protect the humans!!
However, I still don't want Cain behind me.....especially with that lance....
And being a sandwich between two Cains? You are so cruel, brother!

Sorry about the sunburn, Kitty! Did you get some aloe cream or something for it, that does help! (Good thing you are not a Methuselah.....teehee.)
I was fortunate with my costume, plus I had sunblock on. And with my build I don't get the drooly guys looking for 'fan service', not even at the Ren Faires, either. Another reason I guess I have 3 out of my 4 costumes as crossplays? LOL! (Wonder what my next one will be after I finish the Abel costume....hmm.....) And I guess that means Dietrich is prettier in a dress than Abel....alas!!  :D
My only real problem was some of the pics my friend got, I'm squinting from facing the sun...ugh. Hate that, but I've never been able to avoid doing that, especially if I have my contacts in.
And if that stalker shows up at Fanime, I think the whole group that you're with at the time should tell him "leave her alone" right after you tell him. I don't think you have to wait to tell him either, seeing as you've already warned him off two other times?


Don't worry if the stalkers at fanime he'll have a large group to contend with!!!

As for a CainAbelCain sandwich...There is ONE Cain and TWO Abels! So HA! You're out numbered!!!
Check out my fairly rescent DA account!
I wanna see my fanime friends on there!

Black Kawaii Kitty

Quote from: Nightroad on April 22, 2008, 04:31:33 PM
Don't worry if the stalkers at fanime he'll have a large group to contend with!!!

As for a CainAbelCain sandwich...There is ONE Cain and TWO Abels! So HA! You're out numbered!!!

Dietrich wants a slice of that action ^_~b I'll have to "control" the situation to fit my "delicate" tastes.


Quote from: Nightroad on April 22, 2008, 04:31:33 PM
Don't worry if the stalkers at fanime he'll have a large group to contend with!!!

As for a CainAbelCain sandwich...There is ONE Cain and TWO Abels! So HA! You're out numbered!!!

Oh fellow Abel....there may be 2 Cains....we will have to be on guard against the villainy of the Orden!
And Dietrich, too! Tsssk!
We'd be happy to offer you slices of bread with the tea!  ;)
Perhaps we could even have those little cucumber and watercress sandwiches....


I'll slice it any way you please, Dietrich. ;D  Isaak'll probably have a few preferences, regardless.

It'll be Abel apiece, then.  Maybe the other Cain and I can switch up when we get bored.


But brother!
You DO remember that other Abel and I are priests!!! Really! Maybe this is the way you Orden types conduct yourselves, but I think we should have Cardinal Sforza give you a proper talking to about your manners!


I thought we went over this brother love thing already!
Really! Please "switch us when your bored"! TT.TT We're that replaceable?
Check out my fairly rescent DA account!
I wanna see my fanime friends on there!


Yes, it just goes to show what Cain really thinks of us.


Now that CBF is over and it's the weekend...I've decided that I am quite sure I will turn down the offer for an Orden uniform, and instead, make that which embodies the AX bling!!
I hope your rose bush/tree/thing prop is coming along nicely, Cain. I'd like to suggest maybe a planter on wheels, with a pull string so you can wheel it along with you everywhere you go.

Black Kawaii Kitty

Quote from: kimu on April 25, 2008, 10:30:11 PM
Now that CBF is over and it's the weekend...I've decided that I am quite sure I will turn down the offer for an Orden uniform, and instead, make that which embodies the AX bling!!
I hope your rose bush/tree/thing prop is coming along nicely, Cain. I'd like to suggest maybe a planter on wheels, with a pull string so you can wheel it along with you everywhere you go.
;) more Cain prop....I'm starting to feel sorry for our other hotel inhabitants @_@ lol It'll all fit somehow XD Cain can always sleep in the closet while Isaak and myself take a bed =P


aaah, so Isaak and Dietrich share the bed, and Cain's in the closet shoved in amongst his props. That's just....soooo perfect!!!
We did provide a number of ideas some pages back about Cain and props and hotel rooms....perhaps some of those may still come true!

