Conjoining two hotel rooms

Started by Shi_Musouka, May 05, 2008, 10:45:31 PM

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So this year, I'm planning to conjoin two of my hotel rooms together. My question is, how do I approach this request, since this will be my first year in doing so?(I have had mixed responses from this so yea, and apparently there's no option for it under special requests and that sort)

Do I basically call up the hotel in advance or make it when I arrive at the front desk?

If I am to call someone in advance with the request, would it generally be made to the hotel I am rooming in or to Fanime's CMR person(or whatever you want to call them)?

Also, what are the requirements for conjoining two rooms(other than the fact that they need to be in the same hotel, durr!)?

Thanks for any responses.


Call the hotel and tell them that you'd like conjoining rooms. I would also call the day before and remind them, and confirm when you check in. They may be able to accommodate you, but since all of the hotels are full for Fanime, there's a good chance that you won't get it. Your chances will be better if you call ahead and then double check the day before, but there's no guarantee. Also, make sure that if both rooms aren't under your name that you have all of the info for the other room.


Also, are you checking in on Thursday, Friday, or Saturday? The earlier you're checking in, the better the odds of them having two free conjoining rooms that correspond to your reservations.


Actually, I ended up contacting CMR to place the request(the hotel didn't have the info on file yet, but CMR did). Hopefully all goes well. Thanks. :D

(btw I'm checking in Friday)