Trinity Blood gathering '08

Started by vasher, February 27, 2008, 07:11:57 AM

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Esther-san! Reallly!!
We never ditch you, but there are responsibilities even you have. Like protecting Ion, too!!
:D's the Last Big Day.
I've got a lot done on my costume, but more to do!


Caterina...has a costume. YAY!!! She says "HI! ;)"
Check out my fairly rescent DA account!
I wanna see my fanime friends on there!


Yeah, our Eminence WILL be there!
Oh wait...does that mean more torment?
Glad to hear it!

I've still got some work to do tonight....


Game time!   ;D

I hope everybody has had success with their costumes.  Looking forward to seeing your collars/arrows/hats o' doom. \o/  Will try to watch out for you guys today - I'll be in a red velvet outfit with giant Soul Calibur-esque sword.  Cheers!

*mad pre-con scramble*


UGGG!!! I wish I could say "I'll see you today!" but I won't be there until 7 tommarrow mourning...
Check out my fairly rescent DA account!
I wanna see my fanime friends on there!


Hello if anyone sees this from the near-sleepless me.
This costume is going to be the death of me!
I have a few things to finish here before I can load up the car and hit the road north. I'm going to HAVE to do handsewing tonight and my armor is NOT stuff I'm happy with the surface of after 10+ coats of gesso and stuff....
Parts of my costume are great, parts are...temporary solutions. Have mercy on me...I seriously am still "this close" to dropping it....
But I'm thinking of the horrible feeling if I miss out on the fun....

Hope to see you "soon".


yikes, now that the meet is over I finally join the board haha. anyways, I was Tres. I had a blast, thanks everyone. I'm pretty new to cosplay and being in a group of people from the same anime/manga was awesome. I wish I could have stayed longer, but alas fanime goodness (and waiting friends) called.



Thanks for joining us! Your costume was great and it was fun to have you there!!!
Check out my fairly rescent DA account!
I wanna see my fanime friends on there!

Sister Kate

Hey everyone Sis Kate Here!!! ;D
Gosh I can't believe its over  :'( i'm still in my costume, i think i'm in denial. Watch me go to school like this
tee hee! Just wait till next year it is going to be awesome!
Just so you all know i had the time of my life this weekend And Kate LOVES you all!!!!
P.s. I must say I am glad that i don't have to deal with any more hair extensions. Boy were they a pain :P

Cain Sugar XD


I am home from Fanime and wanted to say while I was very disappointed to not have my Abel finished, I was amazed at how awesome all of you were to be around in person. Thank you! There are sooo many delightful memories.
And your Tres was great Lord Hawkbat!
And now to get some dinner, and download pics off the camera. I'm afraid I have a rather lot of them, and some of you...have a lot of praying for forgiveness to do! I shall pray for you as I load them on my photobucket account....
I look forward to future times when we meet again.


Post con depression, woes.  Anybody else tired and listless this day?

Lots of fun at the TB meetups, and I do sincerely apologize for my lateness.  There were... wardrobe issues from transit, along with some long running panels.

Look forward to confessing with you all at another con, because I have so much more to tell.  <3 <3

Now off to organize all my bling...


It was a fun gathering,
even though I beboped around because the GL gathering was around the same time and our friends iris and John were doing a really good kamina/yoko and i needed pics XD
I was the deitrich and my friend Sam was the esther,

feel free to add me on myspace,

Until next year comrades ^_^

Sister Kate

Once my dad gets home i will be able to sort through all of the lovely photos of our memorable picnic and share them! Hopefully there's a way to down load movies as well . . . hmmmmm
I must say Able and Cain make a cute cuple, too bad we didn't see vasher at the ball  :'(
Woot dad's home, soon i can upload the pic's!!
Cain Sugar XD


Oh dear Lord above...I've far too much too confess...
Man, such fun this weekend!!!
Next year we'll all have to meet up agian...
Oh! And I want pics! Post pics here! Or at least link them! ;D
Check out my fairly rescent DA account!
I wanna see my fanime friends on there!


... I do not approve of certain signatures here, but I won't lower myself to mention which ones.  ;P

Thank you ever so to Abel for assisting me with the sugar cubes, though I think I managed well enough by myself in the end. <3 <3

Uh-oh, movies?  Perhaps "prayer" isn't such a bad idea...


Quote from: vasher on May 26, 2008, 08:10:26 PM

Thank you ever so to Abel for assisting me with the sugar cubes, though I think I managed well enough by myself in the end. <3 <3

Oh don't worry, it was no trouble at all, we are brothers after all!
(the black mail thats going to kill us tho'...)
Check out my fairly rescent DA account!
I wanna see my fanime friends on there!


I miss you all already. D': I got home and had a shuffle of memories overcome my mind. It's really a downer that we all had to leave. Well, there is always next year.

Apparently, I too have much to confess about as well. ^^; tee hee~ I'm a rather scandalous nun, after all, aren't I? :'3 Especially that 'confession', eh Cain? XD Dear Lord that was great.

Now that Chi is gone, I have to clean my room all by my lonesome. D': I'm sure we'll have many a things to talk about during school, Abel and Sister Kate!

Oh! Remember the sugar cubes that Sister Kate dropped yesterday? :'3 Guess what was still there in powdery form? XD That was too good. Well. I'm off. Gotta go do some stuff for school. I wish you all a good evening and sweet dreams. :'3

Oh, and Cain: No half eating Methuselah tonight. Okay? Too much work for us. :'p
Cosplays of 2010:
Sister Esther Blanchette - Trinity Blood
Rita Mordio - Tales of Vesperia
Roxas - Kingdom Hearts


Quote from: Ester-chan on May 26, 2008, 08:31:06 PM
I miss you all already. D': I got home and had a shuffle of memories overcome my mind. It's really a downer that we all had to leave. Well, there is always next year.

Oh, and Cain: No half eating Methuselah tonight. Okay? Too much work for us. :'p

I miss you all too...

It was Dieterich the half ate someone not Cain!!!
Check out my fairly rescent DA account!
I wanna see my fanime friends on there!


Quote from: Nightroad on May 26, 2008, 08:34:12 PM
Quote from: Ester-chan on May 26, 2008, 08:31:06 PM
I miss you all already. D': I got home and had a shuffle of memories overcome my mind. It's really a downer that we all had to leave. Well, there is always next year.

Oh, and Cain: No half eating Methuselah tonight. Okay? Too much work for us. :'p

I miss you all too...

It was Dietrich the half ate someone not Cain!!!

So you're saying Dietrich cannot teach Cain to half eat someone? Is Father Nightroad implying that Cain is incapable to half eat someone, or learning how to for that matter?
Cosplays of 2010:
Sister Esther Blanchette - Trinity Blood
Rita Mordio - Tales of Vesperia
Roxas - Kingdom Hearts


Hey, who was taking Cain's confession? Hmmmmm? Me not you. And Cain said it was Dieterich's specil skil! Besides, Cain always finishes his meals...yum
Check out my fairly rescent DA account!
I wanna see my fanime friends on there!