Spot Checks (Find Your Friends)

Started by Raedyn, May 26, 2008, 10:07:45 PM

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Quote from: questionette on May 27, 2008, 07:19:09 PM
Ohhh man okay

At the saturday night rave I was in a conga line and there was a guy that kept tapping my shoulders and yeah...and then when the people in front of me left the line he made me keep going as the front of it XD

Then when I got out of the line I was like "I LOVE YOU, MAN!" and he blew a kiss to me (this is all jokingly, ofcourse)

Buuut yeah and I was the crazy short girl in pigtails and short black dress and leggings


oh yeah and there was another guy that always wore a poofy black hat-ish thing to the were pretty cool too, hit me up

Wait, "poofy black hat-ish thing?" You sure it was black? Did it have glowsticks stuck through it at some points, especially a pink one?


I'm looking for people who were asked to sign a rubber chicken.

Cause I owned that rubber chicken.


I think my favorite cosplayers are the one's that I'm finding.  If you know any of the following people, could ya tell me so I could get in touch with 'em.  I was Hitsugaya in a Bleach group ranging from 2 to 8 people at any given time. 

Oh, here's me if you guys wanted to know. 

Don't wanna stretch the page so I'll put up links to pictures.


Sailor Scouts-

Wedding Sakura!-

Super Smash Brothers Group (Anyone in that group, because they were teh awesome.  Especially the Bag-

God of War (Another realistic cosplayer.  Not anime, but cool, nonetheless)-

Renji (Someone should know this Renji, as the person is on this site somewhere, or so I've heard)-

Dynasty Warriors Girl Trio maybe? (They were just nice)-

Halibel and Grimmjow (The Halibel was one of my friend's favorite Bleach Espada cosplayers)-

Sakura (from Naurto.  I don't know, I just like the cosplay)-

Ed (From Cowboy Bebop.  Also went to Wondercon.  One of the most in-character cosplayers ever.)-

Lenalee and Allen (I loved it.  Brilliant)-

Rukia and Kon (I know Kon is from around my area.  And I didn't realize how fitting the Rukia was for her character)-

Itachi and Kisame (I played Naruto with them in the gaming area with Ukitake)-

So anyone wanna help me find these people?  These are just a few people whose pictures I have uploaded, but anyone else that wants to talk can feel free to contact me. 

AIM: aznduck22
E-mail: [email protected]

Both these contacts are in my profile anyway, so it doesn't matter to me if I give it out.  Say hi ^.^



Quote from: Kaura117 on May 30, 2008, 06:19:22 PM
Quote from: questionette on May 27, 2008, 07:19:09 PM
Ohhh man okay

At the saturday night rave I was in a conga line and there was a guy that kept tapping my shoulders and yeah...and then when the people in front of me left the line he made me keep going as the front of it XD

Then when I got out of the line I was like "I LOVE YOU, MAN!" and he blew a kiss to me (this is all jokingly, ofcourse)

Buuut yeah and I was the crazy short girl in pigtails and short black dress and leggings


oh yeah and there was another guy that always wore a poofy black hat-ish thing to the were pretty cool too, hit me up

Wait, "poofy black hat-ish thing?" You sure it was black? Did it have glowsticks stuck through it at some points, especially a pink one?

It looked almost like a Rastafarian hat, mixed with a mushroom loveless (Kingdom Hearts) cosplay hat.

Oh yeah, one more person, the guy in the hotel room near mine


hey im looking for a  girl luffy cosplayer  who sat with at the tables  i dun have her pic but the next day she was cosplaying someone from hitman reborn if ur on here  pm meh u were teh awesome i was the girl in the yukata/maid outfit!!!
@Digitalberii <--Twitter


well, still nothing so far. man, i figured the girl would at least have some friends that would see this. i guess ill post what little details i still remember about the girl before they start to leave my memory. lets see, red dress, short black hair, almost 6 foot tall or thereabouts, i think she had brown eyes but im not entirely sure since i didnt pay much attention at the time, at first i thought she was an ada wong cosplayer but on second thought she might have just been wearing a red dress.

