Have you seen Gurren Lagann?

Started by JohnnyAR, May 22, 2008, 08:31:31 PM

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I watched and I loved it! I rate it N for Nifty! What do you guys think of it? well if you've seen it.


I've only seen a few early episodes, but 'tis made of win and Gainax goodness!

related stories on Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann:  http://giapet.net/tag/gurren-lagann/


You guys realize that this year's Fanime has over 15+ guests from Gainax involved in project Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, right?

Email me at [email protected] if you want to be a maid! Sign ups close in March! Hurry!


Quote from: Jun-Watarase on May 23, 2008, 09:27:19 AM
You guys realize that this year's Fanime has over 15+ guests from Gainax involved in project Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, right?


Quote from: Jun-Watarase on May 23, 2008, 09:27:19 AM
You guys realize that this year's Fanime has over 15+ guests from Gainax involved in project Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, right?

And a premier of the first episode from the upcoming US release too. Wonder how that is going to pan out. English dubs of good shows. Hmm.

Akito Starwind

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Gainax panels on Gurren Lagann were great. I especially like the explanation for why the core drill turns to the left, instead of to the right like car keys: because when you punch (with your right hand), you twist to the left. (Though it seems this explanation was made up on the spot.)


I already saw the whole series before Fanime started and let me tell you, it gets really ,really, really amazing later on. I heard there is going to be a movie for it already (not live action) it'll go up to episode 15.


Um yeah, it's only my third favorite anime ever ever in the world. I just wish there had been more merchandise in the dealers room. I actually couldn't find any Gurren Lagann stuff.....I probably just missed it but still they should have made it more obvious considering the guests.


Quote from: AnimeEmperor on May 27, 2008, 03:42:31 PM
Um yeah, it's only my third favorite anime ever ever in the world. I just wish there had been more merchandise in the dealers room. I actually couldn't find any Gurren Lagann stuff.....I probably just missed it but still they should have made it more obvious considering the guests.

There was a few items but you essentially had to ask for them specifically.

One of the "random stuff" booths had the Yoko body pillow covers and late Sunday the Bandai booth and another had a limited supply of the Revoltechs. I asked around and those were all I could find. No Boota plushie ftl.

Also, there was no showing of the english dub as apparently it's running behind in production.



I wanted to thank everybody who came for the premier episodes of Gurren Laggan 1-6. I was very happy of the response and would like to thank Mr. Toshi Yoshida and Bandai Entertainment for being gracious to show the episodes at Fanimecon. I kinda wished that we could have showed it in Video Main, but it worked out for the best to do it in the Gainax Room.

Honestly I think Gurren Laggan and Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei are the best series of the 00's. Hopefully Bandai Entertainment can get the license to SZS too!

TC X0 Lt 0X

I watched the first ep at fanime.

It was sick.


"Never beg. You earn. By Winning.
Or else you won't get anything..."

Pro-Pocky Movement



I saw this series a year ago.... ever since then I've been trying to drill to the heavens.


Quote from: JohnnyAR on May 27, 2008, 12:16:54 PM
I already saw the whole series before Fanime started and let me tell you, it gets really ,really, really amazing later on. I heard there is going to be a movie for it already (not live action) it'll go up to episode 15.
Yep, it'll be out in September in Japan. I also had already seen it before Fanime so I didn't go watch any of it there, but still an amazing show. I love Gainax.
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Gurren Lagann is all different kinds of epic win. <3

Saw it a few months ago and it's been in my top ten since then.
Fanime 2014: Mass Effect fem!Shep still incomplete. No cosplay this year.


which part of TTGL did u like better 1arc with kamina 2nd part with nia or space/timeskip
i really the the first parts of gurren lagann better


I feel good that I'm not the only person who enjoys the 1st arc ending better than the second.
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most of my frineds actually like the first arc better lol i like gurren lagann so much that i watched it more than 100 times lol i know hwat happens in each episode by heart


English dubs for are, well....

Meh, somewhat odd...


Quote from: JohnnyAR on November 11, 2008, 04:24:50 PM
English dubs for are, well....

Meh, somewhat odd...

yeah they are
i also cant believe spikes(cowboy bebop) voice is leerons