Standby Only: Free Photoshoot from - 2008

Started by openhappy, May 04, 2008, 12:43:07 AM

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Latest Update:

We will meet in front of the fountains of the convention center near the main entrance. Let's say we will try to meet in front of the second sphere on the right hand side of the foutains. If you have not signup and would like to be in a photo shoot, please just stop by at any time slot. The photographer will be able to take you if he does finish early with the current person or someone just does not show up.  Full schedule and other info is at is happy to present free Fanime Cosplay Photoshoot 2008.
Recent photoshoots can be found under

Here is a few recent samples:

No form to sign! Watermarked pictures will be posted in and you can also have the original version for download if necessary.

Meet in front of the fountains of the convention center near the main entrance.  If you prefer somewhere else and it is within walking distance for me to make the next appointment, we can meet somewhere else. Please be on time.

Time Slot:
Friday, May 23, 2008
2:00pm to 2:30pm Dolls from Rozen Maiden
2:30pm to 3:00pm 1 from Casey
3:00pm to 3:30pm Street Fighter
3:30pm to 4:00pm Sakagami Kouya (Loveless)
4:00pm to 4:30pm Link (Ovi) and Link (JJ)
4:30pm to 5:00pm Wii-tan
5:00pm to 5:30pm Death Note
5:30pm to 6:00pm Friends of Death Note?
6:00pm to 6:30pm Demyx, Organization 13, Kingdom Hearts 2

Sat, May 24, 2008
5:30pm to 6:00pm  D-Gray Man
6:00pm to 6:30pm  Ven
6:30pm to 7:00pm  Plusle, Pichu & Meganium from Gijinka Pokemon
7:00pm to 7:30pm  Random Slot
7:30pm to 8:00pm  Random Slot

2-5 people have not confirm time slot yet.

Time slot:
Please PM me at [email protected]. The information I need is:
1. Your custome (character + series)
2. Your name and cell phone (so I can contact you on that day)
3. How many people you have?
4. Time slot you prefer
5. Link to your profile at, cosplaylab or anywhere else. If you have no profile, please send me a sample photo of your cosplay.
6. Any special preference I have to watch out.

- I usually just photo shoot cosplay events in Asia. So, it is going to be fun  :)
- Please think of some posting you would like to do. I will have some standard posting. But it is a lot more fun with your participation.
- Image what someone will look like after watching anime for 25 years .... (Anyway, I will post my recent photo later so you can id me).
- Just reply to this thread if you have any question.
- I will post the schedule in a week or so. Email me to reserve a spot now!


Do you take a group of people? Most of your samples are solo only.


Oh my god I would love the Firday spot at 5:00pm ^_^ I am free at that time.
Another Player has Entered the Game


Yes. I take groups as well. If your group is too big, multiple slots will be allocated to you. In fact, I have one group already. All the members can have his/her pictures taken. Then, combination of group picture will follow. Thx :)


death_note_matt, 5pm is yours. Just PM you, please reply :)


A few questions come in and ask what if I cannot find anyone to sign the release form (if I am under 18) ...

Well, if you really cannot find anyone to sign it, I can waive the release form for you. After that, we will go back to the normal public editorial rule. In other words, I will only post your picture on And I will take the pictures off if you want me to do so. Sound simple?

- Richard.


Another Player has Entered the Game


I created more time slots towards the end of the day :)


So many photoshoot offers, so little time...

I'll have to think on it.



It will be fun. The shoot is free and you get all the good pictures :)  Also, a normal shoot should only take about 15 min or so. Just PM me to pick a time. Thx!


Aww if you were doing photoshoots on other days, I'd be interested, but Friday will be hard for me.
2009 Costumes
Pita Ten ~ Shia
Rozen Maiden ~ Hina Ichigo
Gijinka Pokemon ~ Plusle
Salt5 ~ Abe Natsumi


Actually, I am thinking about opening some slots in late Sat say around 5:30pm or so. Will you be interested?


Heck, if she's not up for it saturday at 530...I AM!! lol


questionette, you are in for 5:30pm at Sat 5/24!

Please PM me at [email protected]. The information I need is:
1. Your custome (character + series)
2. Your name and cell phone (so I can contact you on that day)
3. How many people you have?
4. Time slot you prefer
5. Link to your profile at, cosplaylab or anywhere else. If you have no profile, please send me a sample photo of your cosplay.
6. Any special preference I have to watch out.


How many pictures do you plan to take per session, for a solo cosplay?


I actually don't really have a limit. I have 1 8G card and 2 2G cards. It really depends on the mood of the cosplayer. I can take as many as you want. Also, we can do some experimental shoots with different exposure / iso / shaking, etc. What is your expectation? 


Kimiko and californiacos,

Please PM me or reply to this post, so I can setup the time slot for you. Thx.


Oh, I'm your 3:00. XD. I was just wondering what to expect my first private photoshoot. Super excited. Hope you enjoy the American cosplay, it's quite good, if I may judge myself.


2009 Costumes
Pita Ten ~ Shia
Rozen Maiden ~ Hina Ichigo
Gijinka Pokemon ~ Plusle
Salt5 ~ Abe Natsumi


Some time slots are still available.

isaac, please PM me your time. Thx!