<imagery of Cain holding up a sign in the lobby: "will burn world for room!">

Looks like today will be a good day for dyeing the leather for the belts and boot spats! Yeah!!
(Yes, I am making the manga version of the 5-strap boot spats! Fun with leather work!)


Good luck with your costume work today! I bet it turns out REALLY cool!!!!! ;D
Check out my fairly rescent DA account!
I wanna see my fanime friends on there!


Closet?  Cain Knightlord is nowhere near a closeted being.  Besides, you and Isaak always leave these suspicious looking stains whenever I leave you two alone.  Such messy creatures.

Abel, for shame.  I'd burn the world for a lot less than that.  And good luck with your bondage pants. <3  I look forward to seeing them in a little less than a month (where has the time gone!).


Bondage pants?
Dear dear brother, where have you been all those 900 years? I realize that 100% fusing with your nanomachines rather messed you up, however....
Boots and pants are quite different things.

The leather straps for the boot spats (spats not chaps) and the twin belts have been dyed, and tomorrow I'll put the finish on it. Next week I'll have access to a friend's leather working tools to make getting those things done easier. (Same non-cosplaying friend that came up to CBF with me for the fun of it.)
I also redyed an old pair of brown jodphurs (short boots) because darned if the things are not out of fashion now and not to be found in shoe stores. Fortunately, I had a comfy pair to use!
The stuff is hanging up in my bathroom and the smell makes me think of all the horse tack I have....LOL!


Quote from: kimu on April 26, 2008, 11:12:24 PM
Bondage pants?
Dear dear brother, where have you been all those 900 years? I realize that 100% fusing with your nanomachines rather messed you up, however....
Boots and pants are quite different things.

Other Abel, could it be that Cains having dirty thoughts agian!?!
We must watch ourselves at Fanime!!! ;)
Check out my fairly rescent DA account!
I wanna see my fanime friends on there!


Yes, we must watch out each other. It's very clear the Orden doesn't have our best interests in mind.
We've already established a couple guidelines:
1) If Cain drops something, don't bend over to pick it up. Let Cain pick it up.
2) Don't let Cain stand or walk behind you, especially while carrying that lance.
3) If you see Cain looking sad and lonely in a hotel hallway, run the other way before he sees you--he'll be hoping to sleep in your room (because he got kicked out his)!
4) Watch out for Dietrich and Isaak so they don't try for a flank attack while you're keeping an eye on Cain. ;)

Now why is it so hard to find those plastic tea cups I know they used to make, and have seen at seminars with work. <sigh> Will keep looking at some different stores....


Worst comes to worst we'll just use regular cups!
As for the Orden...Maybe if we scuttle back to back they won't be able to harm us...
Check out my fairly rescent DA account!
I wanna see my fanime friends on there!


Yes! I think we must do that! Back to back on guard against the Orden!! (think it would be a funny photo op for our collection)

And we still have a little time and some stores I haven't been to yet to investigate.
At least we know they still make sugar cubes! And there should be tangerines or oranges or something, too! And desserts!!
Better start asking Cardinal Sforza for our travel expenses!

Now that I got home from iado (sword) class, time for a quick dinner and then I'll be pulling the final muslin apart and start cutting out the pieces for my AX uniform! yeaaaah! I got the sleeve and cuff section redone yesterday.


TANGERINES!?!  Wonderful sweet and delectable tangerines?!? TT_TT Oh how good that sounds!!! It will take some convincing tho'...

(*flash into dream mood*)
[me]*gets down on Knees*
[me] PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD CATERINA!!! Let me buy tangerines!!!
[Caterina] Remember the last time I gave you money?
[me] THAT WAS DIFFERENT! *tugs on her robes* *baby cute eyes* Just one or two?
* uses super charm power*
For me?
[Cat] *thinks, smiles*
[me] *hopeful*
[Cat] NO.

Wish me luck...TT_TT
Check out my fairly rescent DA account!
I wanna see my fanime friends on there!