Trinity Blood gathering '08

Started by vasher, February 27, 2008, 07:11:57 AM

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Well, we'll just have to make sure we've got tangerines, then!
As long as her Eminence doesn't have the Professor or someone spying on us.....

And darn for the lure of the Forbidden Kingdom. Having gone to see that, I have gotten very little done on my costume tonight.
<dramatic sigh>
I shall endeavor to work harder tomorrow night!!

And looking at my growing list of..."props" for Fanime. Hm, well, at least many of them are small, and my hotel room is all mine all mine!


I have missed so much. I feel bad D': I'm sorry guys.
Well, I have goodish news: I got my dress.
It's a bit hard to get into and out of...XDDD

I am soooo excited for Fanime now! The date is drawing ever so close to the day that Abel and myself get married. *swoons* Oh, I'm so excited! Abel, catch me!

Cosplays of 2010:
Sister Esther Blanchette - Trinity Blood
Rita Mordio - Tales of Vesperia
Roxas - Kingdom Hearts


Everyone this is my Ester....(username Ester-chan)

@Ester-chan: Iam glad you got your dress!!! You should model it for me!!!
Check out my fairly rescent DA account!
I wanna see my fanime friends on there!


And while Sister Esther has a dress....yeah!
I am busy working on my AX uniform.
Currently solving mitering corners with shiny silver satin trim.
Might say I am a bit behind schedule, but we'll see how the next few days go!


Yeah Iam a bit behind too...But Iam sure both of us will pull though!!! Good luck kimu!!!
Check out my fairly rescent DA account!
I wanna see my fanime friends on there!


Yes, we'd better pull through or the Orden will torture and mock us!!!
Oh...wait, they'll try to do that regardless of whether we finished or not.....
Both of us need to be finished for Fanime!
(We don't want to have her Eminence scolding us over a poor appearance, either.  ;) )

I can say I have succeeded in learning to make mitered corners with double bias trim, and it being trim that I have made!
Forward to finishing the sewing phase!!
(I hope I finish that in the next couple days, then must catch up over the weekend with armor, bling, and leather work phase.)


*pieces self back together*

Getting close to game time, oh fellow TB cosplayers. \o/  How're we all doing? <3  Not yet in the meltdown phase, I hope?  Myself, I've fixed up what needs supporting for armor and attachments and continue to plug away at the lance.

Ah, and just a reminder that we have a photoshoot at 4:00 with IamTetsuo by the fountains as well.  Let me update the first post...


Huh?!? photo shoot...? I feel like a movie star...*sparkle*
Check out my fairly rescent DA account!
I wanna see my fanime friends on there!

Black Kawaii Kitty

Quote from: Nightroad on May 09, 2008, 05:03:26 PM
Huh?!? photo shoot...? I feel like a movie star...*sparkle*

well gathering/photoshoot mix I guess you could call it =3 kind of like our DMC gathering, Tetsuo will most likely hang around and snap some shots while we have a lot of photographers around and then a little later we can choose some nice spots and do some more private photos of our choice =3 and of course getting in as many crack shots as possible <3

speaking of: My Lord, you should bring teh almighty whip...XD though I think I just dug my own grave... :-X


No whip please! That would sting...

Sorry I kept meaning to post this for the LONGEST time...

Ok the Rosen Kreuz Orden

*dramatic pause*

is based off a real organization the Christian Rosenkreutz(Christian Rosycross) The order of the "Rosy Cross" was allegedly first founded in 15th century Germany(Thus the strong German references in TB) The group origionally focus on the occult arts such as alchemy. The symbol of the rose and the cross represent the balance between darkness(the cross) and spiritual tranfermation(the rose)(Those of you who have read the manga know that roses are in there alot). The rose could also be a reference to the alchemical term "ros" which means dew in latin.

Now heres where it gets fun: The modern day RosenKreutzians have a museum in San Jose. Yep thats right, the Ax and Orden are meeting in the same city as a base for the orden.

Don't believe me? Just want to check it out? Heres the link.

I am dead serious. I went to the museum about once a month as a kid for about 2 or 3 years and know the whole place by heart.
Funny how the world works...
Check out my fairly rescent DA account!
I wanna see my fanime friends on there!


