Trinity Blood gathering '08

Started by vasher, February 27, 2008, 07:11:57 AM

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Yeah! A Radu!
I hope our Ion will be...uh...pleased.
And nice to see we Abels won't be the only picked on ones!! :)

Cain calling us decadent?
I believe there's a saying about pots and kettles, brother, that probably applies to Crusniks, too. Or certainly Nightroads, at any rate! At least we Abels don't need an Orden at our beck and call or prance about having others do our dirty work! Oh no! We humbly serve others, and we do the work ourselves...which admittedly does leave often leave us with shredded uniforms and falling on our visages or other things....(do we get hazard pay bonuses? hm....)
And your outfit is equal to our AX uniform in bling, and certainly out-spikes us!

You should try some tea with us, let your hair down for a while.
You might like it!

Black Kawaii Kitty

Quote from: kimu on March 12, 2008, 11:06:56 PM
Yeah! A Radu!
I hope our Ion will be...uh...pleased.
And nice to see we Abels won't be the only picked on ones!! :)

Cain calling us decadent?
I believe there's a saying about pots and kettles, brother, that probably applies to Crusniks, too. Or certainly Nightroads, at any rate! At least we Abels don't need an Orden at our beck and call or prance about having others do our dirty work! Oh no! We humbly serve others, and we do the work ourselves...which admittedly does leave often leave us with shredded uniforms and falling on our visages or other things....(do we get hazard pay bonuses? hm....)
And your outfit is equal to our AX uniform in bling, and certainly out-spikes us!

You should try some tea with us, let your hair down for a while.
You might like it!

I don't think Cain can properly sit down with everything on XD maybe if we turn the chair around so the back isn't hitting the wings? ^_^' I'm more worried about getting from point A to B since we'll have to move slow which means hoards of photographers @_@


Ah, we have a Flammenschwert to play with.  Hello, Radu. <3

Heheh, I just need to practice walking faster.  And blasting people out of the way.  Or maybe I can sneak out behind you and Isaak. XD  I think the lance would help, in any case.  Also, wearing heels helps with moving around in the armor...

But dirty work is so dirty!  It is so very hard to get bloodstains out of a white uniform, better to let those in black do it for you.  You wouldn't want to risk tripping over your own bling and possibly bungling up a very important mission, would you?

QuoteYou should try some tea with us, let your hair down for a while.
You might like it!

It takes long enough to put my hair up that I am reluctant to ever let it down.  :P  Those who only travel in Crusnik form part-time have it easy.


Quote from: vasher on March 13, 2008, 07:24:23 AM
Heheh, I just need to practice walking faster.  And blasting people out of the way.  Or maybe I can sneak out behind you and Isaak. XD  I think the lance would help, in any case.  Also, wearing heels helps with moving around in the armor...

But dirty work is so dirty!  It is so very hard to get bloodstains out of a white uniform, better to let those in black do it for you.  You wouldn't want to risk tripping over your own bling and possibly bungling up a very important mission, would you?

QuoteYou should try some tea with us, let your hair down for a while.
You might like it!

It takes long enough to put my hair up that I am reluctant to ever let it down.  :P  Those who only travel in Crusnik form part-time have it easy.

Tripping on your own bling?
Hm, well, whether it's bling or own two feet, if it's good enough for us Abels, it should be good enough for you, too! ;)
And Leon is always calling us 'bungling', and more! @_@ Probably lucky we don't have a Leon for our Fanime! ;b

In support of dear brother Cain, I believe the 'having a tea party' had variant possibilities such as blankets on the floor, or whatever worked best. It would still look appropriate to have Cain standing over his Orden. (I'd also imagine it hard for our superior Cardinal Sforza to be sitting easily either. :D ) We're a very creative bunch, we'll come up with something. (Especially for good photo ops, too!)
As for part-time Crusnik-ing? Yes, well some of us didn't go insane with activating and fusing to 100% of our nanomachines, did we? ;)


Quote from: kimu on March 12, 2008, 11:06:56 PM
Yeah! A Radu!
I hope our Ion will be...uh...pleased.
And nice to see we Abels won't be the only picked on ones!! :)

Cain calling us decadent?
I believe there's a saying about pots and kettles, brother, that probably applies to Crusniks, too. Or certainly Nightroads, at any rate! At least we Abels don't need an Orden at our beck and call or prance about having others do our dirty work! Oh no! We humbly serve others, and we do the work ourselves...which admittedly does leave often leave us with shredded uniforms and falling on our visages or other things....(do we get hazard pay bonuses? hm....)
And your outfit is equal to our AX uniform in bling, and certainly out-spikes us!

You should try some tea with us, let your hair down for a while.
You might like it!

but, do we have a Ion?


Quote from: squalo on March 13, 2008, 04:24:00 PM

but, do we have a Ion?

Hi Radu!!!!
We should have an Ion!!!! That is unless my friend chickens out!

Yeah Cain you can relax and have some tea with us!

