First time animecon noob here, what to expect?

Started by Taka86, May 12, 2008, 02:23:34 PM

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Okay guys/gals.  this is my first time goin to an anime convention. I am not new to anime since I usually watch it from time to time when I can.  Ive heard lots of good and bad rumors but Im expecting the best outta this.  What great things can I expect from this convention? what should I look out for? How friendly are the people here?
I was asked to come with a friend and take pictures since its what I usually do.

sorry if I sound too noobish. Help a noob out!

I like pie


A lot of idiocy.

Many people think an anime convention is an excuse to act however they want. What little social graces they had are thrown out the window, and they will run around idiotically, screaming random Japanese that they don't understand, and the what not.

Avoid these people.

There are quite a bit of 'normal' people at conventions as well, so yeah.

There's lots to do according to what you feel like doing. Panels on lots of different subjects, video rooms to check out shows/movies you've never seen before or are interested in seeing again. A dealers hall, artists alley to buy shit, a game room to play games if you're winding down or bored. And a lot of people.

What to expect? A convention.

TC X0 Lt 0X

"Never beg. You earn. By Winning.
Or else you won't get anything..."

Pro-Pocky Movement


TC X0 Lt 0X

Quote from: PyronIkari on May 12, 2008, 02:55:45 PM
A lot of idiocy.

Many people think an anime convention is an excuse to act however they want. What little social graces they had are thrown out the window, and they will run around idiotically, screaming random Japanese that they don't understand, and the what not.

Avoid these people.

Can I watch these people for entertainment?

"Never beg. You earn. By Winning.
Or else you won't get anything..."

Pro-Pocky Movement



well it is really just a bunch of people interested in anime/manga/japanese stuff
coming together for fun you know.

just enjoy yourself be carefree and just have fun
just dont get into any trouble

"When The Snow Melts, What Does It Become?"
"It Becomes Water"
Bzz" Bzz, Wrong It Becomes Spring Silly"
"Spring Is My Favorite Season Of All"



People are generally pretty friendly... on occasion you might meet the jackass or jerk, but for the most part, con goers are pretty chill. If you really want, take lots of pictures... and I mean like, lots; as many as you possibly can. I don't know if you're like me, but I'm the type of person who regrets not taking enough pictures.

Expect expensive food (I'd suggest bringing your own if you can), people sleeping in the halls, interesting cosplays, and late night movie marathons. (:

There probably will be a schedule on the website in a few days, so try to look at that and read the information on certain events. If you have nothing to do, and seriously like, nothing at all, I'd suggest to volunteer and help out, but I doubt you'll have to resort to volunteering. There's always something going on, and you can always try to amuse yourself at the arcade. (:
Ellie S.
Head of Registration
FanimeCon - "By Fans, For Fans"
FanmeCon: Twitter | Facebook


Expect Fun, Lots and lots and lots of it
Expect little sleep
Quick meals

You won't want to leave

At the end of your First con, you'll wish it never ended

That's how I felt at mine at least

What do I do?
I make Wallpapers and Forum Sigs.  Avatars? Maybe, depends on what you want.  PM for more info.


Also expect a lot of cosplayers! (people dressed up as their favorite anime/manga/etc characters). If you are into contests, there is the karaoke contest, amv contest and masquerade [where cosplayers perform skits or just do walk-ons].  The dealers room is always a huge attraction. If you want to buy a bunch of stuff, that is where you will do it, so be sure to bring money ^^.

There are a lot of things to do, so be sure to look through the schedule when you pick up your badge. If you want to know if there will be anything specific just ask!

My first time at a con was one of the best times I ever had. I dove right in and was on staff my very first con and I met a lot of people that way that are good friends of mine now. (run on sentence!), so you can always volunteer if you wish to meet new people. But just wandering around the con asking cosplayers for pictures, viewing video rooms, etc is a great way to meet people :)

Just keep an open mind and enjoy yourself! Most people are generally nice, but there are always those select individuals who aren't. It's changed over the years, but I still have a great time and I'm one of the "older" ones with kids ^^ I'm bringing mine for the first time this year and I'm looking forward to it!
2009 Costumes
Pita Ten ~ Shia
Rozen Maiden ~ Hina Ichigo
Gijinka Pokemon ~ Plusle
Salt5 ~ Abe Natsumi


thanks for the positive feedback guys.  I was kinda gettin scared of gettin noob bashed on these forums for some reason.
As for takin plenty of pictures, I do more than eough of that because I do side jobs for business' and small companys.
I was hopin to get a press badge but I dont work for any specific anime magazine or company =(
I hope to meet lots of you guys there.  Im lookin more forward to this now.
I like pie



Can anyone list the special events?
Last year I missed the rock concert -_-;
SO there's B&W ball, Karoke contest, Masquerade ball...?