lets see what else...when i saw her the next day on the second floor of the hilton, which is where she was probably staying since thats the only place i saw her besides the rave, she had on a black, possibly really dark grey sweater, maybe a turtleneck. i think she was wearing pants, but all im really sure of was it was all black, including her shoes. seemed like she had sort of a low key style, probably a private or very shy person. i know she was sitting down in a chair for a while at the rave and i dont remember seeing her dancing at all, almost like she was thinking or something. seemed to me to be the kind to really blend into the crowd and not stand out much. nice face but i cant really describe that very much besides asian. skinny girl, maybe a little athletic looking, looked fairly graceful, almost like a model really. which is part of the reason why i find it hard to believe no one noticed this girl. i know she was keeping pretty low key but i figured SOMEONE would have noticed a girl like that

thats about it. the last thing i can really remember was i think some girl in gothic lolita or maybe some kind of punk outfit with some kind of string or ribbon or something in her hair sitting on her lap for a minute and going off to do something else at the rave. i think whatever it was she was wearing was mainly pink. and i think the girl in red was doing something on her phone at some point and the rest of the time she looked kinda like she was waiting for someone to ask her to dance or was just bored. and thats about as much as i can remember. actually surprised i remember that much. reminding anybody of anyone now?


I'm still not sure who this is.  Nice dress though, and I've seen her at the past Cherry Blossom Festivals and Fanime 2007

So anyone wanna help me find these people?  These are just a few people whose pictures I have uploaded, but anyone else that wants to talk can feel free to contact me. 

AIM: aznduck22
E-mail: [email protected]

Both these contacts are in my profile anyway, so it doesn't matter to me if I give it out.  Say hi ^.^


That's my friend Lain as Wedding Dress Sakura from Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles.
My own Cosplay Photography Page:
AnimeCraft Entertainment LLC


Quote from: RyuHayabusa on June 01, 2008, 01:53:55 AM

I'm still not sure who this is.  Nice dress though, and I've seen her at the past Cherry Blossom Festivals and Fanime 2007

So anyone wanna help me find these people?  These are just a few people whose pictures I have uploaded, but anyone else that wants to talk can feel free to contact me. 

AIM: aznduck22
E-mail: [email protected]

Both these contacts are in my profile anyway, so it doesn't matter to me if I give it out.  Say hi ^.^

That's my friend Lain as Wedding Dress Sakura from Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles. [/quote]

Ohhhh, okay I was wondering what she was dressed as.  It really was a nice dress though.  Thanks for telling me.  One down.  And would this happen to be you?


Quote from: DivineChaos on June 01, 2008, 02:05:43 AM
Ohhhh, okay I was wondering what she was dressed as.  It really was a nice dress though.  Thanks for telling me.  One down.  And would this happen to be you?

Ewww, I am so not photogenic.  Nope, that's me.  I was dressing up from my friend's webcomic Slightly Damned.

Lain's also a good friend of mine.  I did a pseudo photoshoot of her that you can find on my website.

We were just goofing off though, so most of the pictures are pretty bad.
»Jrock Con »LJ »MySpace »Website


Haha, I had been wondering who ya were cosplaying as.  And now I know.  Oh, and it's probably just my camera skills.  I really need to get a new one.  I'll talk to ya when I get the chance though.


Fanime was pretty awesome~! I'm uber shy so I don't usually talk to a lot of people, but for some reason I did at this con. XD Luckily I remembered to get contact info from a few people, but there's a couple others I haven't found yet.

First, I'm looking for a Sweeney Todd cosplayer. You spotted me and my friend in the elevator when we were cosplaying Tsuna and Gokudera from Hitman Reborn and followed us up to our floor where you asked for yaoi poses. XDDD I just wanted to tell you how awesome you were and ask if the photos turned out okay!