As for being able to walk...Maybe you con follow behind me and Esther and pretend to be stalking us?
Check out my fairly rescent DA account!
I wanna see my fanime friends on there!


ah that would be wonderful then, by the way, what is that tea thing, you guys were talking about?


Quote from: squalo on March 13, 2008, 06:24:50 PM
ah that would be wonderful then, by the way, what is that tea thing, you guys were talking about?

We are planning a tea party during or slightly after the TB gathering.  Helps the Human/Methuselah/Crusnik/whatever-Isaak-is relations, you know.  And good photo ops!  Bring flowers and apparently lots of sugar. <3




I'm sure Cain would love you if you brought a rose or fifty, like a giant rose bush....
<I'm joking, of course! Bring whatever you want to add to the TB fun! Or anything that suits Radu.>

I really am going to bring a box of sugar cubes, however. :D
And thinking about seeing if I can find some of those plastic tea-coffee style cups (so we don't have to worry about real china getting busted up and for easier clean up). Plenty of time to pull that off before Fanime!

And other Abel--don't let your friend chicken out! It'd be awesome to have Ion!


Hehe, it certainly would be^^ I'm quiet looking forward into this year^^


OK I'll keep nagging my friend!!! At the very least they'll be there, sooooooo if they don't show as Ion you can nag 'em!!!

I also plan to bring a box of sugar cubes! (or 2 maybe 3...) <3 To keep my energy up ya'know? ;D (4?)

Quote from: squalo on March 13, 2008, 08:12:45 PM
Hehe, it certainly would be^^ I'm quiet looking forward into this year^^

I am too looking forward to May!!!!!! YAY!!!!!
Check out my fairly rescent DA account!
I wanna see my fanime friends on there!


Oh no! That just won't do! Your friend needs to show up as not just your friend, but as Ion for our TB gathering!  ;D
Tell your friend there would be 2 Abels to help protect Ion!
Protect Ion from the Gunslinger and Radu cosplayers! ;) So far we don't have Brother Petros to worry about...<whew!>
And then there would be Esther to be friends with!
Besides, "we" need more royalty in our mix! <using the 'royal we' here>

4 boxes of sugar cubes?
How'd you talk our superior into that much money for such things?
I'm hoping for some dessert money...or at least enough for a tangerine or two....<sigh>


Aw a Tangerine! What a would give for such a luxery!!!

Yeah I'll have to really get on my friends case because they''ve been talking of other cosplays...and I need them to do this one!!!

As for how I am getting the boxes of sugar...Lets just say Tres owes me a favor. ;)
Check out my fairly rescent DA account!
I wanna see my fanime friends on there!


Quote from: kimu on March 14, 2008, 08:01:14 AM
Oh no! That just won't do! Your friend needs to show up as not just your friend, but as Ion for our TB gathering!  ;D
Tell your friend there would be 2 Abels to help protect Ion!
Protect Ion from the Gunslinger and Radu cosplayers! ;) So far we don't have Brother Petros to worry about...<whew!>
And then there would be Esther to be friends with!
Besides, "we" need more royalty in our mix! <using the 'royal we' here>

4 boxes of sugar cubes?
How'd you talk our superior into that much money for such things?
I'm hoping for some dessert money...or at least enough for a tangerine or two....<sigh>

ohehe~can't wait to get hands on Ion dear~if your friend comes as Ion tell them that Radu will be waiting for them^^


I am sure that'll be a huge incentive!!! ;)
Check out my fairly rescent DA account!
I wanna see my fanime friends on there!


And think how disappointed her Eminence would be to not have a chance to meet with an emissary from the Empire!
Certainly Ion would want to join together with us against the Orden!

And there's nothing wrong with multiple costumes for Fanime, if your friend is thinking about other ones, too--your friend can do more costumes and we could still have our Ion! (We WANT Ion!) And some of us are changing at least 2 or 3 times in one day!


The more flowers the better.

Yes, multiple costume changes.  Not so bad if you have underlings at your beck and call. <3 <3

Impress upon Ion the huge human majority that will be present if he doesn't come to represent Methuselah!  Besides, I might need something to snack on if I get hungry...

Also, brothers, how are you doing your makeup?  I'm deciding between pasty yet still normal range or full-fledged vamp.


I'll be sure to tell my griend that! However I am going to leave out the part of making Ion a snack...Cain. You better behave yourself! ;)

I haven't really thought about make up...Abel has pretty normal colored flesh.
Check out my fairly rescent DA account!
I wanna see my fanime friends on there!

Black Kawaii Kitty

Quote from: vasher on March 15, 2008, 02:38:47 PM
The more flowers the better.

Yes, multiple costume changes.  Not so bad if you have underlings at your beck and call. <3 <3

Impress upon Ion the huge human majority that will be present if he doesn't come to represent Methuselah!  Besides, I might need something to snack on if I get hungry...

Also, brothers, how are you doing your makeup?  I'm deciding between pasty yet still normal range or full-fledged vamp.

The white make-up you wore at Yaoi-con looked good, and you could just keep it on for good old Sephy later too lol from one super evil white-haired character to the next  :D