Fellow Abel:
That's...priceless....some great information you brought up. See how educational anime/manga and cosplay can be? Not only sewing techniques but history, too!

As for the photo shoot? Oooh, Cain, you ARE evil.
As evil as the fitted sleeves I have battled today on the cassock.
(I suppose it doesn't help all my other costumes so far have been kimono-based and this is my first time doing sleeves and princess seam stuff....)
So yes, I am not in what would be meltdown mode, as I will leave that to you brother. But edge of freaking a little, yes.
If I get the sewing work finished, I'll be a lot happier.

Back to the lining work, I promise I'll post some progress pics by tomorrow.

okay...I had to put it on this morning for getting the snap tape set up and the final hem length check, so here's where it is:

This is pre-edging with silver and it still needs the arm armor pieces, cording, and the few arrows.
Which I'll be working on that stuff after I get the cloak sewn.
Lots to do yet!!!


I'm going to be doing my Ion Fortuna cosplay, so I'm definitely looking forward to the gathering. His artbook version with the red has been driving me crazy, but it's going to be sooo worth it. Catch you guys there!
"Well, I'm already going to hell for kissing you so I may as well take the scenic route."

-Aaron Davis, Latter Days


Awesome that we shall all be crazy together!
Yeah for Ion!!

As for my part of the crazy, I'm working on the "collar of doom" for the cloak tonight.....

Thinking about Cain with a whip...really, I thought the Orden was putting a ban on Cain having any more props at Fanime?

Black Kawaii Kitty

Quote from: kimu on May 10, 2008, 10:50:03 PM
Awesome that we shall all be crazy together!
Yeah for Ion!!

As for my part of the crazy, I'm working on the "collar of doom" for the cloak tonight.....

Thinking about Cain with a whip...really, I thought the Orden was putting a ban on Cain having any more props at Fanime?

well it's small...and cute....and if I kiss up enough Cain will let me chase Isaak around with it? XD


YAY!!! An Ion!!!!! Another for our side! I can't wait to be crazy either!

Chasing people around with whips...PHOTO OP!!!!!!!!!!
Check out my fairly rescent DA account!
I wanna see my fanime friends on there!


Yay! We have an Ion! I'm totally excited about this! This is going to be amazing!
Abel: Have you gotten close to finishing your costume? D': I'll see you at school. I hope you enjoy your mini pistol!!!! :'D

Cosplays of 2010:
Sister Esther Blanchette - Trinity Blood
Rita Mordio - Tales of Vesperia
Roxas - Kingdom Hearts


Mmm, riding crop?  You have my full approval, Dietrich. <3 <3  I'll dig it out of my tack box.  Try not to hit Isaak too hard with it.

Ion! Another Methuselah to play with. ;)  *updates list*

Looking very nice, kimu.  Good luck with the mighty priest collar. XD

Black Kawaii Kitty

Quote from: vasher on May 12, 2008, 05:09:11 PM
Mmm, riding crop?  You have my full approval, Dietrich. <3 <3  I'll dig it out of my tack box.  Try not to hit Isaak too hard with it.

I told Isaak and this was his reply: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"


Quote from: Black Kawaii Kitty on May 12, 2008, 05:48:30 PM
Quote from: vasher on May 12, 2008, 05:09:11 PM
Mmm, riding crop?  You have my full approval, Dietrich. <3 <3  I'll dig it out of my tack box.  Try not to hit Isaak too hard with it.

I told Isaak and this was his reply: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"

My quote is the same...
Good luck on you collar other Abel! Now off to work on my outfit!
Check out my fairly rescent DA account!
I wanna see my fanime friends on there!


*crawls up to keyboard*
Got home from work...must get going on costume as soon as I eat dinner....must not fail to be done in time...collar of doom....aaaah!
(actually, I believe it has come out rather well, but I need to get the cape trimmed out in silver before I put it on and finish that off)

As for whips, brother Cain.....tssk! Really!
If it's a short one they'd let you bring into the room v your prop limit, what is it? A jumping bat?
Now if I were an evil sort, I'd bring one of my dressage whips. Fortunately my lunge whip is no longer in existence.
But I'm not an evil person, and this isn't a horse show. And whips are not props for any of my costumes.