What got you into Cosplay.

Started by Mister_E, February 29, 2008, 05:10:44 PM

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2nd grade, Japan week. Tonari No Totaro
My teacher was Japanese as well. I loved her.


My ex girlfriend convinced to Cosplay as Abdul from Gundam Wing at Fanime '02. I then got promptly forced out of the photo ops.

I've been trying to find a look that works, but no one ever stops me for a pic. I'm half-convinced to pack it in this year.


when i want to fanimecon 06 and seeing all the people that are cosplay. I got in to it.  :)
Is all about anime and fanime.


Going to Japan a couple of years back and getting to see all those pretty costumes at Harajuku...


Going to my first con [Fanime 2002].  The club officers from my HS anime club cosplayed as the FFX crew.  I've been planning on making my own cosplays ever since. 


I started cosplaying in the 5th grade. Which was about....5-6 years ago. I think It was because I wanted to actually BE the character, [I cosplayed as trunks from DBZ xD] and then I found out it was called cosplay. soooo...whoo.


Ever since I want to Fanime 2003 my first con, I saw alot of people dressing up as there favorite anime or video game character so that got me into cosplaying.
You tame a dog with food, you tame a man with money, but you can never tame the wolf of Mibu (Miburo).


I was attending an art magnet highschool taking costuming classes around the time I first watched Gundam Wing, and I wasn't fully aware of the whole hobby of cosplay, but making a costume (or 5 ^_^;; ) made sense.
I made a slew of costumes for that first convention (Akon...12 or 13 maybe? This had to be 2000 or 2001. I can't remember anymore) and a bunch of my friends and I went in costume and had the best time. Since that, any convention I've been to without a costume or two has sucked. It became a must do kind of thing, and I've been into it for about 7 or 8 years now. :D