Trinity Blood gathering '08

Started by vasher, February 27, 2008, 07:11:57 AM

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Yukari Kaiba

ack please don't go Krusniek on me, Ukitake/Abel taichou!

lol "wicked Tres" has a nice ring to it XD
-Gundam Tanaka (Super Dangan Ronpa 2)
-Tetra (Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker)
-Levi (Attack On Titan)
-Wanderer (Journey)


eeeergh. I have two "friends" (of the group who picked Abel for me) who want me to do a Crusnik/Kresnik (spelling choices out there!) version, part of their sooo amusing Reason being that if I mastered the costume, armor, leather, and bling, I needed to do something with wings next and gee, if the rest of the costume was already solved.... I told them if they actually make a cosplay costume and attend a convention, we'll talk. (Sort of like the hell freezing over thing there! ha!)
That said, you're safe for the moment on that.  :D
(And we haven't seen Ukitake's bankai yeeeet. grrr.)

So Tres supposedly is only a machine, not man. Not supposed to have emotions.
And yet...he can be very funny in a dry sort of way. In the manga vol 2 he doesn't tell Abel they've been put onto a couple side missions on their way back to Rome until after the fact. Sooo cruel!
There's also that whole bit with the sunglasses and him maybe hiding more serious emotions later on...? Hmm hmm hmm.
Anyway, Tres is a great character. We need Tres(s) for our gathering next year!!!

The Tres we had this year was great. Such a good look for the character!

Sister Kate

wow i'm gone for only a day and you guys fill up almost 2 pages*shakeshead* i have to go soon but i wanted to say YAY for kimu on the collar of doom, You Rock!! oh iand i love the pic you found.
Tres nice to hear from you
Nice to hear from you chi and Sunday is still open
Mirikan I love your tea pics (laughs non stop)
Ester i really hope you can comer over the weekend!
Nightrod what do you think of our Bio book?
And Kitty good luck with that costume:)
OK i must run (bike) to the hores now. Pip is in desperate need of lunging.
Cain Sugar XD



YAY!!! more pics! *bows* Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!!

Congrats on the collar of doom Kimu!!!

And Yukari its too much work to go Crusnik so don't worry about any of us bitting! lol
Check out my fairly rescent DA account!
I wanna see my fanime friends on there!

Sister Kate

Kya pictures!!
Hey if you want to bite something i can loan you my vampire Knight costume. Nightrod's brother's friend already thinks I'm a Vampire. WOOT! It would be great if one of our Able's could be in Crusnick form.
Cain Sugar XD


I think I speak for myself and Kimu when I say
No crusnik!!!
the hair...
the hair of
10 times worse then the collar of Doom!!!
Check out my fairly rescent DA account!
I wanna see my fanime friends on there!


Nightroad: LOL!
Actually....Mikarin did it!!!
She was awesome!
Did you see the Masquerade pics from the perfomance? Or a video? She had the hair of doom!

And I'm so happy to have that collar done. I just have those little ends to finish off....yeaaaaah.

As for IamTetsuo...yeah more pics to go see!

As for Vampire Knight, good series. (Not my personal fave, but I enjoy reading it!) I was very impressed with all the VK cosplayers this year, too.


Yep Mirarin is a scary awsome cosplayer!!! O.o Her costume makes my eyes bug outta my head!

Go Kimu!!! You can do it! Your soooooo close to finishing!!!

Check out my fairly rescent DA account!
I wanna see my fanime friends on there!


Dear lordy, I think they are gonna shut down the fanime website! D': Nuuu! We all need a website we can hold onto and chat in there. I have a deviantart account if anyone has one...>>

Message me if you want my e-mail. Perhaps we can all have a loop e-mail or something to that extent.

P.S.: That hair of doom was amazing! I soooo complimented her on that!
Cosplays of 2010:
Sister Esther Blanchette - Trinity Blood
Rita Mordio - Tales of Vesperia
Roxas - Kingdom Hearts


They can't close down the Fanime forums!!!!!!!!!!
Is this the end?!?
I can't imagine not having contact with you all...
I only have the geek version of myspace!( and then my email...
Check out my fairly rescent DA account!
I wanna see my fanime friends on there!


Yahoo Group type of thing?
We can make it private, invite everyone in the bunch?

At the very least, PM everyone your email address, and we at least have that, too.

Black Kawaii Kitty

Quote from: kimu on June 05, 2008, 09:30:43 PM
Yahoo Group type of thing?
We can make it private, invite everyone in the bunch?

At the very least, PM everyone your email address, and we at least have that, too.

Perhaps LJ? MSN? something? DX

Yukari Kaiba

wait what? whats this about the forums shutting down? D: but i just started talking with all of you ): yes i agree a LJ group or Yahoo group or some kind of group should be formed so we can all stay in touch (and ill probably need help when i actually start working on Tres ><).
-Gundam Tanaka (Super Dangan Ronpa 2)
-Tetra (Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker)
-Levi (Attack On Titan)
-Wanderer (Journey)


I finished viewing all the photos you posted IamTetsuo. You got some great photos in there! Catching the group with some fun facial expressions, I loved it!

As for the how to keep in touch....
I don't currently have any LJ/DJ things.
But I'm sure we'll have a good solution between us. I do know the yahoo groups are pretty easy to set up and maintain.
But I'm open to whatever will work best for everyone!

And yes, Yukari--I will and I'm sure others, too, be happy to help you with Tres. So you'll be part of whatever we set up, and anyone else that was part of the Fanime crew that wants to keep in touch with us sillies.

oh drat..I just heard the needle hit the just slides off the silver thread so easy....

okay...I posted 2 quick photos of the cape!

Still got more stuff to finish or refinish, but it's starting to come together!

Yukari Kaiba

the cape looks great! are you going to add on the arrows and armor next?
-Gundam Tanaka (Super Dangan Ronpa 2)
-Tetra (Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker)
-Levi (Attack On Titan)
-Wanderer (Journey)

Black Kawaii Kitty

 :o Kimu you gotta hook me up with some of that awesome silver trim when I get to the Black Widow <3 though that probably won't be until christmas break or so XD though I do like buying some materials early <3


The cape will be blinged out with arrows and armor.
But next I go to the cassock and finish sewing down the silver trim on that.
My "project management plan" is the sewing is all done by Saturday.
Then it's back to finishing up armor and bling.

As for the trim?
Easy, Kitty!
It's silver Monece satin (although I did get it at a Hancock fabric store when I was on vacation in AZ), it's not a thin fabric, so it will hold up better.
And then using a bias trim maker tool, in this case the 1" tool which gets you 1/2" trim. I went with 1/2" trim because the manga look is narrower than the anime for those edges. It was also then proportional for the arrows.
Now you'll have plenty of time to locate and obtain either the same stuff or something similar.

That's why I need to pick my next costume in a month or so so there's time to research and gather stuff. And then if I'm picking something challenging again, LOTS of time to get it done....and be done well before Fanime.


Awsome cape Kimu!!! It looks even better then when you showed it to me before!!! You'll have to post pics of you in it with all the bling!!!

Yahoo group would work for me!!!
Check out my fairly rescent DA account!
I wanna see my fanime friends on there!


So many new pages.  *boggle*  Thanks very much for the photos, Tetsuo. ^^  And you got the signs!

Capes are <3 <3, as is your trim, kimu.

Yahoo or any other group thing would be fine with me.

Yukari, do you think you'll bring Tres along for Yaoi-con? :)