Next, I'm looking for the little Death Note Matt cosplayer who was often hanging around outside (here's a photo: pic). I saw and chatted with you a bit when I was cosplaying Ritsuka, and then found you later when I changed into my Mello cosplay. I followed you and your L for a bit and asked if you were going to the Black & White Ball. You were absolutely precious and I'd love to chat with ya in the future, or maybe hang out for a bit at next Fanime! n-n

Hmm, that's all I can remember for now. I'll come back if I remember anyone else!


well i guess im only looking for one person really. Well her name is Hilary (so lame for me if thats wrong) and she cosplayed as Misa Amane from Death Note. I danced with you a couple times through at the Black and White Ball dance. Then found you the following day with a group of others. We took a picture.  It sorta looked like this: . (im the one on the left lol)
BUt sometimes i look different like this :
Might have seen me with some ancestors
or perhaps getting ice cream with the greatest cosplayer ever :

But yea ya know. if your out there message or anything of the such. It would be a shame to forget a person who was so fun to dance with.


Anyone remember me. I talked to random people but I don't think I got names (I suck at name sadly =_=) I was the random big black Jiraiya either walkin around or in the game room getting my ass kicked in Brawl. XD

Here if this helps
Tsunade! Where are you?!! I promise I don't bite.

Fanime 2010 Costume:
King Dedede


I am looking for a lady named Ki, or Kee.  She and I danced together at the Black and White Ball.
I forgot to ask her number or an email.


Once more...

Refer to this post for information/pictures/etc about my missed spot check.

Rinoa Heartilly (Ballroom Attire) (Final Fantasy VIII). 95%

Rinoa Heartilly (Hand-Knit) (Final Fantasy VIII).  90%

Karla (Fire Emblem: Rekka no Ken).  20%


Lol i'm looking for a girl in cosplay who sat next to me during the armor making panel. We were making fun of the guy sitting across the isle because he didn't want to sit next to us.

I don't know what she was cosplaying as but she was wearing black and had a blonde wig on with like these little dangly things clipped in.

Not too descriptive i know


Whenever I press 'PM' I get one of those page cannot be displayed pages, I think it's my internet.... so I'm posting responses on this thread instead.

questionette: I think the guy with the poofy hat you mention is my friend. Tall and black hat, yes? Ended up only bringing it down on Friday night if I remember correctly... Oh, and the hat was passed around our group a lot [I was the girl in the shorts & navy cami that night] so you might be talking about more than one person. xD (Although I doubt he'd want me giving out his personal info. ]: Sorry...)

KamijoIsLove: My friend fits the black guy description you gave, I can give you his MySpace?

(I kinda feel like a stalker now. x___x; Or like a reverse stalker, haha~)
ℓα ℓαℓ αℓα~
ccs sakura [9O%]
hatsune miku [9O%]
secret! [9O%]
2O1O? ideas pending ~
私は愛する~사랑해 × loveyou ♡
synesthesia C:


Quote from: Yunri-Chan on June 04, 2008, 04:16:08 PM
Whenever I press 'PM' I get one of those page cannot be displayed pages, I think it's my internet.... so I'm posting responses on this thread instead.

questionette: I think the guy with the poofy hat you mention is my friend. Tall and black hat, yes? Ended up only bringing it down on Friday night if I remember correctly... Oh, and the hat was passed around our group a lot [I was the girl in the shorts & navy cami that night] so you might be talking about more than one person. xD (Although I doubt he'd want me giving out his personal info. ]: Sorry...)

KamijoIsLove: My friend fits the black guy description you gave, I can give you his MySpace?

(I kinda feel like a stalker now. x___x; Or like a reverse stalker, haha~)

From what I remember he was with one other guy
He was dressed in what looked to be an ouran host club outfit (powdered blue suit), highlighted blonde spikey hair and elf ears...


Oh okay, nvm then; the guy I'm talking about was wearing all black I think. He was in the dance circles a lot. :P Sorry & g'luck!
ℓα ℓαℓ αℓα~
ccs sakura [9O%]
hatsune miku [9O%]
secret! [9O%]
2O1O? ideas pending ~
私は愛する~사랑해 × loveyou ♡
synesthesia C: