I am

Started by deonchan, April 24, 2008, 03:13:48 PM

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I am posting this up for Somebody, but everyone can watch it too.

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.


Quote from: c2chaos on September 24, 2010, 10:25:46 AM
I am posting this up for Somebody, but everyone can watch it too.
I am calling the hi mom guy lol


Quote from: c2chaos on September 24, 2010, 10:25:46 AM
I am posting this up for Somebody, but everyone can watch it too.
I am astounded by this video, and laughing a ton!
"Hi Mom!" xDDD
Cosplay 2013
Friday night: RWBY (incomplete)
Saturday morning: Arrietty
Sunday afternoon: Ruby w/ Adam (RWBY, no scythe)
Monday: Arrietty


I am LOL'ing at that dating video


I am playing HALO Reach.

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.


I am anticipating the release of Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2


I am an uncle, starting today.

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.


Quote from: c2chaos on September 27, 2010, 08:13:30 PM
I am an uncle, starting today.

I am wondering when I take off my henna thing. =/


I am bored out of my head....oh wait! OK. I'm just moderately bored now... (-_-)

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.


I am watching Pokemon on Boomerang...something I do every day lol


I just made *the* perfect oatmeal... not too watery or too dry, a bit o salt, butter, and some sugar... ooohhhhh yeaaahhhhh
Know much about purgatory? It's the world we live in now, and Halloween is the day a damned soul in purgatory can be released into heaven, if he prays hard enough. Say your prayers. - Vincent Volaju


I am sick w/ allergies.. D:


I am tired of being hot... Let it be winter!


I am totally not supposed to be on the computer at this time....


I am glad the weather is starting to cool down


I am still too hot. I want cold, rainy and cloudy.


^ I am wishing the same.

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.


I am waiting for Winter.. because Fall weather blows.


I am converting my music files and they are halfway done...

In my left brain, there's nothing right & in my right brain, there's nothing left.


I Am excited about the Spirit of Japantown Fest!!!!!
Who is GOING?