Ellie S.
Head of Registration
FanimeCon - "By Fans, For Fans"
FanmeCon: Twitter | Facebook


You will get touched by random people, not all of them attractive.
Director of Marketing
Staff Moderator - Fanime Forums.

Please PM me with any questions, comments, or concerns.



For the most part, have fun. but have a rough idea or plan at the same time.
Check out the venue (SJCC), and wear comfortable shoes you WILL walk... ALOT. there is ALOT to do mind you. Videos, Events, Panels, Cosplayers etc...

Trust your group of friends or make new ones. Just be careful, some get more attached or touchy than others so 'to each is own' kinda thing.

usual things like eat, drink, bathe and keep an eye on personal items.

Most people technically wander and absorb, grow the size of friends, ideas, anime knowledge and of course good times and good memories.

Just dont wear a "fanime noob" shirt or sign or something. That would be all bad.

Games, Friends & Fanime oh my! :D

Nick Zebra

Things to do and know,

-surround yourself with people you know you can spend a weekend with.

-Keep your wits about you, it's a fun time had by all, but by no means does that include a rule free weekend.

-Know when to say no, if there's things you don't wanna do, don't do it (typical peer pressure)

-Look for people like me, and others, just get to know those con go'ers that have some veterancy and are rather extroverted fun having individuals.

-Just have fun and don't sit back and let things happen, GET IN THERE! Mix things up, be involved, I can't tell you how boring it is to be a spectator and not a participant.


Quote from: hugmeimnerdy on May 13, 2008, 07:54:29 PM
Can anyone list the special events?
Last year I missed the rock concert -_-;
SO there's B&W ball, Karoke contest, Masquerade ball...?

Fanime's Extravaganzas Division includes MusicFest, Black & White Ball, the Cosplay Spectacular, and FaniMaid Cafe.

There is a Dance held at the J from Friday through Sunday nights. There are also some exciting things going on with Live Programming in addition to the really cool Panels.
HR Staff
FanimeCon 2014 - 2018

Director of Extravaganzas
FanimeCon 2008 - 2012

Hey you are my PINKY // never cheat on me // 赤い糸で縛って


thanks for the great info guys, sadly.....I might be goin alone =( since my friend might bail on me.....wich i hope not...
I like pie

Nick Zebra


Quote from: Nick Zebra on May 14, 2008, 07:01:27 PM
If he does, hang out with me! I got tons of people so far! go to,9533.0.html
whoa, a square like me being invited to hang out with the cool kids? Im all in XD
Im always up for a good and if anyone see's a cameraman with an expensive camera, smile and let me take a photo =D
All pictures I take will be posted on these forums and I will be there for Friday nite, All Day Saturday and Im leaving Sunday afternoon.
I like pie


Cameramen are welcomed at FanimeCon, especially around cosplayers. Be sure to check out the Cosplay Gatherings list (they'll have them at info booths around the floor).

Before you go, check the weather and bring lots and lots of water. Much like Disneyland, things are expensive; $3 bottles of water are common. Also, I don't recommend buying anything in the convention that you can buy outside for cheaper (i.e. a lot of the asian foods they sell at some Dealer's Hall booths. Ranch 99, anyone?)

Since you're new, take this chance to observe a lot of the happenings during convention time. Anime conventions are generally similar in content, so this can open up interests in other conventions around the country.

Always go with friends. Obviously, it's more fun to enjoy the con with people you know. You'll probably meet a lot of people and make lots of friends, so it'll be handy to have something to record email add's and what have you.

Since you're going all day on Saturday, be sure to check out the Masquerade Show. People line up quickly, so if you want to get good seats, you'd have to get there 2 or 3 hours before the show... (Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it's back at the Civic Auditorium this year? That's right across the street from the con center)
New sn = Meirin